Some sharing software earned a million dollars, why are you not? (on)

zhaozj2021-02-17  79

Some sharing software earned a million dollars, why are you not? (on)

Translation: Dreamgoal Original: Steve Pavlin

As a few months ago, I decided to conduct an informal long-term study on the shared software industry. The question I first proposed is: Why is some shared software authors succeed more than others? I examined dozens of shared software companies, including ASP members and non-ASP members, their sales from hundreds of dollars to more than $ 1 million a year. The summary of this article is definitely the best in what I have experienced.

Most people in us like to work on their own strength, including myself. If you are a genius programmer, you may use a lot of time to improve your programming technology. Some shared software authors initially think that they are programmers, and feel that this is correct. Unfortunately, I found this idea to limit your success than anything else. After a short period of starting, the programming level has become a quite unimportant factor for the operation of a successful sharing software.

There is a saying: "In each area, there are only a few of the important elements." If you have the elements you have, you will succeed. I think there are seven important elements for shared software industry, they are: decisions, create, promotion, sales, service, assessment and improvement. The better you have, you will succeed. I have found that most successful shared software authors pay attention to most of these seven-point elements, and those who are most failing often only pay attention to few of them and ignore others.

Below is the seven important success elements in the shared software industry:

1 Decide to propose some clear goals and develop plans to achieve them. The establishment of the goal is extremely important in any industry. A famous study conducted at Harvard University found that only 3% of the Graduated graduation class in Harvard wrote goals and implementation plans in 1953. Twenty years later, it was once again investigated them, and the results show that 3% is more rich than the additional 97%. In addition, researchers have also found that 3% have better health, interpersonal relationships, and social skills.

The goal must be clear, realistic, and evaluated, and it is written. Each goal must also have an implementation period. Earn more money is not a goal, and 20% of sales in 90 days is a goal. Write your goal down, or lose to your computer, if you don't want to see them every day, at least a regular week review. You should also establish short-term (annual or shorter) and long-term (annual to five years) goals, and develop a timetable for making work. The goal should be composed of the assessable results, but the plan should be composed of action steps. Growing sales 15% can be a goal, and the software to ten or more download sites is a motion step.

The word "decide" comes from Latin Decidere, written meaning "from ... cut". When you decide to set up a goal, then you have decided that you should not engage in other things. For example, if you decide to spend a week to sell your software, you should not perform product development, online surfing, etc. in this week. To be unconditional, determined decisions are great motivation we advance. If you tend to spend hours, a few days, or even a few weeks, don't have important email messages, online surf, call or other things, then your goal may be too weak, you can't get up for you. effect. At this time, simply ask yourself "Now what is the best use for me?"

2 Create a developed people want to buy high quality products. Most shared software developers have this capability, but this is just part of the answer. Obviously if you want to succeed in sharing software, then you need at least one shared software to sell. However, I found that most of the most successful shared software authors only spend more than half of the time in software development. That is to say, you don't need too much software, most of which have a unbelievable sharing software author only one or two software.

Let us pay attention to the minimum liability while creating assets. Robert Kiyosaki's book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" provides my favorite definition to asset and liabilities: "The asset puts money into your wallet, and liabilities put money from your wallet." I actually you It is easy to find that your own debt and expenditure is much more than income. Enough to buy magazines and services, hardware depreciation, frequent software upgrades, development tools, pay taxes, virtual hosts and Internet access, etc., will consume your shared software revenue, especially when you have just started. Always remember, your goal is not making money, but developing a money to make money. If you can't make money when you are sleeping, then you have just work rather than assets. Consider product development like investment, and strive to maximize your return on investment. You are in progress and energy to create something, these things can automatically create income. Most successful sharing software authors have taken time to establish a powerful asset. Even when they don't work, these assets have created huge income. When we develop new products, remember to "create an automatic income generation system" goal. 3 Promote promoting your products and distribute your shared software as wide as possible. If you make a good mousetrap, you will only attract mice; but if you promote a mousetrap, you will attract customers. This is the best and worst shared software company. Among the best companies, spending 15-25% time and resources for publicity are very ordinary, and those worst companies have only spend less or even spending time. If you don't like publicity or feel that this is outside your ability, then what you should do the most is to pick At least one book in I recommend works with Jay Conrad Levinson and Al Ries / Jack Trout. You should also read some excellent free articles on the website at I got a lot of great ideas from his website.

What is the most powerful word in advertising? If you don't know, then you should now remember them. They are "free" and "new". These two words have created more wealth than any other words. You can find them in various types of outstanding ads. Just adding these two words only in the name of the advertisement, the effect will be turned over or two. Let these two words run through your website. For example, provide free download, free software tools, the latest press releases, free games, free email lists, new tips, and tricks, etc. You can also provide free technical support, up-to-date, free unexpected harvest, and more on the reminder registered form. Regardless of whether the two words look, how embarrassing, they are still very excellent in attracting customers.

Sales are not just submitted your software to the software download site, although it is quite important. Press releases can be sent via, and they only receive $ 89 for ASP members. When I first use it for the first time, it gave me a hundred additional sales brought, even six months it still played its magic. Also, if your site can't get at least dozens of access every day, then you should pay attention to Dave Collins about the search engine. You should maintain a good relationship with more than a dozen software commentators. If not, then it is a target. A commenter friend can bring you a lot of interests. In a few months, I have established contact with some software commentators, I have to pay at least hundreds of sales from them. Host a recurrent game on your website. This is hardly required, but it has continuously brings new access. There are hundreds of people participating in my game every month, just to win an old Windows 3.1 game. Don't underestimate the power of the game.

Having a message list is not required. If you haven't yet, you will build it today. As long as you can build a mailing list via Listbot provides you with a comprehensive mailing list management feature. If you like, you can even collect subscriber information. I have issued a very simple email every month, which is not in 30 minutes. Every time I have issued a few days after I sent a significant increase in the visit and sales of my website. And as new people continue to join, each period is more effective. (Send) * Steve Pavlina is the president of ASP and the CEO of the DEXTERITY software company.


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