Application of Global.asa in ASP (2)

zhaozj2021-02-17  72

Function is an Ini file in the publishing directory

If FlgSection = True IF MID (StrlineData, 1, 7) = "Service" Then Strtempdata = TRIM (MID (StrlineData, 8, Len (Strlinedata)) IF MID (Strtempdata, 1, 1) = "=" THENSTEMPDATA = TRIM (MID (Strtempdata, 2, Len (Strtempdata) -1)) Application.lock Application ("Service") = MID (Strtempdata, 2, Len (strTempdata) -2) Application.unlock End if End ififf MID (StrlineData, 1, 4) = "User" Then Strtempdata = TRIM (MID (StrlineData, 5, Len (Strlinedata))) ing MID (Strtempdata, 1, 1) = "=" THEN STRTEMPDATA = TRIM (MID (strTempData, 2, Len (strTempData) -1)) Application.Lock Application ( "User") = Mid (strTempData, 2, Len (strTempData) -2) Application.UnLock End IfEnd IfEnd IfEnd IfWendobjTs.CloseSet objTs = NothingSet objFs = Nothingend Sub


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