Passport Your website (implement MS Passport on your Website)

zhaozj2021-02-17  87

Passport Your website (below) ------- (Implement MS Passport on your Website)

Small gas god 2001-11-12

Article Type: In-Depth Difficult Level: 4/9 Version: 1.01

3. Switch and touch Microsoft® .NET My Services Manager.

In this section, we have come to contact Microsoft® .NET My Services Manager, in order to facilitate the example of the SDK belt AdventureWorks Samples (this example shows some very practical skills and practices), in fact I only use some pictures. In addition, MS also puts this example on the Internet, you can browse and test the following address: http: //

The current Microsoft® .NET My Services Manager can only be a prototype of a .NET My Services, like a small unit stored in a message, store information and settings about your Application, basically it will become .NET My Services An component of Application. The original component turned into the current WebService, some shared information could not be placed in the registration table, with this .Net My Services Manager you can store many necessary information. In addition, according to the PASSPORT specification, the user logs in to all "Participating Microsoft® .Net Passport Site" is shared. Alternatively, each Passport Site may call each other from each other to implement its own Site's functionality. So MS set this database so that each .NET My Services application will be registered in this database, Passport has become a very core and important portal and component, each .NET My Services Application will be in this database. It has a SiteID, and the information under each siteid guarantees that other SiteIDs can share and use in addition to the SiteID. You can imagine if there is no this database and Passport, even if the WebService or .Net My Services on each website is probably not everyone dare to call it. Microsoft® .NET MY Services Manager also has setup for development and release of your product, which is convenient for your debugging. From Preproduction Rolled Into Production, you need to review the MS, Sign a .NET Services Agreement, then your Application is officially released.

It is worthy of this application for these storage space and SiteID. You can apply for an ordinary valid Passport. However, this application process is extremely painful and long. You need to pass five pages, then you need to fill in the following must-select items:

Technical Contact's First Name:

Last Name:







Web site Title:

Domain name:

Production Domain name:


Privacy Policy URL:

Cobrand Image URL: (Size: 468 x 60)

Cobrand Image URL: (SIZE: 102 x 80) Cobrand Instruction Text:

Expire Cookie URL

If you successfully get a siteID and build a .NET My Services Application. Ok, apply for this address:

And I use two pictures in AdventureWorks Samples AWBANNNER468X60.JPG and AW_HEADER102X80.GIF, fill in it in the Cobrand Image URL option box.

After success, you need to log in again, select your .NET My Services Application, then select Manage My Applications, select Download A Key, then get an EXE file, execute it in the command,

Partner ### _ #. EXE / AddKey

Partner ### _ #. EXE / MAKECURRENT / T 0 (### _ # related to your siteid)

Then stop your IIS service. Start the Passport Administration Utility, change the SiteId from 0 to your siteID, restart your IIS service.

Then I first test with Passport SDK's own Passport Test, you can discover the original MS logo to turn it in the Cobrand Image URL.

It is best to test with AdventureWorks Samples, this program takes into account the relatively thoughtful, automatically gets the value of SiteId from the registry. The result of the run below.

You will find the original URL


LC is a language version, ID is SiteID; RU is the URL you have successfully returned, TW is the parameter

(Many URLs or Domain Names above the SITEID need you enter if you are in this unit without, you can try this, modify your hosts file, will Localhost modified

According to the description in the second quarter, Passport Server needs to find cookies on your machine.

Finally, I wish you a smooth.

In the future, any of the interaction or interoperability of .NET My Services must first implement Passport's verification and authorization. Passport has become a force, rapid and identifier, and also encounters the confrontation of MS opponents, but it is clear: this moment, Microsoft walks in front of all competitors and opponents. Whether the Passport and .Net My Services can be successful, we have developed Internet and web ways have changed, which must affect users with web interactions and their business models formed.


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