Delphi5 Crystal Report Control Under Delphi6 installation process

zhaozj2021-02-17  102

The problem is the problem: because my crystal report control is for del delivery, there is a lot of problems in Delphi6. It is now described in detail now. First find the control installation package, double click Crystal.dpk. The system prompts to install into a new format, select "Yes". Click Package Install to install, report error: Dsegnintf.dcu is not found, which is a difference between Delphi5 and Delphi6, change DSGnintf in USES to {$ IFDEF VER140} Designintf, Designeditors {$ Else} DSgnintf {$ ENDIF}. Continue to compile. The report did not find DSGnintf.dcu, poured, search, there is one in the Source / Toolapi of the Delphi installation directory, copy to LIB. Continue to compile. The report did not find DesignMenus.dcu, then fell again, and then searched again, or in Source / Toolapi, copy it to lib. Compile, but also make a shortcomings, what to copy, who makes me stupid. This lack of Designeditors, of course, in Source / Toolapi. It is also lacking a DesignConst, the same copy. Later, I found a simple approach. Since these three are in the same directory, they will be packed in. Point menu Tools-> Environment Option, select the library page, add Source / Toolapi in Library Path. Finally lack pROXIES. DUC. This time, can't find it. What should I do, write one yourself. Not a joke, this file is already useless in delphi6, write a fraudulent it :), the program is as follows: Unit PROXIES; Interface

Function isproxyclass (ComponentClass: Tclass): Boolean


Function isproxyclass (ComponentClass: Tclass): Boolean; Begin Result: = true;

End. The storage is under LIB. Continue to compile, there is a fault, not defined form, this is the source code, what is going on? Open the source code to see, it turns out to root, change all the error FORM to root. After the finish is finished, OK is installed. The last control CRPE in the Data Access is it.


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