Delphi4 Development Webmail Program
Often, implementation of Webmail's CGI with MailTo.exe, writes "
Please enter your username and password.
Username: password: p>
p> form > body> html> QD.html file content is as follows:
Please fill in the received email address: toaddress: p>
Please fill in the topic. p>
content: p>
p> form> body> html> In Delphi, create a new ISAPI-based web server application, manually increase NMSMTP1, Query1, and pageproducer1. Where: htmlfile: c: /inetpub/www.root/qd.html is: htmlfile: c: /inetpub/www.root/qd.html. NMSMTP1 Property: Host (Send the address of the mail server.) here is SMTP.NETEASE.COM.. Port: 25.
Global variables: sername: string; flag: boolean; increase of a path / feedback action items, which code is as follows: procedure TWebModule1.WebModule1WebActionItem1 Action (Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean); VAR Count: Integer; s: string; begin query1.close; query1.sql.clear; s: = 'select count (username) from user.db where username = "; s: = s request.contentfields.values [ 'Username'] '"; s: = s ' and password ="; s: = s request.contentfields.values ['psword'] '"; query1.sql.add (s); query1 .open; if query1.count = 0 Then response.content: = '