"Sun will become a Salvation owner of Web services (transferred from ZDNET.COM)

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Four comments on Java, Sun, Web Services (transferred from zDNET.com)

Below is some messages and reports about Java, Sun, Web Services, maybe you can have a comfort of the report between MS and Sun, or I haven't heard Sun. In any case, the world will continue to develop, the future is there, but whether Sun is still MS, there is no indication or let people see a clear future, but some is clear: You can have different sounds for this world. Different options are pleased, but if they are not hostile, then we should feel very fortunate. In the future, no matter who will win, first of all, they must try to learn friendship in different glories that sparkling their respective strange personality.


SUN will become a Salvation owner of Web?

Author: ZDNET CHINA feature articles Date: February 6, 2002 http://www.zdnet.com.cn/developer/tech/story/0,2000081602,20037160-1,00.htm

Sun One (Open Net Environment Abbreviation) - Based on J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise) - Provides strong cross-platform solutions for configuring web services. But Sun has to catch up with: SOAP, UDDI, and WSDL for B2B architectures, Sun, is working hard to join Web services to its Java platform and its own iplanet product.

Several Sun's products and third-party tools now have made it possible to create and configure Java-based web services. You will see this company in a year and a half, add the XML and Web Services API as the standard components in the Java platform. At the same time, the Web service that supports existing J2EE standards will appear in the form of available plugins, IPlanet products, or third-party tools. New Microsoft .NET Framework or beta, but Sun's Java platform has been five years. No matter what is measured, the Java platform (and its development language) is a true success. Currently, many application service platforms support J2EE 1.3 standards, including BEA, Borland, IBM, and IPlanet (part of the application server end in Sun's product line). For the fanatic enthusiasts of open source, there is even free JBoss application servers.

Java is running on providing a set of strong APIs and protects the application of the application. These companies, such as BEA, Borland, IBM, IPlanet, and WebGain, are committed to Java, providing a wide range of support cross-vendors. With the arrival of HotSpot compiler technology in Sun Java 2 JDK 1.3, Java's performance has increased significantly to a new height - and .NET's performance is still an unknown.

Does Sun will become the Salvation owner of the web service? In addition to Java and other things

Sun One contains more than just Java; it combines support for J2EE, XML, LDAP, and a web service API. J2EE standard is still the core of Java companies. With more than 5,000 Java runtime, J2EE contains a powerful API that creates a web application. Its powerful features include database support, creating the EJB (Enterprise Javabeans) required for business components working with the database, as well as the JSP (Java Server Pages) and Servlets required to create dynamic web applications. The previous standards bundled in J2EE also include JIDI (Java Names and Road Interfaces) for Naming and Path Services, JMS (Java Message Services) sent by the message, and RMI (remote method calls) and JDBC used in database programming. (Java database connection). To a certain extent, the transformation from J2EE to Web services means that the same work is done in a more versatile level using different APIs. For example, in a Web service, SOAP and XML are used instead of Java RMI to transfer data between network applications. Similarly, UDDI rather than JNDI is used to query and manage remote services or objects.

Because of the strict authentication procedure of Sun, exchange programs between J2EE Different application servers without need to have a wide range of rewriting your code is quite easy. Compare with old standards (more CORBA), this process makes it easier to manage for J2EE. No matter what you see, the support between Java across sellers has been far from Microsoft .NET.

Although Java has never become a W3C standard, its growth is controlled by JAVA Community Process, which allows multiple vendors - by Sun leaders - can design new APIs and features. The new Web service standard makes JCP some power. For example, the current J2EE 1.3 standard has not included XML or Web services like .NET.

Java's Web Service API

At present, Java developers must use the free download Java XML API (JAX) package to add support for XML. Sun plans to join the XML parsing function in the next version of J2EE 1.4, but to upgrade the XML standard means downloading multiple packages.

In addition to XML parsing, the Web service API will also be added to J2EE 1.4 until later in 2002, and the development tool and application server will also provide support for it. The new JAX package will be released earlier in 2002 to provide more direct support for Web services. When this paper is published, only basic JAX Processing (JAXP) packets have been developed. However, for future design APIs include those that will be used in XML messaging (JAXM), which will provide interfaces for XML-based RPC mechanisms, as well as XML registration (JAXR) requiring and querying Web services. Java API. Of course, these Java implementations work with the underlying Open Source Code Standard (SOAP and WSDL), but they can provide high-level APIs to make development work effort.

At the same time, Sun is working with development tool vendors to ensure that developers will have the least effort to create a web service.

Although a new .NET contains more support for web services in its CLR running engine, reality Java development tools and support for web services have started sales (even before 2002. Become a part of Java).

Java's Web Services supports the application server product developed in IBM and IPlanet. For these standards, the Sun ONE platform adds EBXML, which is a SOAP-based e-commerce standard contains support for transactions using JavaBeans. Any solution that requires multiple components and transaction processes can choose the benefits of ebxml in a simple SOAP unqualified place. Sun ONE Product Sun The first Web service will be committed to B2B, including integration of business sites and large enterprises (compared to the supply chain vendor). Don't try to find a consumer web service like Microsoft's Hailstorm; Sun plans to release a platform that allows business companies to create their own web services. One of the exceptions is Sun One Webtop - a Web service version of StarOffice. Iplanet Integration Server, B2B ($ 40,000 per CPU), has been improved soon to support Web services. This product (corresponding to Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000) can be integrated with XML integrated systems. Like a new version of IPlanet Application Server (Edition, $ 19,995 per CPU), it also provides SOAP support. Supported products also include a message server, IPlanet Message Queue For Java ($ 4,000 per CPU).

The business site is an important focus of Sun's plan. This company hopes that Web services can be used in IPlanet Portal Server to be available for secure authentication and role-played personality customization processes. This is similar to Microsoft's Passport, because the web service will be used to authenticate and personalize web content. But for Sun, identity authentication and related parameters will first be maintained in the company's LDAP directory, rather than UDDI, UDDI will be used in the medium and long term for web services queries and descriptions. Sun is expected to integrate their own enterprise data saving and their business partners, LDAP will become more critical in the short term.

For developers, Sun's Forte for Java, Enterprise Edition is an integrated development environment, which also provides support for web services soon, and has wizards to automate XML creation processes. Sun is also working with third-party Java development tools for Borland, IBM, and WebGain to ensure that the Web Services Create Wizard will be included in the future Java tool.

Sun's Java platform overcomes many of the issues facing effective distributed calculations. This company looks like network computing ideas that are suitable for this Web service. From this point of view, they are not only progress, but also the revolution.

Because its partners have made a react, the Java platform has been prepared for web services. It will be appreciated that XML and SOAP APIs need to be part of J2EE standards for approximately one year. At the same time, IT companies running Sun One can choose to support Java's IPlanet and third-party tools to work with Web services without having to spend a lot in person training.

The most important thing is that no developers will need to manually write these XML SOAP bundle code. And with the 2002 new API walks into Java, developing web services on the Sun platform will become easier.

The J2EE platform to a whole new level of: ZDNET CHINA feature articles Date: February 6, 2002 http://www.zdnet.com.cn/developer/tech/story/0,2000081602,20037158-1,00 .htm

J2EE's dark surface should be said to be the creation, configuration and management process of enterprise Java Beans (EJB). Of course, EJB is not the only way to create useful Java applications, we have few unclear Java Server Page (JSP). Some people even said that the time and work of spending EJB are not worth it, because JSP can also work well. But the truth is that EJB has a lot of potential - especially when you need to create an application that is really component-based and a database integration. For a long time, Java developers complained that the lack of software that accelerated the EJB application development process. This situation has changed significantly because new software projects and products capable of making EJB development processes more easily. I am not talking about integrated development environments like Forte, VisuaLage, or JBuilder - all of these software is suitable for expert Java developers. I mean that it is possible to quickly create a powerful component-based software without so many experienced developers.

The premise of these new tool software is the compatibility between the popular J2EE application servers that provides EJB necessary containers. The application itself provides a wizard prompt to help application development processes - but all of this is not full-featured, third-party solutions. In fact, these development and configuration platforms provide another container at the high level of the application server container, and provide a variety of services to EJBs you created at runtime. Below is three companies in this area and their products:

Versata. The company's Logic Suite is designed to automate business processing logic and can run on IBM WebSphere or BEA WebLogic. The Logic Server component section of this kit provides a pre-customized EJB that provides conventional business logic and can reuse them at any time you need; and the Logic Studio component provides the GUI that the application is integrated together. (Graphical User Interface) Tool. Like many such high-rise tools, Logic Suite is also used as a communication tool to a certain extent: business users can use it to model business rules - it can generate the code required to work, but it also provides A convenient tool for capturing business demand for demand. Altoweb.

Altoweb. His Application Platform can automate the information logic, business logic, and data representations of J2EE applications. In addition to an application framework, Application Platform also includes pre-customized components, application lifecycle management functions, and integrated development tools. Altostudio provides a GUI IDE (graphical integrated development environment) while Altomanager can handle application configuration processes on multiple servers. In addition, Altomonitor can automatically monitor servers, processes, components, and the like and provide critical performance data. This complete platform can run on WebSphere and WebLogic and JBoss Development Source Codes Applications Servers.

Wakesoft. Wakesoft Architecture Server is a full frame for J2EE application structures, creation, and configured. Unlike providing development tools, it allows developers to add their favorite development tools - and through J2EE specifications (including Sunprints, including Sunprint, which is the best implementation of J2EE applications). Technical documentation) Provide a detailed architecture for data representation, business logic, and business integration layers to simply develop process. Many Java developers follow these specifications in manual ways, but Wakesoft makes this process fully automated.

Although this is a new field but it is already full. New DCH, LOPSIS, COMPUWARE, and Neuvis (I will mention it here) come here, and the old Bowstreet and Epicentric have a platform for enterprise sites in the top floor of the application server. Of course, all these competitors tied themselves on the warship of the web service - why not? While they can help Java developers create complex applications, they may also provide eliminating isomer and enable different components to access tools accessible over HTTP. Many companies also provide special features for managing and monitoring Web services. If the Eclipse program is not a complete, it is a software engineering that is open source code from IBM - this project donated its Java development environment WebSphere Studio. Eclipse plans to start in September last year and have been widely supported by software industries. Eclipse provides an open platform that can insert our modeling, code generation, editing, or test tool - created a widely integrated Developing the environment in this environment, happiness can mix and compare a variety of best software. This plan is for Linux platform - but will not limit it here.

Another sign that can display application service software vendors does not stand by, BEA is creating a new easy-to-use development platform, creating CAJUN, and will be released at some time this year. Obviously, everyone seems to be aware that the skills of creating and configuring complex EJB-based applications should not be limited to geniors. If this situation does not change, J2EE will never play its potential to develop framework as a business general application development framework.

The author is ready Java Web Services: ZDNET CHINA feature articles Date: February 6, 2002 http://www.zdnet.com.cn/developer/study/story/0,2000081626,20037156-1,00.htm

Java developers are in SUN, and the Sun Open Net Environment Web Services project is working hard to support Java's application integration capabilities when Microsoft .NET competition.

Java Community Process initiated by Sun is developing a new version of J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) and its underlying JAVA (Java Connector Architecture), it can expand enterprise users integrate e-commerce applications with EIS (Enterprise IS) ability.

The functions of JCA 2.0 will be included in the upcoming J2EE 1.4 standard and will be able to get out of the Javaone exhibition in San Francisco. J2EE 1.4 is scheduled to release this year, although the specific time is not fixed.

JCA is an architecture that connects J2EE applications to EIS. JCA 1.0 is included in J2EE 1.3, and the latest version of J2EE is released in September last year. JCA 2.0 will expand JCA 1.0 and add new features, including asynchronous integration of EIS, JMS (Java Message Service) provider handileability, universal client interface element file, and support for XML.

Some developers say they believe that Java services can be able to have other Web service standards - SoAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), WSDL (Web Services Description Language) and UDDI (General Description, Query, and Integration) - these other companies, including Microsoft supports things coexist.

"I don't think Web services and JCA are mutual competition, I think they are complementary," Raj Rao, Vice-Chairman of Resource Adapters, said that he is a software developer of Fremont, California. "I can give an example, a message to view the account to query and describe and describe the WSDL and UDDI and use the SOAP standard to reach the e-commerce server through HTTP. All of these processes will be a Java bean with a baculture JCA connector conversation. "The key to the web service integration

The latest development work focuses on a key technique that makes Java a web service integration. Companies such as Tibco Software and WebMethods provide proprietary integrated products, but this terraction is pulled to which Web service integration scheme is best for applications.

Rao said that further development of Java integration features is attractive to companies that begin e-commerce. "JCA did not solve any integration problems directly. It just provides J2EE platforms, computers (BEA Systems) WebLogic or (IBM) WebSphere and a standard between communication and interaction between EIS," Rao said. "Now I have all this, we can ensure that a JCA connector installed on the BEA WebLogic can work like any of the other platforms, than the connector above IBM WebSphere."

Microsoft's officials still insist that .NET will make Java or JCA more. "We think that customers' topic is integrated, not to run the program anywhere," Tony Goodhew said in Washington Redmond, he is Microsoft .NET Framework product manager.

"The products of JCA and IBM have had products have been similar," Goodhew said. "The JCA model is limited because it is used in the way to communicate with the existing system, but the model used by the software industry is based on the model of the third generation XML web service, based on the real Internet standard protocols such as SOAP, XML, and HTTP make you develop in any language, not just Java. "

JCA and Java integrate the key issues that integrate existing EIS with new web-based applications:

JCA Help Developer Integrated Heterogeneous EISJCA provides an application server and EIS connection capability JCA 1.0 is bundled into J2EE 1.3 and will extend JCA 2.0 in September, 1.0 standards have been added to new, such as Asynchronous integration with EIS, JMS provider can be loaded, universal user interface metadata, and support for XML.

What similarities of .Net and Java: Larry Seltzer (TechUpdate) Date: January 31, 2002 http://www.zdnet.com.cn/biztech/tech-trend/story/0,2000068130,20036928- 1,00.htm

When I first read an article about ASP , I did deeply vibrate. Now ASP is called ASP.NET, of course, it is .NET series technology, the next generation version of the Microsoft Dynamic server page, which reminds me of Sun's Java Server Page (JSP) to Microsoft's technical philosophical system development positive influence. When I started a careful study, I noticed that many technologies in .NET, at least part, obviously, Java promotion.

Of course, this is not surprising. I can think that this is not tight. In the past, many rules have changed; JSP itself has already achieved a place in the dynamic web page field, its most famous product is ASP (also the earliest product One), J2EE is an important impact of Microsoft's transaction server, and its derived products are one of the COM kits. It may be like this. Many companies have done things that IBM have done many years ago, maybe this is the common phenomenon of computer industry. Similarity between Java and .NET is generally obvious. For example, in ASP.NET and JSP, the page is pre-compiled, so it runs faster. If you are looking for differences between them, you can find a typical Microsoft mode, especially in development tools. (Some people may laugh on the "typical Microsoft Mode", but one of the reasons why this practice is to succeed.

One of the patterns is that Microsoft gives developers' freedom, and even freedom of dangerous operations. For example, in C #, Microsoft provides some unsafe language features that developers want or need to use. JAVA's founder James Gosling recently satirically these backmen, such as the ability to create the current indicator, but people don't work. If the developer completes the task of using Java development in Sun without using Java, the difficulty can still be accepted. Microsoft provides additional priority for existing reserved code, allowing newly developed programs to interact with it, which makes them .NET versions inevitably exist.

Another mode is to support multi-language. Before .Net appears, Microsoft criticizes Java to let programmers use a language to complete everything. In fact, Microsoft has made some changes in their Java virtual machine (according to Sun proposed), allowing it to interact with other languages. When designing your .NET virtual machine, Microsoft makes it supports multiple languages. For example, different languages ​​have different physical formats on data types. If different languages ​​need to interact with the same data, they have to violate their own internal formulations. For example, the string type length in COBOL is fixed (according to the established length standard), the string type in C is growing, if the compiler complies with the standard, then the code cannot complete the interaction; if Microsoft has set special .NET data type, the programmer must modify the code if it is necessary to complete the interaction. This approach taken by Microsoft, allows people to write code on .NET, then call existing programs, so as not to carry out Java training for Cobol programmers and rewrite the code.

However, it is clear that the new .NET platform uses virtual machine concept to represent Microsoft to at least recognize the correctness of Sun in this area. The virtual machine is a classic old concept, which is SUN founded this basic concept. I went out of the university school gate to write code running on UCSD P-System, and my binary runs on hardware and software platforms that pass virtual machines, but the past processor speed is only a few megabo, The high-end system only has 1MB RAM, so the virtual machine program runs very slow. The current virtual machine, such as the Java virtual machine or the running speed of the .NET virtual machine is improved, and the user can accept this speed.

In addition to the similarities between the basic system systems, there are many places that mutually imitate between java and .net. Such as Java 2 Micro Edition and Microsoft .Net Compact Framework are designed as compressed platforms. There is also Microsoft's Activity Data Object (ADO.NET in the new platform) and Sun's Java data object (JDO), which provide simple access to the database.

Over time, the development of Sun will inevitably be affected by .NET, there may be ".NOT" said in Scott McNealy. Microsoft has a clear leader in the entire XML-based Web service, and Sun's users must require similar things, so the Sun One is formed. Surprisingly, Sun's Web Service Market Slogan sounds so similar to Microsoft's web service market slogan!

After reading this article, you may simply think that the two companies are not very respectful, but I think things are more complicated than what you think. I hope that .NET and Java can "impact" in the future, and two companies can see the other party worth learning. This is competition! (Translation: Zhid; Responsible Editor: Wang Yue)


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