Microsoft Visual J # .NET (JSHARP) Version 7.0 Beta 1 OUT

zhaozj2021-02-17  110

Microsoft Visual J # .NET (JSHARP) Version 7.0 Beta 1 OUT

The god of the small gas 2001.10.09

I hope I haven't mistaken, what I want to do? Jsharp ?!, Sun will not fainting. However, it seems to have something to do, I have heard that there is a reporter asking MS, and MS is always ambiguous. Individual websites have confirmed and provide the following links Continue to pay attention!

Thanks Charles and Activewin for this news. Microsoft has posted it's Beta 1 version of Microsoft J # .Net Version 7.0 Beta 1 for download, it has not been posted on Download Center yet and the file is dated October 11, so it is unclear if This is a leak or not. However, IT IT Microsoft's Public Servers and It Is Available for Download. Here Area Of The Details:

"Introduction Welcome to Beta 1 of Microsoft Visual J # .NET. Microsoft Visual J # .NET is a development tool that developers who are familiar with the java-language syntax can use to build applications and services on the .NET Framework. It integrates the java -language syntax into the Visual Studio .NET shell. Microsoft Visual J # .NET also supports the functionality found in VJ 6.0 including Microsoft extensions. Microsoft Visual J # .NET is not a tool for developing applications intended to run on a Java Virtual Machine. Applications And Services Built WITH VISUAL J # .NET WILL Run Only in .NET Framework. Visual J # .NET HAS BEEN INDEPENDENTLY Developed by Microsoft. it is not endorsed or approved by Sun Microsystems, Inc.

System Requirements:

Visual Studio .NET Beta2 (7.0.9254.0) ENGLISH (US)

Windows 2000 Or Windows XP Professional OR WINDOWS XP PROFESSIL

Download: Microsoft J # .NET VERSION 7.0 Beta 1 (7.0MB)


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