VB.NET calls the browsing directory dialog

zhaozj2021-02-17  77

VB.NET calls the browsing directory dialog



We all know that the dialog box that opens a file in .NET is easy to define an instance of an OpenFileDialog class to use it directly. Sometimes we need to let users choose a working directory, or a system directory, and is searching for a similar OpenDirectoryDialog class? Of course, it is best to have one, so it is convenient. In fact, the system does not provide such a class. Here we use a short code to build this directory browsing dialog.


In the reference to the project, browse, you will find a system.designer.dll, and the default this DLL is not referenced by the project, we will introduce it to the project today. There is a FoldernameEditor class under System.Windows.Forms.design, is actually a directory browsing dialog, but this class cannot be used directly, you must inherit. Look at the following code:

For modularization, we create a new Class in the project, named OpenDirectoryDialog, enter the following code:


Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class FolderBrowser

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.design.FoldernameEditor

Public Shared Function Showdialog () AS String

DIM FB AS New FolderBrowser ()


fb.description = "SELECT A DIRECTORY TO SCAN"

'Default is the system's desktop directory

Fb.startLocation = design.FoldernameEditor.FolderBrowserfolder.desktop


Fb.style = design.FoldernameEditor.FolderBrowSerstyles.ShowTextBox

fb.showdialog ()

Return fb.directoryPath



After compiling, we can use this Class directly.

The call is as follows:

Debug.writeline (OpenDirectoryDialog.Showdialog ())

We will see the following dialog:

Reference: MS-Help: //ms.vscc/ms.msdnvs.2052/cpref/html/frlrfsystemwindowsformsterFoldernFoldernAmeEditorClasstopic.htm


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