Change EditPlus 2.10c into Turbo C 2.0 IDE

zhaozj2021-02-17  94

Select the "Configure User Tools" menu item in EditPlus menu and appear "Preferences" dialog box. At this time, the "user tools" subkey on the "Tools" tree in the "Categories" tree list is selected in the list.

Select an empty item in the "GROUPS AND TOL ITEMS" list. Empty project general name is "Group 1", "Group 2", "Group 3" ... Assume your "Group 5" project is empty, select it. Click the "Group Name ..." button on the right of the list, the "Rename Uesr Tool Group" dialog box appears. Enter "Turbo C 2.0" in the "New Name:" text box. Click the "OK" button to close the dialog. This will build an empty tool group named "Turbo C 2.0". Below you are going to add a tool to the new tool set.

I want to have the following Turbo C 2.0 tools: Compile and link: Compile the source program, generate executable Option: View Turbo C 2.0 Compilation Connection Option Run: Output Assembly Code generated after running the Connection connection source program Output Assembly Code: According to the C source program, generate the corresponding assembly source verification: View assembly source generated by "Output assembly code"

★ Assume that your TURBO C 2.0 installation directory is E: / TC2. ★ Assume that your EditPlus 2.10c installation directory is d: / program files / editplus 2.10c.

Let's add the first tool first. Click the "Add Tool >>" button to select "Program" in the menu that pops up on the right. At this time, a tool item is added in the tool list, the default name is "New Program", you can modify its name in the "Menu Text" text box. Now change the name of the newly added tool item to "Compile and Link" in the "Menu Text" text box. Enter "E: / TC2/Tcc.exe" in the "Command:" text box; enter "-ie: / tc2 / include -le: / tc2 / lib -n $ (filedir) in the" Argument: "text box $ (Filepath) "; Enter" E: / TC2 "in the" Initial Directory: "text box; select the" Capture Output "checkbox. This way, add the first tool.

The rest of the following is exactly the same, just the information entered, I will listed them below:

Menu Text: OptionCommand: E: /TC2/Tcc.exeargument: Initial Directory: $ (fileDir) Capture Output: TRUE

Menu Text: Runcommand: Argument: $ (fileDir) / $ (filenamenoext). EXeinitial Directory: $ (fileDir) Capture Output: False

Menu Text: Output Assembly CodeCommand: E: /TC2/Tcc.exeargument: -ie: / TC2 / include -le: / tc2 / lib - filepath Initial Directory: $ (fileDir) Capture Output: TrueMenu Text: View Assembly CodeCommand: D: / Program Files / EditPlus 2.10c / Editplus.exeargument: $ (fileDir) / $ (filenamenoExt) .asminitial Directory: $ (fileDir) Capture Output: false

Datual! Hurry and write a "Hello, World!" Experience!


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