Java2HTML Reconstruction Reconstruction (6)

zhaozj2021-02-17  96

Java2HTML Reconstruction Reconstruction (6)

The buildjava2html method finally called the O01055 method, it seems that this method is the method of finally generating an HTML page.

In this case, then we add the parameters in all Write methods that appear in this method ".getbytes (Encoding", and this Encoding has assigned the coding specified by the user in the constructor.

Modified is like this:

Public void o01055 ()

Throws Exception


Hashtable hashtable = o01093 ();

Enumeration Enumeration = HashTable.Keys ();

Object obj = NULL;

Object obj1 = null;

While (Enumeration.haASMoreElements ())


String s = (string) enumeration.nexTelement ();

O01090 o01090 = (o01090) Hashtable.get (s);

File file = new file (o01045);

String s1 = file.getabsolutepath ();

IF (! s1.endswith (file.separator))


S1 = s1 file.separator;


String s2 = null;

IF (o01090.O01082.equals (""))


S2 = S1 O01090.O01006 ".java.html";



S2 = S1 O07.O01015 (O01090.O01082, file.separatorchar) file.separatorchar o01090.O01006 ".java.html";


File file1 = new file (S1 O07.O01015 (O01090.O01082, '/'));


O01025 o01025 = New O01025 (S2, O01040, O01041);

FileReader FileReader = New FileReader (s);

O01025.O01032 (FALSE);

String S3 = "."

IF (o01090.O01082.LENGTH () == 0)


S3 = "";


O07.setencoding (encoding);

String S4 = O07.O01018 (O01090.O01082);

String S5 = O01117 (S4);

O01025.write (new string (o07.O01004 (S5 "stylesheet.css", o01090.O01082 S3 o01090.O01006) .getbytes (Encoding)));

O01025.write (new string (o07.O01011 (o01090.O01006, "", o01012) .getbytes (encoding)));

O01025.Write (new string (o01025.O01037 (). getBytes (Encoding));

O01025.O01032 (TRUE);

Boolean flag = false;



O0106.O0108 (FileReader, O01025, S5, THIS, O01051);

O01025.O01032 (false);

Catch (o0109 _ex)


Flag = true;

System.out.println ("Parse Error, Non-Legal Java File. (2nd Parse - File Has Changed Since First Pars"




Catch (IOException_ex)


Flag = true;

System.out.println ("IO Error. (2nd Parse)");






O01025.write (new string (o07.O01013 (o01090.O01006, ", o01014) .getbytes (Encoding)));

O01025.write (new string (o07.O01007 (). getBytes (Encoding)));

O01025.Close ();


Catch (ioexception _ex) {}



FileReader.Close ();


Catch (ioexception _ex) {}


IF (! flag)


System.out.println ("CREATED:" S2);




It can be seen from this method that all resources are from the O07 class.

Then we end all the work in this class.

I want to know how the matter is, and I listen to the decomposition.


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