Oracle 8i installation notes under Redhat 7.38

zhaozj2021-02-17  102

Header: /setup/install.racle.txt 12 02-12-18 18:20 Chedong $ redhat 7.3 / 8 Oracle 8i installation notes hardware requirements ======== at least 256M physical memory system preparation === ===== RedHat 8 Press the Server mode to install the installation package Big Category: 1 Contains a X system, it is recommended to use GNOME, 2 Select the Development Kit Develop Tools, the standard GCC tool, etc.

3 It is recommended to select NetWork UtilieTy. The gadgets such as NMAP MTR are useful to install about 1.4G space after installation, set the default en_us.utf-8 (under RedHat 7.3, which is en_us.iso885915) En_us root # vi / etc / sysconfig / i18n modification: lang = "en_us" supported = "en_us: en" ready to install ============= 0 Download: 1 The latest JVM: It is recommended to use IBM JVM1.3 2 Oracle8.1.7 installation package: HTML Linux81701.tar Oracle8i Linux installation package glibc-2.1.3-stubs.tar.gz patch 1 Install JDK root # rpm -i ibmjava2-sdk-1.3.1-2.0.i386.rpm Set java_home to / etc / Profile root # vi / etc / profile ket java_home = / opt / ibmjava2-131 export path = $ path: / opt / ibmjava2-131 / bin 2 Create User and Group Oracle8i Service User Name: Oracle belongs to the DBA group root # groupadd dba root #useradd oracle -g DBA Modify Oracle User Password: Root # Passwd Oracle 3 Sets Oracle User's Environment Variables, add the following settings: Oracle% vi ~ oracle / .bash_profile ############### ################################################################################################################################################## = / Home / Oracle Export Oracle_Home = $ Oracle_Base / Product / 8.1.7 # Default Character Set: Export NLS_LANG = American # command line Tool Portal Export Path = $ PATH: $ ORACLE_HOME / BIN ################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################ ############# If you need to make these environment settings right away: Source .bash_profile two oracle installation process =================== Package Linux81701.tar (approximately 530M) Oracle% TAR XF Linux81701.ta uses Oracle users to enter the X environment, run the unproved Disk1 / RunInstaller's entire installation process is best to open 2 windows: one is RunInstaller, in another terminal window Run some auxiliary script The following is the switching process of 2 windows according to the installation step:

Oracle Installer Patch Terminal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - 1 / path / to / disk1 / runinstaller, pressing the class in accordance with the default option installation. It is recommended to select: 1 Oracle Server 2 Net8 3 Oracle Utilities 4 Orcale Configuration Assistants Do not install OPS, no JServer, etc. Fill in the pre-set DBA group When Oracle installation prompt runs Oracle User Group Permissions Settings Scripts ROOT # ORAINSTROOT.SH 3 About Database Installation Configuration Select the Database (or not install when the database assistant is finally available, must wait for Oracle The in Glibc-2.1.3-stubs.tar.gz is completed after the patch will be loaded.) 4 When the Oracle installation prompt runs, root # Oracle8. At this time, ROOT.SH has a bug on Chapter 156, is correct as follows: Ruid = `/ usr / bin / id | $ awk -f ('{print $ 2}' | $ awk -f) '{print $ 1}' `Finally write a single quotation number" '"-------- ^ 5 Oracle application installation, NET8 configuration is based on the default settings (Perform type) to this: Database application and network service basic installation initial Complete but the database is not initialized, you can quit the Installer installation interface 6 to switch to Oracle users to make patch Oracle% CP glibc-2.1.3-stubs.tar.gz% Oracle_home / oracle% CD $ Oracle_Home Oracle% Tar ZxF Glibc-2.1. 3-stubs.tar.gz oracle%. / 7 patch After completing, in the X environment, start DBASSIST with Oracle users to create a database.


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