How to send email in C #

zhaozj2021-02-17  107

In C #, we can usually use MailMessage under System.Web.mail to send email:

Using system.web.mail;

Public void sendmail ()


MailMessage msg = new mailmessage (); = "";

Msg.subject = "hello";

Msg.body = "testing email";

Msg.from = "";

SMTPMAIL.SMTPSERVER = ""; // << === pay attention to this address




But in fact, the above code is not working properly because requires user authentication, and I first I found that SMTPMail can only use the SMTP server that allows anonymous users (think about SMTP servers that support anonymous access? They are all damn spam hurts :-)). I checked the information and found that in C # we still need to complete the user authentication by calling COM (CDO for Windows 2000).

Here is the test code, the test passes: win2k prof.

// Add cdo for windows 2000 in Reference

Using CDO;

Public void sendemail () {

try {Configuration conf = new ConfigurationClass (); conf.Fields [CdoConfiguration.cdoSendUsingMethod] .Value = CdoSendUsing.cdoSendUsingPort; conf.Fields [CdoConfiguration.cdoSMTPServer] .Value = ""; conf.Fields [CdoConfiguration. cdoSMTPServerPort] .Value = 25; conf.Fields [CdoConfiguration.cdoSMTPAccountName] .Value = "hydnoahark"; conf.Fields [CdoConfiguration.cdoSendUserReplyEmailAddress] .Value = "/" hydnoahark / ""; conf. Fields [CdoConfiguration.cdoSendEmailAddress] .Value = "/" hydnoahark / ""; conf.Fields [CdoConfiguration.cdoSMTPAuthenticate] .Value = CdoProtocolsAuthentication.cdoBasic; conf.Fields [CdoConfiguration.cdoSendUserName] .Value = "Hydnoahark"; conf.fields [cdoconfiguration.cdosendpassword] .value = "xxx"; conf.fields.Update ();

MessageClass msg = new messageclass (); msg.configuration = conf; = ""; msg.subject = "hello"; msg.textbody = "it's test"; msg.from = "HydNoahark @ NETEASE.COM ";

Msg.send ();} catch ( ).comException e) { (e.tostring ());}


OK, it is so simple, I don't know if someone else has a better way, I can give me a suggestion ^ _ ^


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