Condemn some personal web crew

zhaozj2021-02-17  90

There are now some personal web producers that are very immoral, they are often doing some hands and feet on your computer when you browse their pages. For example, set your default home page, change the title of IE, modify some registry information. There are some harsh, after your computer is full of hand, to prevent the settings to modify the settings back to prevent you from using the Registry Editor, but also to use the Registry Editor (regedit.exe).

Although these small technologies are just a small trouble for users who are familiar with computer; but they have caused inconvenience to the majority of computer users, especially some computer beginners. Such a person should be condemned, in order to increase the traffic of the personal page actually use this means, not to attract the audience by increasing the quality of its homepage. Now there are some computer users who have the darkness, and cannot use the registry editor to change the settings back. One Use the Registry Editor (regedit.exe) to pop up the dialog box "Register editing Administrator is prohibited. "

The following is a solution: first find a registry editor provided by a third party, such as: Resplendent Registrar. Find the following primary key: HKEY_USERS /. DEFAULT / SOFTWARE / MICROFT / WINDOW / CURRENTVERSION / Policies / System See the following key values: DisableRegistryTools Change it from 1 to: 0. Now Windows comes with the registry editor (regedit.exe).

Let's go back to the settings of the monks of the personal webpage by yourself. By the way, condemn the producer of these irresponsible personal webpages.


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