Like StarCraft starts by large to small subtitles

zhaozj2021-02-17  81

In the 29th day, the start of the interstellar hegemony is 5/15/2000 0: 0: 0 · · 歪 ·· CPCW, this example doesn't have to say too much, it gives you a truth: the most complicated Something is often the simplest composition. Don't chase a variety of controls every day, using the easiest thing is a very difficult thing. Was added a the Timer (timer) in the form, the label (Label) Private Sub Form_Load () With Me.BackColor = vbBlack.WindowState = vbMaximizedEnd WithWith Label1.Alignment = vbCenter.AutoSize = True.BackColor = vbBlack.Caption = "crooked crooked VB tutorial ".Font.Name =" Arial ".Font.Size = 150.ForeColor = vbGreen.Visible = TrueEnd WithWith Timer1.Interval = 1.Enabled = TrueEnd With End SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer () With Label1If .FontSize $ # @ 62; 2 damince - 2.left = (me.width - .width) / = (me.height - .height) / 2ELSE.Visible = falsetimer1.enabled = false


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