Oracle9ir2 installation in Red Hat Advanced Server Edition 2.1

zhaozj2021-02-17  104

This article will introduce Oracle Database 9ir2 installation procedure under Red Hat Linux Advanced Server2.1, if you have experience in installing Oracle8i, then the following installation process is a small thing for you: Hardware requirements: Hard disk space: Installation The Oracle9i database has at least 2.5GB of remaining space. Temporary hard disk space: Oracle installer requires more than 400M or more temporary hard disk space during installation; memory: Installing Oralce 9i software requires at least 512M memory (I use 256MB memory during my personal installation). Installation: 1. Red Hat Linux Advanced Server2.1: Download Location: Unknown (Non-Free Version) 2. Oracle9ir2: Download Location: (Note: 1. Version No. Decompression Measures: Take Linux9i_Disk1.cpio.gz as an example. Gunzipt Linux9i_disk1.cpio.gz cpio -idmv

The configuration of the kernel parameters is generally configured under the / proc folder: 1). Taking the root user: Su - root 2). Set the shared memory size, share the memory size is generally half of the physical memory, here we assume that physical memory is 512M shared memory value 4294967295 With this, if your physical memory is 1G, the value here is 8589934590: Echo 4294967295> SHMMAX View Shared Memory Settings: CAT / Proc / Sys / Kernel / SHMMAX 6 Add User: Oracle Use specific users (non-root users) in installation and use, in accordance with Oracle's standard description, you need to add three specialized users and user groups, in order to easily install and use our installation and use of Oracle to a specific user carry out. First create an Oracle installation group and user group, we have two user groups to name Oinstall, DBA, logging in to root users: 1) GroupAdd Oinstall 2) GroupAdd DBA Add Oracle User: 1) UserAdd Oracle -g OinsTall -g DBA - D / OPT / ORACLE 2) Password Oracle 7. Create installation directory: Taking root users: MKDIR / OPT / ORACLE MKDIR / OPT / ORACLE / PRODUCT MKDIR /OPT/OrCle/Product/9.2.0 CHMOD 750 / OPT / Oracle Chown -R Oracle.oinStall / Opt / Oracle 8. Set Oracle Environment: VI /OPT / ORACLE / PRODUCT / 9.2.0 Oracle / Product / 9.2.0 Export Oracle / Product / 9.2.0 Export Oracle_SID = sah export ORACLE_TERM = xterm export NLS_LANG = AMERICAN; export ORA_NLS33 = $ ORACLE_HOME / ocommon / nls / admin / data export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $ ORACLE_HOME / lib: / lib: / usr / lib: / usr / local / lib export PATH = $ Path: $ oracle_home / bin; classpath = $ oracle_home / jre: $ oracle_home / jlib: $ oracle_home / rdbms / jlib classpath = ClassPath: $ oracle_home / network / jlib 9 Start installation 1) CD / backup / disk1 2) ./ Runinstaller installation resolution: Generally, according to the error message, if it is because of binutils problem, then it must be binutils version is wrong, it is recommended to install Binutils and then perform Oracle9i installation. Oracle9i requires the password of the SYS and SYSTEM users in the installation database, and you can set your own password at will.


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