1. Define connection objects
Global dbconnect as new adodb.connection
2. Perform connection statement
If dbconnect.state = adStateOpen and not ity (adstateopen) THEN DBCONNECT.CLOSE
l Connect ODBC
Dbconnect.connectionstring = "DSN = DataAliasName; UID = UserId; PWD = passwd;"
l Connect directly to Access
Dbconnect.Provider = "Microsoft.jet.OleDb.4.0" // Access 97 is 3.51
Dbconnect.connectionstring = "filepath / filename.mdb"
l Connect Oracle
Dbconnect.Provider = "msadora"
Dbconnect.connectionstring = "User / mypass @ service
l Connect to SQL Server
Dbconnect.Provider = "SQLOLEDB.1"
Dbconnect.connectionstring = "Database =; server =; uid =; pwd =;"
Or you can use dbconnect.open "Server", "UserID", "Password"
3. Take the query result set
Global RS As New AdoDb.Recordset
Global ps as new adodb.recordset
IF rstate = adStateOpen and not ingsempty (adstateopen) Then Rs.close
Rs.open sqlstr, dbconnect, adopenkeyset
4. Execute SQL statement
Dbconn.execute SQLSTR
5. Close the database