Menu program written by applet Machine

zhaozj2021-02-17  95

: I saw a menu program written with Applet a few days ago on Since the applet does not currently support Menu (as well as knowing it),: Maybe this program is some help from you.

The original procedure seems to be incomplete, I can't compile, I have contracted one on, Source as follows: / * Copyright: Sun Microsystems 1997. All Rights Reserved. Author: patrick chan ( 7/19/96 Version: 1.1 * / import java.applet. *; Import java.awt. *; Import java.util. *; Import *; Public class xeomenu extends applet {// the background image. . This had better not be null Image image; // These two fields are used to do double-buffering // The dimensions of bbuf is exactly the dimensions of the applet Image bbuf;.. Graphics bbufG; // This field is set to true only when the background image has // completely loaded boolean imageDone;. / * Menu data * / Rectangle [] hitArea; Rectangle [] srcRect; Point [] dstPt; boolean [] down; String [] url; / * Submenu data * / String [] [] itemurl; string [] [] item; // if> = 0, this field menu. // IF -1, no menu is current. Int Curmenu; // IF > = 0, this Fields Holds the index of the current menu item. // IF -1, no menu item is current. Int curmenuitem; // this is an Array of Rectangles - One Rectangle for Each Menu Item. // Each Rectangle Specifie The // Location (Rective To The Left-Corner of The Applet) of a menu item. /// MenuItemRect Is Null When Curmenu IS-1. / / IT Becomes Non-Null When Curmenu> = 0. // // Note: It Would Have Been Better Programming To Define Classes for /// The menu and menu items. However, i decided for this little applet // to Keep the Number Of class files to a minimum to minimize the download // Time. Rectangle [] MenuitemRect; // this is the color to point "behind" the image. color bgcolor; // [0] is the text color of a menu item; [1] is the text color of a highlig hted // menu item. Color fgMenucolor [] =

New Color [2]; // this is the background of a menu item; [1] is the background color of a // highlighted menu item. color bgmenucolor [] = new color [2]; // marginh is the number of Number of Pixels ON The Left and Right Edges Of The menu. // Marginv Is The Number of Pixels ON The Top and Bottom Edges of The Menu. Int marginh, marginv; // this is the font sale to display the menu item labels. font f ; // this is the font metrics of 'f'. Fontmetrics fm; public void init () {int [] INTS; // grab applet parameters. Image = getImage (GetCodeBase (), getParameter ("image"); margin = INTEGER.PARSEINT (GetParameter ("Marginh")); Marginv = Integer.Parseint (Get Parameter ("Marginv")); // Get Color Parameters. INTS = PARSEINT ("BG-color", "") BGColor = New Color (INTS [0], INTS [1], INTS [2]); INTS = PARSEINT ("FG-menu-color", "" "; fgMenucolor [0] = New color (INTS [ 0], INTS [1], INTS [INTS = PARSEINT (GetParameter ("FG-Hi-Menu-Color", ""); FGMenucolor [1] = New Color (INTS [0], INTS [ 1], INTS [ 2]); INTS = PARSEINT ("BG-MENU-color", "" "; bgmenucolor [0] = new color (INTS [0], INTS [1], INTS [2]); INTS = PARSEINT ("BG-HI-MENU-color", "" "; bgmenucolor [1] = new color (INTS [0], INTS [1], INTS [2]); // Create Back Buffer for Double- Buffering. BBUF = CreateImage (size (). width, size (). height); bbufg = bbuf.GETGRAPHICs (); // determine the font from the font-height. int fH = integer.parseint ("FONT- Height ")); int i = fh; while (i> 10) {f = new font (getParameter (" font "), font.plain, i); fm =

GetFontMetrics (F); IF (fm.getHeight () <= fH) {Break;} i -;} // Get the menu parameters. for (i = 0; i ) {IF (getParameter ("menu" I) == null) {hitarea = new rectangle [i]; srcRect = new rectangle [i]; dstpt = new point [i]; url = new string [i]; down = new boolean [i]; itemurl = new String [i] []; item = new string [i] []; break;}} for (i = 0; istring [] fields = parse ("Menu" i), getParameter ("Separ

ator "));

// Get the hit area.

INTS = PARSEINT (Fields [0], "");

Hitarea [I] = new Rectangle (INTS [0], INTS [1], INTS [2], INTS [3]);

// Get the source image.

INTS = PARSEINT (Fields [1], "");

SrcRect [i] = new Rectangle (INTS [0], INTS [1], INTS [2], INTS [3]);

// Get the destination point.

INTS = PARSEINT (Fields [2], "");

DSTPT [I] = New Point (INTS [0], INTS [1]);

Down [i] = fields [3] .Equals ("d");

URL [I] = fields [4];

Item [i] = new string [(Fields.Length-5) / 2];

Itemurl [i] = new string [(fields.length-5) / 2];

For (int J = 0; J

Item [i] [j] = fields [j * 2 5];

Itemurl [I] [J] = Fields [J * 2 6];




// s is a string containing 'Sep' Separators. This Method

// Breaks up the string at the separators and returns the resulting

// Strings in an Array. The result may have never null.

String [] PARSE (String S, String Sep) {

StringTokenizer ST = New StringTokenizer (S, SEP);

String result [] = new string [st.countToKens ()];

For (int i = 0; i

Result [I] = st.nextToken ();


Return Result;


// this method is similar to parse () Except That The Strings Are

// Assumed to Be Decimal Integers. This Method Coverts these INTEGER / / STRINGS INTO INTEGERS AND RETURNS THEM IN AN Array.

// The result may have zero Length But is never null.

Int [] parseint (string s, string sep) {

StringTokenizer ST = New StringTokenizer (S, SEP);

int [] result = new int [st.countToKens ()];

For (int i = 0; i

Result [i] = integer.parseint (st.nextToken ());


Return Result;


Public void paint (graphics g) {

Imagedone = false;

Update (g);


Public void Update (graphics g) {

Graphics G2;

IF (!) {

Imagedone = g.drawImage (image, 0, 0, this);




BBUFG.FILLRECT (0, 0, size (). width, size (). height);

BBUFG.DRAWIMAGE (Image, 0, 0, this);

IF (Curmenu> = 0) {

G2 = bbuf.getgraphics ();

// Paint the overlay image

G2.ClipRect (dstpt [curmenu] .x, dstpt [curmenu] .y,

SrcRect [Curmenu] .width, srcRect [curmenu] .height);

G2.drawImage (image, dstpt [curmenu] .x-srcRect [curmenu] .x,

DSTPT [Curmenu] .y-srcRect [curmenu] .y, this)

g2.dispose ();

G2 = bbuf.getgraphics ();

For (int i = 0; i

DrawMenuItem (G2, I);


g2.dispose ();


G.drawImage (BBUF, 0, 0, this);


Void DrawMenuItem (Graphics G, INT I) {

INT X, Y, W, Height;

// Break The Menu Item Label INTO LINES.

String [] line = parse (item [curmenu] [i], getparameter ("newline"));

INT HI = 0;

IF (i == CurmenuItem) {

Hi = 1;

GetAppletContext (). showstatus (itemurl [curmenu] [i]);


G.SetColor (bgmenucolor [hi]);

G.FillRect (MenuItemRect [i] .x, menuitemRect [i] .y,

MenuiteMRECT [I] .width, MenuItemRect [i] .height);

// SET Color for Text and Box

G.SetColor (FgMenucolor [hi]);

// Draw Box Around Menu Item.

g.drawRect (MenuItemRect [i] .x, menuitemRect [i] .y,

MenuitemRect [i] .width, menuitemRect [i] .height); // Draw Label

g.setfont (f);

Y = menuitemRect [i] .y marginv;

For (i = 0; i

g.drawstring (line [i],

MenuiteMRECT [I] .x menuitemRect [i] .width-fm.stringwidth (line [i])

-Marginh, y fm.getascent ());

Y = fm.getHeight ();



Public Boolean MouseExit (Event EVT, INT X, INT Y) {

Curmenuitem = Curmenu = -1;

Repaint ();

Return True;


Public Boolean MouseEnter (EVENT EVT, INT X, INT Y) {

Return Mousemove (EVT, X, Y);


Public Boolean MouseDown (Event EVT, INT X, INT Y) {

Try {

String u = NULL;

IF (CurmenuItem> = 0 && itemurl [Curmenu] .length> 0) {

u = itemurl [curmenu] [CURMENUITEM];

Else IF (Curmenu> = 0) {

u = url [curmenu];


IF (u! = NULL) {

URL URL = New URL (GetDocumentBase (), U);

IF (GetParameter ("Target")! = NULL) {

GetAppletContext (). Showdocument (URL, GetParameter ("Target")

} else {

GetAppletContext (). ShowDocument (URL);



} catch (exception e) {

E.PrintStackTrace ();


Return True;


Public Boolean Mousemove (Event EVT, INT X, INT Y) {

IF (Curmenu> = 0) {

INT SM = INMENU (MenuItemRect, X, Y);

IF (CurmenuItem! = SM) {

Curmenuitem = SM;

Repaint ();


IF (SM> = 0) {

Return True;


Curmenu = -1;


INT M = INMENU (Hitarea, X, Y);

IF (M! = Curmenu) {

Curmenu = m;

// a New Menu is now Active So Compute MenuItemRect.

IF (m> = 0) {

// minimum width


INT maxheight = 0;

MenuiteMRect = new Rectangle [item [curmenu] .length];

For (int i = 0; i

String [] line = parse (item [curmenu] [i], "^");

For (int J = 0; J

INT W = fm.stringwidth (line [j]);

IF (w> maxwidth) {MaxWidth = W;



MenuiteMRECT [I] = New Rectangle ();

MenuiteMRect [i] .height =

PARSE (item [curmenu] [i], "^"). Length * fm.getHeight ()

2 * marginv;

Maxheight = MenuItemRect [i] .height;


// determine Domain of Submenus

// Add One Extra Pixel for the Left Edge.

MaxWidth = 2 * marginh 1;

IF (Down [M]) {

Y = math.max (0, Math.min (size (). HEIGHT-MAXHEIGHT-1,

DSTPT [Curmenu] .y srcRect [Curmenu] .HEIGHT-1));

} else {

Y = math.max (0, Math.min (size (). HEIGHT-MAXHEIGHT-1,

DSTPT [Curmenu] .y - maxheight));


x = dstpt [curmenu] .x srcRect [curmenu] .width-maxwidth-1;

For (int i = 0; i

MenuItemRect [i] .x = x;

MenuitemRect [i] .y = y;

MenuitemRect [i] .width = maxwidth;

Y = menuitemRect [i] .height;


GetAppletContext (). ShowStatus (URL [Curmenu]);



Repaint ();


Return True;


// Returns the index of the rectangle in rs Containing x and y.

// Returns -1 if Either rs null or x and y is not in rs.

INT INMENU (Rectangle [] RS, INT X, INT Y) {

IF (rs! = null) {

For (int i = 0; i

IF (RS [i] .inside (x, y)) {

Return I;




Return -1;




The wind and rain send spring .- -.

Flying snow, spring to ___) | (___

Already a cliff Wanbu Ice` --- '

I still have a branch

※ Source: · Sun and Moonlight Station · [From: ms]


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