Use VB to establish a detailed process of DCOM server and client applications (2)
This section describes how to establish DCOM client applications, and their precautions. (I am using the Western VB6)
1. Open VB, click "New Project" in the "File" menu, select "Standard EXE" and click OK.
2. On the Project menu, click References.
3. Click "Browse", select "C: /DCOMDEMO/Server/ProdComDemoServer.exe", click OK, and select this reference.
4. Insert a module in the project, place two CommandButton, two TextBox, and three Label to Form1. Set the following properties:
Control Name Property Value ---------------------------------------------- -------------------- Module Module1 Name ModdcomDemoClient
Form Form1 Name frmdcomDemoClient Caption DCOM DEMO - Client
CommandButton Command1 Name CmdServertime Caption & Get Server Time
Command2 Name CmdcomputenumBers Caption & Compute Numbers
Text Box Text1 Name TxtX Tabstop True TabIndex 0
Text2 name txty tabstop True TabINDEX 1
Label Label1 Name LblansweraD Label2 Name Lblanswersubtract Label3 Name LblServertime Note: Don't give the project now, that is, the name is still "Project1" 5. Copying the code to the module, (not Form1):
Option expedition
Public Osterver AS New _PRODCOMDEMOSERVER.CLSDCOMDEMOSERVER6. Copy as follows code to the FrMDComDemoClient code window:
Option Explicit Private Sub Form_Load () 'Sets the initialization value of the text box. TXTX.Text = "1" txty.text = "2" End Sub
Private sub txtx_gotfocus () txtx.selstart = 0 txtx.sellength = len (txtx.text) end Sub
Private Sub CMDServertime_Click () 'Gets the server's program and displays the return value in the lblservertime tab. LBLServertime.caption = oserver.servertime End Sub
Private Sub cmdComputeNumbers_Click () lblAnswerAdd.Caption = oServer.AddNumbers _ (CInt (txtX.Text), CInt (txtY.Text)) lblAnswerSubtract.Caption = oServer.SubtractNumbers _ (CInt (txtX.Text), CInt (txtY.Text) ) End Sub
Private Sub Form_Queryunload (Cancel AS Integer, UnloadMode AS _ Integer
Set oserver = Nothing end SUB
7. On the Project menu, click "Project1 Properties."
8. Click "General" to set the following properties:
Project Type: Standard EXE
Startup Object: frMdcomDemoClient
Project Description: DCOM DEMO PROJECT - Client
9. Click "Make" to set the following properties:
Application Title: ProdcomDemDemoClient
10. Click "Compile" to set the following properties:
Compile to p-code:
11. Click "OK"
12. On the "File" menu, click Save Project AS, save the file name as described below:
Directory FileName Extension ---------------------------------------------- ------------------ C: / DCOMDEMO / CLIENT MODULE MODDCOMDEMOCLIENT .BAS FORM1 FRMDCOMDEMOCLIENT .FRM Project Product PRODCOMDEMOCLIENT .VBP13. Press the "F5" button to test client applications
14. Test completed, in the File menu, click Make ProdcomDemoClient.exe.
15. Save the generated EXE file to C: / DCOMDEMO / CLIENT
16. Turn off the client and server application.