Simple message board, solve the problem of long English characters, but the Chinese characters have a problem :) I hope everyone

zhaozj2021-02-17  58

IF ($ Message)


$ Message = EREG_REPLACE ("RNRN", "N

", $ Message);

$ DATE = DATE ("L, F J Y, H: I A");

$ cc = $ mess;

$ DD = Strlen ($ message);

$ I = 0; $ cc = ""; $ ff = "";

While ($ I <= $ DD)


$ ff = Substr ($ Message, $ I, 20);

$ cc = $ cc. $ ff. "

$ I = 20; ECHO "<>". $ I. "<>";


// if ($ DD> = 40) {$ cc = $ cc. "echo" /n";".substr ( $ ($ / $-40, full! "

$ Message = " $ name - $ date

$ cc

$ fp = fopen (BaseName ($ PHP_SELF). ".comment", "a");

FWRITE ($ FP, $ CC);

Fclose ($ fp);


@ReadFile (($ PHP_SELF. ")))));


Your Name:

Your Comment: