Write easy-to-read code

zhaozj2021-02-17  102

The successful development team requires each member of the team to abide by the code reuse rules, which push the reuse of the code to the extreme to achieve significant reduction in the creativity and development efficiency of the developer. If you write and use the developer who use the code to comply with the common program nammon code and code annotation requirements, the reuse of the code will be greatly improved. The starting point of these standards is the system structure. Your functional specification should reflect these standards in the definition of the class, attribute name, function return value, and other key program elements. This article will make some feasible suggestions on basic naming rules and comments, intend to help readers develop their code reuse standards. Size-level criteria before we start discussing the correct way to name all kinds of programs, let us define two most common ways to distinguish between elements, they are: Pascal Specification - 1 characters in uppercase, target name The first letter of each word is also capitalized, such as Invoicenumber or PrintInvoice. All other characters are lowercase. Camel Specification - The first character is not usually written, but the first letter of each word in the target name, for example, Invoicenumber. All other characters are lowercase. However, using character case-sensitive segmentation elements may cause problems in programming languages ​​that are insensitive to case. For example, since the C # language is case sensitive, you can call the private variable Employee, then the public property EMPLOYEE can be used by the caller. These operations are completely legal. However, there is an error for Visual Basic because VB is not distinguishing in alphabetically, and the above two elements seem to be a matter in VB. If you work in a hybrid language environment, you can only specify certain rules to ask developers to reasonably use a variety of languages ​​to read the code developed by others. Naming standard assumes that we have adopted the above cases, and now let us know simple naming suggestions for some general program elements. Some classes are designed to simulate the object of the real world. For these classes, the name selected should reflect the object of the real world, with the format of the singular noun, more Employee, Invoice or Timecard, etc. For internal classes, the PASCAL specification order has a single-form name, such as Threadpool or CustomColor. The class should be singular, so that their plural form can represent the collections of the same class, such as an Employees array. Members of the class adopt C # and other case-sensitive programming languages ​​should adopt the name of the Camel specification name member. Doing so allows developers easier to distinguish between the names of internal variables (Name) and public properties. Many VB developers prefer to name the Hungarian nomenclature for class members, which is the type of the prefix represents the variable in front of the name, such as the SNAME refers to the Name variable of the string type. I think this is unnecessary in the advanced development environment such as VS.NET, because in this case the system mouse is left over the variable, the variable can be automatically displayed. I personally like to add prefixes before class members: lowercase letters m. Such internal variables have saved enough internal information: Internal variables MNAME exactly represents public property Name. The method method should be named using a PASCAL specification, and the implementation behavior is explained in a reasonable way. For example, adding an employee to a database can be named AdDemPloyee, and the method of printing the invoice may be named PrintInvoice. If the method returns the Boolean value, then the method name should start with the verb to use it more obvious when using the IF statement.


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