C ++ knowledge point

zhaozj2021-02-17  74

C knowledge point

I. Difference between # include "filename.h" and #include

#include "filename.h" means that the compiler will start looking for this file from the current working directory.

#include means that the compiler will start looking for this file from the standard library directory.

Second, the role of header file

Strengthen safety testing

The library function can be easily invoked by the header file without having to care about its implementation.

Third, *, & modifier position

For * and & modifiers, in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is best to make the modified variable name.

Fourth, IF statement

Do not compare the Boolean variables with any value, it will be easier to make mistakes.

Plastic variables must be compared with the same value

The floating point variable is preferably less than point, even if it is more than worth

Pointer variables are compared to NULL, do not compare with Boolean and plastic surgery

5. Comparison of consts #define

Const has data type, # define no data type

CONST can be debugged in individual compilers, # define can not debug

There are two ways to define constants in the class.

1. In the category constant, but does not assign the value, the value is assigned in the constructor initialization table;

2. Use enumeration instead of CONST constants.

Six, the way to pass the value in the C function

There are three ways: Pass by value, PASS BY POINTER, PASS BY REFERENCE

Void Fun (Char C) // Pass by Value

Void Fun (Char * Str) // Pass by Pointer

Void Fun (Char & Str) // Pass by Reference

If the input parameter is passed in value, it is best to use the reference transfer instead, because reference to pass the provision and sector of the temporary object

The type of function cannot be omitted, even if there is no Void,

7. The pointer or reference constant in the function body cannot be returned.

Char * func (void)


Char str [] = "Hello Word";

// This is not returned because the STR is a specified variable, not a general value, and will be canceled after the function is over.

Return Str;


The pointer variable in the function does not release as the function's demise

Eight, a memory copy function implementation

Void * Memcpy (void * pvto, const void * pvfrom, size_t size)


Assert ((PVTO! = null) && (pvfrom! = null);

BYTE * PBTO = (Byte *) PVTO; / / Prevent address changes

BYTE * PBFROM = (byte *) pvfrom;

While (size -> 0)


Return PVTO;


Nine, memory distribution

There are three ways to allocate, please remember, if you say that you will ask you this issue when you go to interview.

1. Static storage area, is allocated in the program compile, existed throughout the run, such as global variables, constants.

2, allocation on the stack, local variables in the function are allocated from this, but the allocated memory is limited.

3, allocation on the pile, also known as dynamic allocation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Ten, memory allocation precautions

When allocating memory with new or malloc, you must assign the initial value.

After release memory with delete or free, you must point the pointer to null

Cannot modify pointer data to constant

XI, content replication and comparison

// array ... char a [] = "Hello Word!";

Char B [10];


IF (strcmp (a, b) == 0)



Char a [] = "Hello Word!";

Char * p;

P = new char [strlen (a) 1];


IF (strCMP (p, a) == 0)


Twelve, sizeof problem

Remember, C can't know the size of the object referring to the pointer, the size of the pointer is always 4 bytes

Char a [] = "Hello World!"

Char * p = a;

Count << SizeOf (a) << end; // 12 bytes

Count << sizeof (p) << endl; // 4 bytes

Moreover, in the function, the array parameter is degraded into a pointer, so the following content will always be 4

Void Fun (Char A [1000])


Count << sizeof (a) << Endl; // Output 4 instead of 1000


Thirteen, about pointer

1. Must be initialized when the pointer is created.

2, the pointer must be NULL after Free or Delete

3, the length of the pointer is 4 bytes

4. When the memory is released, if it is an array pointer, you must release all memory, such as

Char * p = new char [100];

STRCPY (P, "Hello World");

Delete [] p; // Watch the front []

p = null;

5, the content of the array pointer cannot exceed the maximum of array pointers.

Such as:

Char * p = new char [5];

STRCPY (P, "Hello World"); // Report error objective is easy enough

Delete [] p; // Watch the front []

p = null;

Fourteen, About Malloc / Free and New / Delete

l Malloc / free is a C / C memory allocation, New / Delete is a C memory allocation.

l Note: Malloc / free is a library function, and new / delete is an operator.

l Malloc / free cannot perform constructor and destructor, and new / delete can

l New / delete can't run on C, so Malloc / Free cannot be eliminated

l must be used in both

The _SET_NEW_HANDER function can be used to define the processing of abnormal memory allocation in the L C .

Features of fifteen, C

C adds overload, inline, const, and Virtual four mechanisms

Overload and inline: can be used for global functions, and can also be used for classes;

Const and Virtual: Only available members of class;

Overload: In the same class, the function name is the same. The function is called by different parameters. The function may not be Virtual keyword. The function of the same name with the full bureau is not called overload. If the global function of the same name is called in the class, you must use the global reference symbol :: reference.

Overlay is a basic class function for derived class functions

The same function name;

The same parameter;

The base class function must have a Virtual keyword;

Different range (derived class and base class).

Hide is the same name function that is the same as the base class. The function name is the same, but the parameters are different, and the base class function will be hidden regardless of the base class without the Virtual keyword.

2, the function name is the same, the parameters are the same, but the base class has no Virtual keyword (which is overwriting), the base class function will be hidden.

Inline: The inline keyword must be placed with the definition, not in the statement.

Const: const is Constant's abbreviation, "constant" means. Things that are modified by const are mandatory, prevent accidents, can improve the robustness of the program.

1. Parameter Do the pointer type parameters used, plus const can prevent accidental changes.

2. When the user type referenced by the value is used to input parameters, it is best to pass the value transfer to reference to the reference, and add the const keyword, the purpose is to improve efficiency. There is no need to do this for internal types; such as:

Change Void Func (A a) to Void Func (Const A & A).

Void func (int A) is not necessary to change to Void Func (Const Int & A);

3. Plus const on the return value is a function of the pointer type, which makes the function return value cannot be modified, and the variable assigned can only be a Const type variable. Such as: function const char * getString (void); char * str = getString () will be wrong. Const char * str = getString () will be correct.

4. Const member functions refer to this function that can only call Const member variables in this function to improve the keyness of the program. If the function int getcount (void) const; this function can only call the Const member variable.

Virtual: virtual function: Detective class can overwrite functions, pure virtual functions: just an empty function, no function implementation;

What is the role of EXTERN "C"?

EXTERN "C" is a connection to which the C provides a specified symbol for telling C code is a C function. This is because the function name in the C compile library will become very long, inconsistent with C, causing C not directly call C functions, plus Extren "C", C can directly call C functions.

Extern "C" mainly uses references and exports of regular DLL functions and use when C contains C functions or C header files. Plus the Extern "C" keyword in front of use.

Seventest, constructor and destructor

The constructor of the derived class should call the constructor of the base class in the initialization table;

The destructor of the derived class and the base class should be plus the Virtual keyword.

Don't look at the constructor and the destructor, it is still not easy.


Class Base



Virtual ~ base () {cout << "~ base" << endl;}


Class Derived: Public Base



Virtual ~ derived () {cout << "~ derived" << endl;}


Void main (void)


Base * pb = new deerived; // upcast

Delete PB;


The output is:

~ Derived

~ Base

If the destructor is not empty, then the output result is ~ base

Eighteen, # ifndef / # define / # ENDIF does what role

Inspector this header file is repeatedly referenced


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