The same text display effect is the same, adding a lot of color to your webpage!

zhaozj2021-02-17  96

Roller blinds The same text display effect, add a lot of color to your webpage! </ Title> <style> .a1 {color: # 000080; font-family: MS Sans-Serif; Text-Decoration: none} .a1: hover {cursor: hand; color: # ff2200; font-family: MS SANS -serif; Text-Decoration: none} .a2 {color: # 000080; font-family: MS Sans-Serif; Text-Decoration: none} .a2: hover {cursor: hand; color: # ff2200; font-family: MS Sans-Serif; Text-Decoration: underline} Div.CltopMenu {z-index: 31; Visibility: hidden; width: 80px; clip: Rect (0px 80px 14px 0px); Position: absolute; height: 150px; Background-Color : #eeeeee; layer-background-color: #eeeeee} Div.CltopMenuBottom {z-index: 2; width: 80px; clip: Rect (0px 80px 3px 0px); Position: absolute; top: 21px; height: 3px; background; -Color: #cecfce; #cecfce} Div.CltopMenutext {Font-size: 11px; z-index: 1; Left: 5px; width: 80px; font-family: arial, helvetica; Position: absolute ; Top: 21px; Background-color: #eeeeee} </ stop></p> <p><Script> / ******************************************************** ******************************************* COPYRIGHT (C) 1999 Thomas Brattlithis Script is with copyrighted to Thomas Brattli AT ************************************************************* ******************************************** BROWSERCHECHECK: * / IE = Document.All? 1: 0N = Document.Layers? 1: 0 // How much menus do you have? (Remember to copy and add div number = 1 // The width on the menus (set the width in the style ") well) var mwidth = 90 // Pixels between the menusvar pxBetween = 10 // The first menus left positionvar fromLeft = 120 // The top position of the menusvar fromTop = 300 // The bgColor of the bottom mouseover divvar bgColor = '# CECFCE '// the bgcolor to change tovar bgcolorchangeto =' # 6380bc '// The position the mouseover line div will stop athen going up! Var imageheight = 21 / *************** *********************************************************** ********* DO NOT CHANGE Anything Below this line! ***************************************** ************************************************************** / // Object ConstructorFunction MakenewsMenu (Obj, Nest) {Nest = (! Nest) '': 'Document.' Nest '.' this.css = (n)? Eval (Nest 'Document.' Obj): Eval ('Document. .... all ' obj ' style '?) this.scrollHeight = n this.css.document.height: eval (' document.all ' obj ' offsetHeight ') this.moveIt = b_moveIt; this.bgChange = b_bgChange "This.slideup = B_SLIDEUP; this.slidedown = B_SLIDEDOWN; this.clipto = B_clipto; this.obj = Obj " object "; eval (this.obj " = THIS "</p> <p>)} // Objects methodsfunction B_moveit (x, y) {this.x = x; this.y = y; = this.y} Function B_BGChange (color) {IF (IE) this.css.backgroundColor = Color; else this.css.bgcolor = color} Function B_Clipto (T, R, B, L) {if (n) { = T; this .css.clip.right = r; this.css.clip.bottom = b; this.css.clip.clip = l} else this.css.clip = "RECT (" t "," R "," B "," L ")";} Function B_SLideup (YSTOP, Moveby, Speed, Fn, WH) {if (! this.slideactive) {if (this.y> YSTOP) {this.moveit (this.x , this.y-5); EVAL (WH) settimeout (this.obj ". SlideUp (" YSTOP "," MoveBy "," ", '" WH "") ", speed)} else {this.slideActive = false; this.moveit (0, ystop); evAl (fn)}}} Function B_SLidedown (YSTOP, MOVEBY, SPEED, FN, WH) {if (! this.slideactive) {IF (this.y <ystop) {this.moveit (this.x, this.y 5); Eval (WH) settimeout (this.obj ". Slidedown (" YSTOP "," Moveby "," Speed ​​ ", '" "" " WH "') ", SPEED)} else {this.slideactive = false; this.moveit (0, ystop); evAl (fn)}}} // initiating the Page, MAKING Cross-Browse R ObjectsFunction NewsMenuinit () {= 0; i <= numberofmenus; i ) {@ otopmenu [i] = new array () otopmenu [i] [0] = new MakenewsMenu ('DivtopMenu' i) OtopMenu [i] [1] = new makenewsmenu ('DivtopMenuBottom' i, 'Divtopmenu' ​​i) OtopMenu [i] [2] = new Makenewsmenu ('DivtopMenuText' i, 'DivtopMenu'</p> <p>I) OtopMenu [I] [1] .Moveit (0, ImageHeight) OtopMenu [i] [0] .clipto (0, Mwidth, ImageHeight 3, 0) OtopMenu [i] [0] .Moveit (i * mwidth FromTop (i * pxbetween), freop) otopmenu [i] [0] .css.visibility = "visible"}} // Moves the menufunction topmenu (num) {i (ketopmenu [num] [1] .y == ImageHeight ) otopmenu [NUM] [1] .slidedown (OtopMenu [NUM] [2]. ScrollHeight 20, 10, 40, 'otopmenu [' Num '] [0] .clipto (0, MWIDTH, OTOPMENU [' Num '】 [1] .y 3, 0)', 'otopmenu [' Num '] [0] .clipto (0, MWIDTH, OTOPMENU [' NUM '] [1] .y 3, 0)' ELSE IF (OTOPMENU [NUM] [1] .y == otopmenu [NUM] [2]. ScrollHeight 20) OtopMenu [NUM] [1] .slideup (ImageHeight, 10, 40, 'otopmenu [ Num ) ] [0] .clipto (0, MWIDTH, OTOPMENU [' Num '] [1] .y 3, 0) ',' OtopMenu [' Num '] [0] .clipto (0, Mwidth, OtopMenu " ' Num '] [1] .y 3, 0) ')} // Changes Background OnMouseOverFunction Menuover (NUM) {[u [Num] [1] .bgchange (bgcolorchangeto)} Function Menuout (Num) {otopmenu [Num " ] [1] .bgchange (bgcolor)} // calls the init function online @nlοad = newsmenuinit; </ script> </ head></p> <p><body bgcolor = "# ffffff" text = "# 000000"> <div class = cloud = cLtopMenu ID = div clacy = cloud = "nmοu0> <a οnmοuseοver = menuover (0) οnclick =" topmenu (0); if (ie) this.blur (); Return false "οnmοuseοut = menuout (0) href =" # "> <img alt =" "src =" logo.gif "width = 86 align = top border = 0> </A> <div class = CLTOPMENUTEXT ID = DivtopMenutext0 Style = "Width: 75px; Height: 112px"> Welcome to the worry-free script <a href=""> </a> </ div> <div class = CLTOPMENUBOTM ID = DivTopMenuBottom0> </ div> </ div> <div class = CLTOPMENU ID = DivtopMenu1> <a οnmοuseοver = menuover (1) οnclick = "TopMenu (1); if (ie) this.blur (); return false" οnmοuseοut = menuout (1) href = "#"> <img alt = "" src = "logo.gif" width = 86 align = top border = 0> </a> <div class = CLTOPMENUTEXT ID = DivtopMenutext1 style = "Width : 75px; Height: 112px "Add our website to the favorites? 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