Add APT Package Management Tool for RedHat

zhaozj2021-02-17  93


What method do you use to manage your RPM, installed from the disc installation, download it from the network, or use the Red Hat's Up2date (Red Hat Network) in maintenance, these are methods for solving the problem, but you can have a better choice. - APT

I. Introduction RedHat uses the RPM package management system, the RPM package management system has a powerful compilation and installation function, but due to historical reasons, the RPM package management system does not have internal definitions, causing the installation of RPM software. There is often a problem that it is unaptuked software dependence. The Debian system is based on the APT (Advanced Packaging Tool "tool for software package management, which can be automatically resolved and installed on the package, so Debian Linux is considered to be the most easy to manage and upgrade, and the APT tool is also considered to be the best software. One of the package management tools. In order to solve the fatal problem of the Red Hat package management system, CONECTIVA Linux ports the APT system to the Linux system using the RPM package management system, allowing the RPM package-based system that can utilize the APT tools to automatically resolve the relationship. There are already many sites for the Redhat Linux to upgrade the management package, such as,, etc., making Redhat also become the release of the APT tool. 1. This article describes how to install and use the APT Package Management Tool in the Redhat Linux system. In order to have a general understanding of the characteristics of the APT tool, let's introduce several instances of the APT WITH RPM management system: (1) Automatically delete related packages when deleting a package: [root @ linux root] # APT-GET REMOVE NESSUS-Common

2) Automatic download installation and dependent package: [root @ Linux root] # APT-GET Install Nessus-Server

(3) Maintain system software, automatic update system: [root @ Linux root] # APT-GET UPGRADE

Second, APT simple operation principle

After our machine installed the APT kit, we became an APT user. When we installed, upgrade RPM, in fact, it is done to download RPM back to the remote APT server through the network, APT server We can specify yourself, and the APT user can also become an APT server at the same time (in the second quarter we will talk to the APT server) APT-GET Update instruction synchronizes the RPM index list of users and APT servers ( Package List, the RPM index of the APT server is placed in the base data clip (the base data clip is generated by the GenBaseDir instruction), and the user-end computer obtains the BASE data clip after the SLR compressed file, it will decompress it. Place the / var / state / Apt / LISTS /, and the user uses the APT-GET Install or the APT-Get Dist-Upgrade command, the data in the data and the RPM database in the user-end computer. By comparison, you can know that the RPM is installed, not installed, or can be upgraded, so once the RPM within the APT server is faster, you must remember to generate a new RPM index list using the GenBaseDir instruction.

Third, install the Apt With RPM and its graphical interface Synaptic Next brief introduction How to download and install Apt With rpmApt with rpm can be directly to [URL] [/ url] download and installation, currently the site is available The software upgrade service of Redhat 6.2, 7.x and 8.0, the following is a few common redhat version APT download address: redhat 6.2 .4cnc7-fr0.62.1.i386.rpmredhat 7.2http: // 7.3http: //ftp.freshrpms .NET / PUB / FRESHRPMS / RedHat / 7.3 / Apt / APT-0.5.4cnc9-fr0.1.rh73.i386.rpmredhat 8.0http: // -0.5.4cnc9-fr1.i386.rpmredhat 9.0 After downloading:

[root @ Linux root] # rpm -ihv also provides an APT-RPM interface of a graphical interface Synaptic, which is more convenient to use the APT of the graphical interface. Direct installation of Synaptic: [root @ Linux root] # apt-get update [root @ Linux root] # APT-GET Install Synaptic After several lines of prompt, Synaptic is installed, enter XWindow, Synaptic will appear in "System Settings "The menu. [Fixme: Where is the redhat 7.x version SYNAPTIC? ]

Third, using the APT Using the APT on the RedHat and uses almost exactly below the debian, the configuration file can be used after / etc / apt /, follow the previous introduction to install the APT, you can use and update the RPM update provided by Red Hat and FRESHRPMS.NET. Updated. The main running command is as follows: (1) Update the software list, get the software list and interdependence list on the remote RPM server, all the download address of all available software is defined in /etc/apt/sources.list, the following major download operations The address is also defined here. [root @ Linux root] # APT-GET UPDATE (2) Checking local software dependencies legitimacy, due to the problem of rpm systems, many systems will have some dependencies, using the following command to check the dependencies, and the APT-GET will provide some Repair scheme, only the machine does not depend on the relationship, can use APT-RPM. A newly installed clean system does not have dependencies. [root @ Linux root] # APT-GET CHECK (3) Install or upgrade a new software [root @ Linux root] # apt-get install package-namePackage-name is the front section of the name of the RPM package, does not include the version number, If you choose different processor types, you can add @ i686 oriented logo. (4) Upgrade all system software [root @ Linux root] # APT-GET UPGRADE (5) Comprehensive upgrade, more intelligent upgrades than Upgrade, while solving some dependencies at the time of Upgrade [root @ Linux root] # APT-GET Dist-upgrade (6) Uninstall software while uninstalling the dependency software [root @ Linux root] # APT-GET Remove package-name (7) Clear the local downloaded RPM package, the RPM package is saved after / var / cache / APT / Archieves, this command clears the downloaded RPM file [root @ Linux root] # APT-GET CLINUX ROOT] # APT-GET CLEAN All commands can be done by the front-end software Synaptic, the graphical software is more intuitive, understand the front. Several major orders can use Synaptic without difficulty, so this article will not repeat the use of Synaptic.

Four custom APT-RPM (1) Add Software Resource List Adding software resources in the APT-RPM system, you only need to follow the description of the server that provides the APT service in /etc/apt/sources.list Add to the website can. The format of this line of parameters is: rpm uri distribution [Component1] [ComponNent2] [...] where the URI is the address of the software resources, which can be HTTP, FTP, File and other URL addresses, Distribution is the reed version, such as 7.2, 7.3, 8.0, etc., followed by Component overlook. Sometimes it may only be interested in one or several parts of a software resource, then it can be clearly indicated here. For example, add Http:// Provide RedHat KDE 3.1 test package, just add a line in Sources.List: rpm 8.0 kde3-Test Add the KDE3 section of the site to the list. Here are some of the current list of the APT-RPM software resource available, add them to your /etc/apt/sources.list file, you can use the redhat software update and maintenance through the APT-RPM, see website description .

(The front is the name of the website, followed by redhat version and introduction) http://apt.freshrpms.NET/ - Red Hat Linux 6.2, 7.x, 8.0and 9.0 Repositories (with all freshrpms include of course!) Http: / / - Red Hat Linux 7.x repositories (with all freshrpms include TOO!) - Red Hat Linux 6.2, 7.x, 8.0 And 9.0 repositorieshtp: // - Red Hat Linux 6.2, 7.x and rawhide repositationalieshtp: // - Red Hat Linux 6.2, 7.x 8.0and 9.0 and rawhide repositorieshtp: // - Red Hat Linux 7.2, 7.3 and 8.0 repositectftp: // - Red Hat Linux 7.2, 7.3 and 8.0 repositorieshttp: // - Red Hat Linux 7.2, 7.3 and 8.0 and gnomeHide repositorieshttp: // - Red Hat Linux 7.2, 7.3 and 8.0 repositorieshtp: // AU / - A FEW Red Hat Linux 7.2 Custom PackageShtp: // - Lots of Custom Red Hat Linux 8.0 Gnome 2 and related packageshttp: //ftp-stud.fht- PT / - Red Hat Linux 7.x, 8.x and rawidehttp: // - Red Hat Linux 7.3 and 8.0http: // - kde for red Hat Project 2) When adding the RedHat installation disk to the software source, you need to install the disc or ISO file from the RedHat installed, uninstall the software, which can set the RedHat installation CD to the software source. This way of work requires first, sweeps the package on the disc installation CD and establishes a list of CD software in the /var/lib/apt/cdroms.list file. If you use the Redhat disc, you only need to insert the disc into the CD drive. The following command will automatically mount CD and create a list [root @ Linux root] # apt-cdrom add If you use the ISO file installation, first Mount ISO file to mount-point, put Mount Point input, you can automatically search for the RPM software list. [root @ Linux root] # APT-CDROM -M -D Mount-Point Add If it is unlocked hard disk image installation, you only need to input the path input, you can automatically search the RPM software list. [root @ linux root] # APT-CDROM -M -D path Add

5. Set up a simple APT server (here only explain Redhat 9)

Note: Please confirm your Apache first before doing the following operations, and / var, there is at least 2G space 1. Why is the APT server to install the APT, installation, and upgrade of FreshrPMS? Online to FRESHRPMS to download the file. If only one server is maintained, it is ok, if there is ten servers, it is necessary to spend ten times the time and bandwidth to do the same thing, plus the bandwidth of the United States is not abundant, this How to be good, so when there are multiple servers to maintain, set up an APT server, which seems to be a good choice.


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