*** Web Storage System Form: Form Registry (New) ***

zhaozj2021-02-17  82

Web storage system form: Form registry

Summary: The Web Storage System (WSS) provides a new platform for establishing a collaboration application. Together with WSS, Microsoft also introduces WSS form registry (or form registry). The form registry is one of the key technologies developing WSS-based applications. The form registry allows customized applications to handle items or folders referenced in the HTTP request, which can be done by registration items. This article focuses on how to use the WSS form registry. (14-page printing paper) Directory Description Requirements WSS Form Registry Overview Registration Item Registry Language Alternate Registry Server Binding Registry Search Path Using Web Storage System Explorer Use Visual Basic Creating Registration Registration Representation - Guide Global Registration Other Information Table Introduction Form Registry is a key technique for web storage system (WSS) introduction. The registry will bind web-based forms (Active Server Page or HTML) to specific types of data. Thus, the system can ignore the processing method of data when the HTTP request is submitted. Binds are implemented by creating registration items (or registration only). Registration The process of binding web pages to data stored in a web storage system. Registration is the item created in the store, contains specific properties (for example, browser types, localization information, and version information) helps determine HTML content returned to the client. Registration determines the time to display a particular form. When the Web storage system receives a request, the storage will use the HTTP request header and the properties of the requested item to identify a registration item. Then, WSS passes control to execute code or scripts identified in the registration item to process HTTP requests. Outlook Web Access (OWA) utilizes the default item type (content class) defined in the Built-in Registration to handle the Web storage system. Developers can add new registration to override the default behavior and process customized data types. When an item is opened, the ASP or HTML page will be returned, not the default OWA processing. Through this article, we will in-depth understanding of the Web storage system form registry and how to create a registration item. You must first install the WSS first before you use the form registry. WSS is the most basic database technology of Exchange 2000 and SharePointTM Portal Server 2001. Both products allow you to use a form registry. WSS Form Registry Overview What is the form registry? The form registry provides a method to enable the application to connect the physical data in the store to the visual interface of the user. In short, the form registry is a folder containing the registration item. The application references the registration item by pointing to these folders (or registry). The form registry and the Windows system registration should not be mixed into one talk. The Windows system registry is another entity that is completely unrelated. Form registration items simply, form registration items are set to URN: Schemas-Microsoft-Com: Office: Forms # Registration project in WSS. The registration item consists of a series of forms defined. These domains specify the properties to match (eg browser types and languages) and processing information. It also specifies the form of form to be processed and the form of processing. The system handles the information read from the HTTP request header and compares the browser information stored in BrowseCap.ini to determine the performance of the browser. The ISAPI DLL uses the best fit to compare the form registry and determine the form to display. Establishing data-centric applications typically, web designers may need to load the same set of data with another different web page. This usually by prompted the user to select site preferences (ie, which browser and / or which language is used). These steps can be omitted using the form registry to make the application more "centered".

"Data-centric" can be defined as the server using a single URL to dynamically process a set of data correct formats. For example, if the user browsing the Internet from other countries, you may want the web page to return in a localized style. Similarly, if you use a browser such as Pocket Internet Explorer, you may return a simplified web page. The form registration form makes it easier to establish this logic. You can create some registration items to specify different webpages. (For more information, see the registration item attribute later.) Form Registry Process Understanding Form Registry Working Principle is to try the entire process. Figure 1 shows how to request data and return it to the client browser. The number item displays the various steps of the process, and will be described below. Figure 1: WSS Form Process User Opens Folder or Mail, requiring information from WSS. This request is processed by Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). IIS Call Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) Dynamic Link Library (DLL). The DLL is also the WSS used to process the DLL of all HTTP Global WAN Distributed Publishing and Version Management (WebDAV) requests. ISAPI DLL Checks Form Registry to see if there is a matching registration item. If a matching item is found, the computer will check the form registration item to determine how the form is processed. If there is no match, the requested information will be processed with a standard form. If the form is bound to the server-side form binding, the form registry will pass two parameters to the form processor:

DataURL - Unified Resource Locator (URL) requested by the project. The value of the formurl - formurl parameter. Note: If the form is binding using the client form, the form will return to IIS (step 6). You can use three ways to handle WSS forms:

As a custom Active Server Pages (ASP) page as an HTML page using the Form Processor as an ASP page using the Form Processor now is bound to the form. Data items can be email, contacts, calendar, or custom properties. The form processor returns the form and form data to IIS. IIS returns the web page to a requesting web browser. Depending on the function of the web browser, the data is bound to the server or client. Registration Item Attributes The WSS Form Registry consists of registration items, and the registration item consists of a set of properties associated with the requested item or folder and the properties of the user environment. In this section, we will detail the various properties of the registration item. Registration examples understand the best way to register is a reference example and a description of each part. The following is an example of a registration in XML definition. (For more information on using XML, see XML Developer Center.)

XMLns: form = "URN: Schemas-Microsoft-Com: Office: Forms">

URN: Schemas-Microsoft-Com: Office: Forms # registration





* *



URN: Content-Classes: Folder






The following table describes each domain used in the registration example. Table 1: Form registration attribute

Attribute Name Description The HTTP method used in the request "Request Properties" reference request. Only GET and POST are supported. The form registry cannot be used to overwrite any other way. CMD This domain references the "cmd" option used in the URL query string. For example: http://server/public/folder/item.eml? Cmd = open. ContentClass must select attributes. This attribute references the content class of the requested item. It must match the registration to match the request. Browser clients used by the Browser client. For example, Internet Explorer or Netscape. You can use the USER-Agent header to find this information in the browscap.ini file. The browser version used by the Version client. For example: Internet Explorer 5.01, Version = "5.01". The main version of the MajorverWeb browser version. For example: Netscape 4.76, Majorver = 4MINORVERWEB browser version of the second version number. For example: Netscape 4.76, Minorver = 76PLATFORM client uses the operating system. You can use the USER-Agent header to find this information in the browscap.ini file. For example: WinNTlanguage This property references the client browser language in the Accept-language header sent by the browser. The corresponding registration item can be found in accordance with the accuracy of the language and the user's preferences. You can only specify a language for each registration item. ContentState This property matches the content status properties of the project. It is a string value, so it is easy to use in the workflow type. MessageState This property references the status of the project. Typically, the application is preferred to adopt content. EXECUTEURL For server binding, this property must be set to a URL that is a URL reference to the ISAPI or script mapping file (such as an ASP script) executed when the request is processed. FormURL must select properties. It must be a URL of an HTML form or ASP in an Exchange virtual root directory. EXECUTEPARAMETERS This execution parameter is attached to the query string used when redirects to ExecuteURL. It allows access to additional options to customize how to handle requests. Binding Binding can be one of "Servers", "Client", "WebClient". In the server binding, execute execrl is executed. For client bindings, Formurl is sent directly to the client. For WebClient bindings, OWA executes project processing operations. Attribute Priority Search Find the registration item in the folder, all possible matching values ​​have a relatively important level. The highest priority is based on the properties specified in the registration item. Their relative importance is as follows:

Request CMD MessageState ContentState Browser Version Platform Majorver Minorver Language For Majorver and Minorver properties, the priorities of the expression are as follows: =, <=,> =, <,> When you can't find a precise match, you can use wildcards in the registration item ( *). The registry does not support entering wildcards after a value, such as "foo *". Null value has the lowest priority. If an attribute is not used, it is recommended not to use the properties in the registration item or not using wildcard. Registry Language Alternate When a web browser issues a request, it will send an Accept-Language header that contains one or more languages ​​that you want to use. Check the following request: get / http / 1.1host: ServeractPt-Language: EN-US, JA; Q = 0.8, fr; q = 0.5, de; q = 0.3

In this example, "EN-US" has the highest priority, and later "JA", "fr", and "de" in turn. If the form registration is set to Language = En, it can match the request, but the priority of the registration of Language = EN-US is higher. When the Registry Server Binds When using the server bind, the registry transmits the request processing to the ISAPI extension or has a file (such as asp.dll) of the related script (such as asp.dll). Then, it processes the new query string with some specific parameters. The following table describes these parameters. Table 2: Server binding parameters

The parameter illustrates the URL encoded by FormURLUTF-8, pointing to the form in Exchange storage. Specify in the registration item. The DataURLUTF-8 encoded URL, points to the requested data item in the Exchange storage. The RegURLUTF-8 encoded URL, pointing to the registration item that matches the request in Exchange storage. ExecuteParameters The content of the ExecuteParameters property of the form registration item. In the WebFormsBrowserflagsbrowsCap.ini file, the contents of the WebFormSbrowserflags property matching the request browser user-agent string. The user agent initially sent to the server's query string is still available. With this information, the ASP script or other code can access the data item and perform any required processing operations. The Registry Search Path When performing an HTTP request on the WSS virtual root directory, IIS first processes the request to the ISAPI extension. In Exchange 2000, DAVEX.DLL is completed. In SharePoint Portal Server 2001, completed by msdmisap.dll. The DLL actually encapsulates Davex.dll and provides other features. Depending on the decoded header, the request is processed by DAV or OWA. For any GET or POST request processed by OWA, search the form registry, see if a custom form should be used. If the matching registration item is not found, OWA returns a project or generates an HTML page. The algorithm used by the registration item is the same as the algorithm used by the search schema. When the item in the request is requested, the first step is to find the corresponding folder to search. Check the referenced item, view the URN: Schemas-Microsoft-COM: Exch-Data: Schema-Collection-Ref (SCR) attribute is set to a specific folder. If set, look up the registration item in this reference folder. In most cases, it is not for a single project to set SCR, but the parent folder is set. If you do not set SCR for a single project, check the parent folder - this is the first step in requesting the folder. If SCR is not found in the parent folder, search for registration items in the global architecture folder (see Global Registration later in this article). If the registration item is not found, use the default OWA process. When you find a SCR, all registration items will be searched in the SCR folder. When a match is found, it will be used to process the requested item. If the match is not found, the multi-value attribute URN: Schemas-Microsoft-COM: Exch-Data: Baseschema specifies a wide range of priority search. Will use the first folder containing the match. For each individual folder, the form registration item is sorted with each other and determines the best match. Using the Web Storage System Explorer Web Storage System SDK provides a number of tools to develop applications on WSS. One of the tools is the Microsoft Web Storage System Explorer (WSS Explorer). WSS Explorer can browse folders, projects, and metadata. You can create properties and content class definitions and configure the scope of architecture. The Explorer also contains a wizard that creates a form registration and event registration. In this section, we will simply understand how to use the WSS Explorer to access the form registry and how to create registration items. For more information on installing and using the WSS SDK tool, go to the Web Storage System section of MSDN Online (English). Use Web Storage System Explorer

Click the Start button, point to "Programs", "Web Storage System SDK", and point to "Web Storage System Tools". Click "Web Storage System Explorer". In the Authorization dialog box, enter your username, password, and root directory URL that point to mailbox storage, public folder, or public folder tree. The WSS Explorer will start (see Figure 2). Figure 2: Web Storage System Explorer Creating Forms Register Browse to folders to be found in it. On the File menu, click Add Form Registration. The Form Wizard will start (see Figure 3). Figure 3: Web Storage System Explorer Form Registry Wizard Enter the name of the form registration and click Next. Enter the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the Form and click Next. In the drop-down list, enter or select the operation execution, and click Next. In the drop-down list, select the browser supported by the form and click Next. Select "Any" for all browsers. Select data binding type: Client, Server, or WebClient, and click Next. Select the request method: any, post or get, and click Next. Enter or select a content class, then click Next. Click Finish. The wizard is registered as a hidden item in the form created in the currently selected folder. Viewings and modify form registrations You can use the WSS Explorer to view and modify existing registration. Use Form Wizard to edit:

Browse to the folder that contains the form. In "Detail View", expand "Item Collection". In the list of expanded items, select a form registration. Right-click the form to register, then select Modify Form Registration. This will start the Form Registration Wizard. Edit using "Properties View":

Browse to the folder that contains the form. In "Detail View", expand "Item Collection". In the list of expanded items, select a form registration. In the attribute window on the lower left, double-click the item to select the properties you want to edit. The name of the form registration attribute is URN: Schemas-Microsoft-Com: Office: Forms # Additional property names. Example: URN: Schemas-Microsoft-COM: Office: Forms # cmd). See Table 1 for a list of all attributes. In addition, you can right-click the attribute window and select Add or delete the properties in the project. For future tools, Visual Studio.net will provide "Server Explorer". Using Server Explorer, you can create and manage application elements in WSS and integrate these elements into your Visual Studio.net project. The server resource manager provides the following features:

Create an application folder and set its properties. Create and manage the custom architecture of the web storage system application. Create a form registration. Create an event registration. Integrate the Web storage system folder as a data source to your Visual Studio.NET web application or web service project. For more information on Visual Studio.net and Server Explorer, see .NET Developer Center (English) and Exchange Developer Center. Creating a registration using Visual Basic is that using the Visual Basic code to write form registration to a script, component, or application that can be performed locally on an Exchange or SharePoint Portal server. The following code example demonstrates how to create forms registration using the Visual Basic script. 'Where Scrfolder Points to a public folderset Ocon = CreateObject ("AdoDb.Connection")

Ocon.connectionstring = SCRFOLDER "/ resources"

Ocon.Provider = "exoledb.datasource"


SET OREC = CreateObject ("AdoDb.Record")

OREC.Open "DefaultAspform.frg", Ocon, 3, 0

OREC. FIELDS ("DAV: ContentClass") = _

"URN: Schemas-Microsoft-Com: Office: Forms # registration"

OREC. FIELDS ("URN: Schemas-Microsoft-Com: Office: forms # binding") = "Server"

orec.fields ("URN: Schemas-Microsoft-COM: Office: Forms # cmd") = "*"

OREC. FIELDS ("URN: Schemas-Microsoft-Com: Office: forms # ContentClass") = _


OREC. FIELDS ("URN: Schemas-Microsoft-Com: Office: Forms # Contentte") = "*"

OREC. FIELDS ("URN: Schemas-Microsoft-Com: Office: Forms # ExecuteURL") = _


OREC. FIELDS ("URN: Schemas-Microsoft-Com: Office: Forms # formurl") = _


orec.fields ("URN: schema-microsoft-com: office: forms # request") = "*"



Registration Representation - Guide In this section, you can use the WSS Explorer to create a registration item in step (see the previous section: Use the Web Storage System Explorer). This item is bound to the client and replaces the content returned when requested a text file. To use the form registration to view the project, do the following in Exchange Server:

Go to "Start" -> "Programs" -> "Web Storage System Tools" -> "Web Storage System Explorer", open the WSS Explorer. Tip You enter your username and password. Use account certificates with appropriate permissions and specify URLs in http: // / public. Use the WSS Explorer, select the root node (http: // / public) and right-click and select "CREATE Folder". Use Sample as the name of the new folder. Use the Windows Explorer to browse to M: drive, then select the "Sample" folder (for example: m: /microsoft.com/public folders / sample). In the folder, create a new text file Data.txt, and specify the following: "--- Data you have a data item. No registry matching is found." Create another file form.htm, and in it Specify the following: "--- Registry Exactly Match. This request matches a registration item." Use a web browser to browse to http: // /Public/Sample/data.txt. You should notice that the text of the text file has returned to the browser. Perform the following steps to create a form registration and view the text file:

Using the WSS Explorer, highlight the Sample folder so that it is active. In "Detail View", expand the architecture container and select Schema-Collection-Ref. Right-click and select Edit Schema-Collection-Reg. This will launch the "URL Selector" window. Browse to the Sample folder and click OK. The Sample Folder is specified as a form registry for the application. In "Detail View", highlight the project container under "Sample". It represents items stored in the folder. (To refresh the list, right-click "Refresh items".) Right-click the Items container and select "Form Registration Wizard". This will start the wizard and guide you to gradually create form registration. Use the following information to answer the issue of the wizard.

Property Value NameRegistration.fregform Urlform.htmaction * BrowseRAnyBinding TypeClientRequest MethodGetContent Classurn: Content-Classes: Document

Browse to http: // /Public/Sample/data.txt. You should notice that the text in form.htm is processed, not the text in Data.txt. This indicates that a custom form has been used. Note: Since the cache technology is used in IIS, registration may not take effect immediately. Restarting Web Services (IIS) Clear cache. In order to make this example more actual significance, additional forms and registration can be added to determine which web browser is used:

Use the Windows Explorer to create additional files "form2.htm" in the Sample folder, and specify the following: "--- Registry Exactly Match. Used for Netscape Browser. Use the WSS Explorer, right-click the Items container and select "Form Registration Wizard". Use the following information to answer the issue of the wizard. Property Value NameneTscape.fregform Urlform2.htmaction * Browsernetscape NavigatorBinding TypeClientRequest MethodGetContent Classurn: Content-Classes: Document

In Items, select Netscape registration just created. Note: You may have to refresh to see the item. In the attribute window, locate to the lower right corner, browse the properties of the registration item. Find Properties "URN: Schemas-Microsoft-Com: Office: Forms # Browser" and make sure the value is "Netscape" (not Netscape Navigator). To edit the property, double-click the project to start the editing window. Browse to http: // /public/sample/data.txt using Internet Explorer and Netscape. Note that the loaded form is different depending on the browser used. This example provides basic knowledge of how to use the form registry to return to the custom interface stored in the WSS. View the properties of the created form registration item. Formurl points to the URL of the HTML form, the ExecuteURL property points to the form processor. Formwork is available in Exchange 2000 Service Pack 1 or SharePoint Portal Server. To use an ASP-based form, change Formurl and ExecuteURL to point to the ASP page. In more case, use other available properties (see Table 1), you can create additional registration items to load different forms. In some cases, you need to create a form registration that can be applied to all content in Exchange storage. This can be created by using the global architecture folder in the TLH level. The global architecture is stored in the / non_ipm_subtree / schema / folder and application TLH of the public folder tree. For applications in a private folder, the global architecture folder will be applied to all mailboxes. Each server is different, but it is similar to / exchange / systemmailbox {guid} / non_ipm_subtree / schema /. For Technology Preview for Exchange 2000, Exchange 2000 Service Pack 1, Exchange 2000 Service Pack 1, and SharePoint Portal Server 2001, the location of the global architecture is different. You should create global registration in / virtual root / ## schemauri ## / default folder. ## Schemauri ## tag can be used for any folder, and always resolve to the same location. ## Schemauri ## tag will be mapped to / non_ipm_subtree / schema-root / folder. Note: In a web browser and a number of tools, ## schemauri ## must be input to% 23% 23SChemauri% 23% 23. Additional Information For more information on developing applications on a Web storage system, visit WSS Developer Center. For additional information on Exchange 2000 development, see Exchange Server Developer Center. For information on Tahoe Server, visit the Microsoft Portal Server 2001 website (English). For information on Visual Studio.net, see Net Developer Center. The term below is the term list: Application Microsoft Web storage system, which combines the document created end users with the HTML page created by the application author.


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