Use ADO in VC

zhaozj2021-02-17  95

Use ADO in VC

Import ADO Type Library #pragma Warning (Disable: 4146)

#import "C: / Program files / compon files / system / ado / msado15.dll" no_namespace rename ("EOF", "AdoEOF")

#pragma Warning (Default: 4146) Note: This sentence is compiled in the latest SDK! (???) Add automation support to add if (! Afxoleinit ()) in CMYApp :: InitInstance ()

Return False; Take CaboutDLG as an example, place a listbox control therein, declare to M_LIST declaration in CaboutDLG _RecordSetPtr M_PRecordset;

_ConnectionPtr M_PCONNECTION; establish connection in OnInitDialog () TRY {

M_PConnection.createInstance (__ uuidof (connene));

M_PConnection.Open ("provider = microsoft.jet.Oledb.4.0; data source = E: //gcl6//data/test.mdb;",

"", ", - 1); // Mok space in" = "!

Catch (...)


AfxMessageBox ("Database connection failed!");

} Open inquiry, access data _variant thevalue;

M_PRecordSet.createInstance (__ uuidof (recordset);

M_List.resetContent ();



m_precordset-> Open ("Select * from Property", // Note: M_PRecordset will be added after the M_PRecordset.

m_pconnection.getInterfacePtr (),





While (! m_precordset-> adoEof)


Thevalue = m_precordset-> getCollect ("caption");

IF (Thevalue.Vt! = VT_NULL)

M_List.Addstring ((char *) _ bstr_t (thevalue));

M_PRecordset -> MoveNext ();


M_PRecordset -> Close ();


Catch (...)


AfxMessageBox ("Error!");

} Access domain FieldPRT Pfield;

For (int i = 0; i fields-> count-1; i )


Pfield = m_precordset-> fields-> GetItem (i)));

} (char *) Pfield-> Name is domain name. Pfield-> Type is the data type Pfield-> Precision is accurate note: numeric type and currency type precision less than 255, and the remaining types are 255. Enumerate all tables / query m_precordset = m_pconnetion-> OpenSchema (AdsChematable);

While (! m_precordset-> adoEof) {


STRCPY (ptype, (char *) _ bstr_t (m_precordset-> getCollect ("Table_Type"))))

IF (! strcmp (ptype, "table") // "view" corresponds to the query

m_precordset -> getCollect ("Table_name"); // Get the table name (need to be transformed)



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