Introduction to WBEM

zhaozj2021-02-17  108

Introduction to WBEM

WBEM (Web-Based Enterprise Management) as an industry initiative, starting in 1996, which specifies the description and use of managed resources in corporate networks. WBEM consists of several components:

l Public Information Model (CIM - Common Information Model) A mechanism for modeling these models for managed resource format (MOF). With CIM and MOF, components that make up the managed resource or resource network can be modeled and treated as components used in object-oriented objects.

l The managed object format (MOF) is a formal description derived from classes and associations from the CIM model. MOF has its unique syntax, but uses DTDs from DMTF to turn it into XML.

l The standardization model is a CIM class collection that represents a special management domain. The model can manifest the core CIM class, network class, software class, and more classes.

l CIM Object Manager (CIMOM) is a database of a CIM class instance. CiMom is the focus of accessing management resources.

l XML API provides a standardization access to the data and enables operations for managed resources displayed for CIMOM.

Various companies provide their own implementation of WBEM, and they must follow the specifications made by DMTF. All techniques that meet WBEM must accept standardized models issued by the DMTF and all associated CIMOMs can be accessed through standard XML APIs. For example, Microsoft's WMIC (Windows Management Instrumentation) and Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line proposed in Windows 2000 is the specific implementation of CIM.

You should see that you should see that the WBEM is a standard for the management of computer equipment. This standard is said to be the word Microsoft (with "It is said" this word because I don't like Microsoft, even though Microsoft does have a lot of good aspects), soon I have gained other manufacturers, I can unify it through WBEM Implementation of computer equipment (usually computer hardware).

Take another example. If your company purchases an HP server, and the management software of this server and server supports the WBEM specification, that is, the management of the server is implemented by the software that complies with the WBEM CIM standard hardware by following the WBEM CIM standard. , Then you can consider the unrelated matter of the equipment, as long as the hardware device added by your company is in line with the WBEM CIM standard, you can also achieve the corresponding management through this software.

In fact, there is an intermediate description in the middle of management software and managed hardware. This intermediate description is the WBEM CIM standard. It only follows such a standard with the management software and managed hardware, then consider the manufacturer of equipment. Sexual characteristics, implement unified management.

Conclusion, for WBEM, I am also because of the work needs to just understand a beginning, but the above is just my personal understanding, so it is inevitable to understand mistakes, and I hope that the high finger is positive.

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