Java2HTML Reconstruction Reconstruction (7)

zhaozj2021-02-17  68

JA Java2HTML Reconstruction Reconstruction (7)

I have added the setEncoding method for O07 before I have given the O07. And this class already has S2 to save the code specified by the user. It seems that the preparation work has been completed. Go to the O07 class.



DateFormat DateFormat = DateFormat.getdateTimeInstance (2, 3);

Return "

O0995 ""

O0995 ""

O0995 "


" " E = / "generator /" content = / "" "java2html version 1.4.0" "/"> "

O0995 ""

O0995 java2html # modify </ title> "</p> <p> O0995 <link rel = / "stylesheet /" type = / "text / css /" href = / "stylesheet.css /" Title = / "styl" "e /"> "</p> <p> O0995 "</ head>"</p> <p> O0995 "<body>"</p> <p> O0995 <P> <strong> instructions: - </ strong> </ p></p> <p> O0995 "<UL>"</p> <p> O0995 "<li> Top-Left Panel Selects a package </ li>"</p> <p> O0995 "<li> bottom-left panel selection a java file </ li>"</p> <p> O0995 <li> text displayed like <font id = / "classes /"> <a href=/"#/"> this </a> </ font> repre " " SENTS A LINK to Another Java Source , Clicking on it Selects it in this panel. </ l " " i> "</p> <p> O0995 "</ ul>"</p> <p> O0995 "<P> <strong> Credits: - </ strong> </ p>"</p> <p> O0995 "<UL> <li> produduced by" "<" <a href=/"" target=/"_top/"> <em> "Java2html Version 1.4. 0 # modify " " </ em> </a> on the " DateFormat.Format (new date ()) " </ li> </ ul> " o0995 " <em> (if You Like this Tool, please <a href=/"mailto :?subject=http://www.java2htm" "l c ^" Email </a> The Reference <a href = / "http: // "Target = /" _ T " " OP / "> </a> to a colleague.) <br> <center> <a href = /" http : //> </a> modify </ center> </ em></p> <p> O0995 "</ body>"</p> <p> O0995 "</ html>"</p> <p> O0995;</p> <p>}</p> <p>STATIC STRING O01001 (String S)</p> <p>{</p> <p>Return "<! doctype html public /" - // w3c // DTD HTML 4.0 // en / ">"</p> <p> O0995 "<html>"</p> <p> O0995 "<head>" O0995</p> <p> O0995 "<</p> <p>Meta</p> <p>Name = / "content = /" " " java2html version 1.4.0 " " / ">"</p> <p> O0995 "<meta http-equiv = /" content-type / "content = /" text / html; charSet = " S2 " / ">"</p> <p> O0995 "<title>" s "(java2html # modiy) </ title>" O0995</p> <p> O0995 "</ head>" o0995 "<frameset cols = /" 30%, 70% / ">"</p> <p> O0995 "<frameset rows = /" 30%, 70% / "> o0995 " <frame src = / "packages.html /" Name = / "packagelistframe /"> "</p> <p> O0995 <frame src = / "allclasses.html /" name = / "packageframe /"> "</p> <p> O0995 "</ frameset>"</p> <p> O0995 "<frame src = /" front.html / "name = /" sourceframe / ">"</p> <p> O0995 "</ frameset>"</p> <p> O0995 "<noframes>"</p> <p> O0995 "<H2> frame alert </ h2>"</p> <p> O0995 "<p>"</p> <p> O0995 "This Document is designed to be viewed using the frames feature. If you see" "Message, you are using a non-frame-capable web client."</p> <p> O0995 </ NOFRAMES> "</p> <p> O0995 "</ html>";</p> <p>}</p> <p>Public Static String O01004 (String S, String S1)</p> <p>{</p> <p>Return "<! doctype html public /" - // w3c // DTD HTML 4.0 // en / ">"</p> <p> O0995 "<html>"</p> <p> O0995 "<head>"</p> <p> O0995 <link rel = stylesheet type = / "text / css /" href = / "" s "/" title = / "style /"> "</p> <p> O0995 "<meta http-equiv = /" content-type / "content = /" text / html; charSet = " S2 " / ">"</p> <p> O0995 "<</p> <p>Meta</p> <p>Name = / "content = /" " " java2html version 1.4.0 " " / ">"</p> <p> O0995 <title> " S1 " (Java2html # modify) </ title> "</p> <p> O0995 </ head> " O0995 " <body> ";</p> <p>}</p> <p>The above is some of the resources in the O07 class I have modified. It seems to be very simple, because there is a rule, as long as you find "<meta name = /" generator / "content = /" in the string "Java2HTML Version 1.4.0" "/"> ", then" O0995 "<meta http-equiv = /" text / html; charSet = " S2 " / ">" "</p> <p>Luo Ro said so much. I don't know if you have a look at it. Oh, I may not look at the beginning. It is indeed, my text is too much, but I Will work hard, but also went out by the computer industry in the future, then let's write a word master. About Java2html, I have to be a little, you must respect the author's labor, keep the author's copyright information. The modified code and version have given you to download the compiled version and some original code on my website (because I only modified a part), it is some source code.</p> <p>Copyright © all, reprint, please refer to the source and reserve copyright information. 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