Some of the experiences in using CSocket, the special offer is shared with you.
First use VC to establish a project (single document, multi-document, or dialog box), followed by a single document project as an example.
In the engineering of the CSocket class inherited CServersock. CMyView * m_pView added in CServerSocket class constructor modified CServerSocket CServerSocket :: CServerSocket (CMyView * pView) {m_pView = pView}, listen for client connection class; adding CClientSock class inherits from the CSocket same, the same modifications as CClientSock The constructor; the server starts to connect to the code as follows:
CMYVIEW class (error code is implemented
CserverVersock * m_pserver;
CClientSock * m_pclient;
AfXSocketinit (& WSA);
M_Pserver = New Cserversock (this);
M_Pserver-> Create (my_port, sock_stream, my_ipadd);
m_pserver-> listen (my_maxnumber);
Overload virtual functions on the CserverVersock class onaccept
m_pview-> accept (); // Toned the Accept function in the CMYVIEW class;
CMYVIEW Class New Function ACCEPT
m_pserver-> accept (m_pclient)
Overload virtual functions in CClientSock class Onreceive
m_pview-> rv (); // callback the RECV function in the CMYVIEW class;
CMYVIEW Class New Function Recv
m_pclient-> receive (buf, bufsize);
To this server is ready
Add a CClientSock class in the client, also modify the constructor, overreload the virtual function onRecEive
M_PView-> Recv (); // The RECV () function in the CMYVIEW is accepting the message;
The client's connection is
CClientSock * m_pclient;
AfXSocketinit (& WSA);
M_pclient = new cclientsock (this);
m_pclient-> connect (Server_ADD, Server_Port);
It is now successfully connected to the server, which can be communicated.
Please be ax, welcome to communicate with me