Experience: VC ++ .NET 2003 - Install and use Boost 1.30 and Blitz ++ 0.6

zhaozj2021-02-17  92

Experience: VC .NET 2003 - Install and use Boost 1.30 and Blitz 0.6

Small god 2003-05-01

Article Type: in-depth

Difficult Level: 7/9 Version: 1.82

"C Increasingly Means Visual C " - Scott Meyers

Next, we need to write some small apps to test, simple Lexical_Case:

Examples from http://www.emofraki.minidns.net/programming/tools/boost/

Use the following command mode.

D: / boost2> CL / GX / MT / GR / EHSC LCase.cpp

Complicated multi-threaded apps use the following command mode:

Thread.cpp is taken from C: / Boost_1_30_0 / libs / thread / example / thread.cpp

D: / boost2> CL / GX / MT / EHSC Thread.cpp / link c: / boost_1_30_0 / lib

S / Thread / build / bin / boost_thread.dll / vc7 / debug / runtime-link-static / threading-multi

I / boost_threadd.lib

You can Download the Sample (109K) here, of course, in the process of testing, I also have the above VC7.1 unable to compile the past:

For example, take the format example from http://www.emming/tools/boost/ of http://www.emming/tools/boost/

There are also some examples that cannot be compiled or have an unbearable warning.

Specific records in the two pages below, you can check it out, not only VC7, or even more other C compilers.




Next, have you followed? Looking back, I have already gone very far, I hope you use the same pace to go up with me, let's take a look at Biltz , I have no strength to introduce the story about Biltz. And history. It must be recognized that these types of libraries are the old-fashioned signature libraries. It is the glory of the C community. It is the overflow of passion creativity. It is enough to let .NET learning to follow. Net cheering!

Download: The latest version 0.6 blitz-0.6.tar.gz (996K)



See the description of http://onumerics.org/blitz/platforms/ on the faint, Visual C is rowned in unsupported Platforms, even the second-class PLAUSIBLE (But Not Actively Supported) Platforms can't row, this What mean, that is, after you decompress BLITZ-06.TAR.GZ, you will not find the compilation file for Visual C and any related information at all. This is the power of ISO / ANSI C . For I am here, I have never used any other version of the Blitz Visual Studio.Net user, so this time, VC . Net powerful Excellent, there is no use, what we need is that the resources are information, not the most powerful compilers in the hands. There is also a network, but also Google, GOOGLE's greatness is that it can give you a unbelievable misherbed, to find a release of the critical, pay all possible and impossible expenditures into countless previous and next Page, don't worry about it. It is important that you believe that you will find what you need after you click on a link. .Oonumerics.org / mailarchives / blitz-support /, removing is not interested in the Windows platform, do not have more than 20 people, you need to find a person named Julian Cummings.

Tell my steps directly, the story on the Internet is first on one side.

Usage: First go to Download Blitz-vs.Net2003.Zip (1.1M)

Unzip this file to the root directory, and I assume your blitz library is installed in C: / blitz_0_6

If the BLITZ installation directory is not C: / blitz_0_6, you need manual adjustment, set the additional include directories in the VC.NET project file for your Blitz installation directory (CL / I parameters), and the REMOVE C source file is Globals.cpp, Re-join this file in the Directory / SRC directory, then compile Solution. In addition, if your machine is installed, install Stlport, adjust its Include order in VS.NET, put it behind the default STL library . In this way, if the compilation success will generate a blitz.lib in /blitz-vs.net/blitz-library/blitz/debug / directory.

This library file also includes the 1.1m zip file of Download's Download, so you can use Blitz library without compiling it.

After completing this section, you can start using or tested, Blitz provides a Test Suite to test its function and compiler, in C: / Blitz-vs.net/blitz-testsuite/ below has a blitz-testsuite.sln Open this Solution has 45 VC Project, specifically used to run .cpp, you can compile and run them one by one, and there are 4 problems on the Internet, and I am running like only found. One. Since the compiled file is too large, only two of the Download's zip file, one is include an example of using Blitz , one is an example of using the blitz.lib we compiled. In general, the effect is very good. postscript:

I can only know the performance and situation of the previous VC , especially the status of the ISO C standard, especially the status of ISO C standards, Visual C . Net 2003 is very compatible. High, and the speed is very fast, compiling the entire four class libraries and Internet search materials, I spent two days (calculated and writing and posted these two articles), I still have time during the two days Poss and compiled Pete, MTL, and Pooma smaller than a small unknown class library, found in Visual C . Net 2003 can be compiled and used.

In fact, it is difficult to find, in a platform, don't have to install what other libraries (compile all kinds of libraries, I don't have any Java Runtime, Perl, CYG-WIN32, etc.), third-party software compile and use so many top Class library compiler. In addition, we haven't investigated Visual C . Net to the support part of the .NET Framework, so I used "the most powerful compiler" in front of it, luxurious and convenient, I think if today Visual C . Net is a 25-year-old, I think maybe his next goal should be UNIX or Linux platform. (What is Visual C . Net 2004? --New Features for the Unix and Linux Developer and MOST ANSI / ISO Conformant C . Strong Support for Standard C in Managed Code, ah, forget, no matter what, you can see me Very like this C compiler, and it is also with other .NET language C #, VB.NET together, then use it, sometimes you have to use, sometimes you are because I like it

Ok, finally attach some STL links and resources, maybe you will be strange, why would you add this here? In the first article, I have said that I have written this article. In fact, there is a very private reason. I didn't talk about it. The initial thing I would like to collect some STL information. I have needed it with my customers. Know what they have to work, and I am preparing to consolidate and deepen STL, more comprehensive mastery, you know that 2004's VS.NET will have templates and flue programming, I Said that I am a .NET fan J. The world is so wonderful, and a simple idea finally evolved into four famous libraries for C communities with Visual C . Net. If there is nothing offending and rash, I think the whole process is a very interesting and happy experience. I wish you a happy program, Happy May Day. STL

Http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~musser/stl-book/ Effective STL

http://www.bdsoft.com/resources/estlcode.html Effective Stl -example Source Code


http://www.bdsoft.com/tools/stlfilt.html Stlfilt (Free) An Stl Error Message Decryptor for C

http://www.oonumerics.org/blitz/download/ bitz Library


PRETTY Good Initialization Library-C Container Initialization Made Easy

http://www.aristeia.com/right_frames.html Scott Meyers Website


Microsoft Visual C Tips and Tricks


Objectspace STL Examples


The Standard Template Library Tutorial


Objectspace STL Examples ftp://butler.hpl.hp.com/stl/examples.zip

Http://www.mathcs.sjsu.edu/faculty/horstman/safeestl.html Safe STL

http://www.synsis.com.au/winstel/libraries.html Windows Library STL / WINSTL

http://stlport.org/ stl port http://wwwww.stlport.org

http://www.glenmccl.com/stl_cmp.htm STL Start (1-8)

http://www.c-plusplus.de/stl.htm STL DE

Http://www.yrl.co.uk/~phil/stl/stl.htmlx phil ottewell's stl tutorialHttp://www.research.att.com/~bs/c .html

Bjarne Stroustrup's C link http://www.research.att.com/~bs/homepage.html


View Template Library (VTL) http://www.zeta.org.au/~jon/stl/views/doc/views.html

http://www.boost.org/ Boost C Libraries

http://www.ddj.com/documents/s=938/ddj9708a/9708a.htm The SGI Standard Template Library

http://www.cs.brown.edu/people/jak/proglang/cpp/stltut/tut.html a Modest STL TUTORIAL

http://www.medini.org/stl/ STL LINKS & Quick Reference

http://www.stlbloggers.com/ STL Bloggers

http://www.codeproject.com/vcpp/stl/ CodeProject STL

http://users.libero.it/g.govi/index.html Stl for Embedded Visual C - Windows CE


Standard Template Library Programmer's Guide

http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/resources/ums/sgi-stl/download.html sgi_stl Downlaod

http://www.s34.co.jp/cpptechdoc/reference/stl_samples/ STL Sample S34 JP

Http://www.jamesd.demon.co.uk/csc/faq.html comp.std.c frequently asked Questions

http://www.lafstern.org/matt/ Generic Programming and the STL (Book)

http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/dcplusplus DC (Application Stlport)


Design Patterns, Pattern Languages, And Frameworks (ACE)

http://deuce.doc.wustl.edu/download.html ace and tao download

http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/ace.html ace homepage

Http://www.noasia.net/taoen/ C 网站型 Programming Technology in Boost (small text) ...


Pooma: Parallel Object-Oriented Methods and Applications


The OptSolve libraries provide a convenient and extensible interface for rapid nonlinear optimization or root-finding with user-specified functions.http: //www.techxhome.com/products/optsolve/registrationpage.html OptSolve Downlaod

Http://www.acl.lanl.gov/pete/ Pete Uses C Recursively-Defined Templates for Transforming Certain Kinds of C Statements Into Other

Http://www.osl.iu.edu/research/mtl/download.php3 The Matrix Template Library Downlaod


The Visual Studio.Net Version 7.1.2292 used herein is not the final version of Visual Studio.Net Final Bate. It does not know whether it is different from official versions.

Cl.exe Microsoft (R) 32-Bit C / C Optimizing Compiler Version 13.10.2292 for 80x86

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