Welcome the coming of the RIA era (on)

zhaozj2021-02-17  122


After reading a few articles about "Return C / S", as a programmer for the development of B / S, it is not exempt from hot blood and is inspired! Once, I am a faithful advocate of the B / S structure, and it is also in the technical quagmire in the so-called "zero departure". Just as B / S troubled, RIA walked into my sight ...

What is RIA

The Internet has become increasingly a default platform for application development. Users have increased daily on application complexity, but the current web application is always concerted in terms of completion of complex applications. When the user interacts with today's medium complex level web application, its experience is not satisfactory. The web model is based on page models that lack client intelligence mechanisms. Moreover, it is almost unable to complete complex user interactions (such as traditional C / S applications and user interactions in desktop applications). Such techniques make it difficult for web applications, high support costs, and cannot function in many ways.

In order to improve the user experience, a new type of Internet application has appeared. That is Rich Internet Applications (RIA). These applications combine the fast and interactive advantages of desktop applications, and the range of communication ranges from web applications and easily propagate. RIA simplifies and improves user interaction of web applications. In this way, the application developed by the user can provide a richer, more interactive and responsive user experience.

Based on host mode → C / S mode → B / S mode → RIA mode

Our industry has experienced important transformations in several system architectures. In this process, the client's performance features have fallen. The figure above describes the changes in the application experience of each phase of the calculation function, which starts from the mainframe, until the occurrence of RIA.

As each enterprise organization recognizes that the RIA model produces significant commercial profits, improve productivity and reduced cost advantages, this model's development momentum is getting more violent. These applications combine the fast and interactive advantages of desktop applications, and the range of communication ranges from web applications and easily propagate. The next step in the development of the system architecture is RIA, which maximizes extensive and richness.

On the lack of traditional B / S

Process complexity process complexity is caused by the need to express a multi-step or multi-selected task or interaction. In HTML, a multi-step task can be expressed in a single page. However, due to the limited interaction of HTML, a long page may be generated, and it is unrest, clumsy and difficult to use. In order to avoid this unbearable user experience, you need to divide the task to distinguish the "natural" part of the "natural" to multiple steps, and even multiple web pages are completed. This web-based user interface typically requires repeated flipping web pages to solve the change in the sequential steps. The result is slow, unnatural, confusing, and is annoyed. Configuration complexity Many web applications allow users to configure their own custom products - can be a skin or a computer, or even a car. But configuring products is a very difficult process, because the application must be able to express associated complexity when displaying all valid product options to users, especially when users can from dozens, hundreds or thousands of options When a product is made. Expression of these complexity includes pointed out the desired conditions, effective and invalid combinations, some elements that lead to problems and their appropriate solutions; for each individual chooses to provide cost information and total cost total (once there is a change); It is to allow users to watch the final result. These are quite difficult for traditional web applications.

Size complexity Today, most of the search tools in the website are the textual nature, and there are some images added to some brocade. When the user enters him or her digital camera guidelines, it is possible to be price, pixel, etc., the website will then reply to the product of the criteria, and most of them are text. Conversely, another method is to use visualization to simplify search space (that is, providing immediate and dynamic visual feedback). In a visual selection camera, its search process may be as follows: The website starts from a single screen containing all camera type images. When the user selects the filter criteria by checking the box, a cursor or a data input field, all the camera images that do not conform to the criterion will be deleted, and only the criteria can be seen on the screen. Therefore, in the process of selecting the selective focus to the number of cameras that meet the standard, the user can experience a very different experience, and more similar experiences in real life. Feedback complexity high interactivity applications such as games, which make feedback becomes complicated, that is, referring to a feedback loop between user actions and rapid movement or plot changes. The traditional HTML page can be said to be unable to express this complexity. It requires a highly interactive and local intelligent client application to respond to the user's input and changing their status or interface without refreshing a full page or interfering with the server. A client that relying on the server will make the user experience more attractive, and also solve the problem of feedback complexity. Web applications must have the ability to express complexity to allow users to view complex data, configure multiple options, search large data sets, and interact between users and data.

Real RIA

In order to solve today's problems, the ideal web application should be able to: 1. Using an ubiquitous client 2, there is no change in a variety of hardware platforms, no matter whether low or high bandwidth connectivity Executive execution 4, restore processing capabilities to customers (not only providing capacity) 5, providing attractive high interaction user interface 6, expression process, data configuration, scale and feedback complexity 7, seamless utilization Sound, video, images, and text 8, allow users to work online and offline to support mobile workflow 9, allow customers to decide when to access what content and data (asynchronous content retrieval) 10, access multiple intermediates Layer service (.NET or JAVA) and backend data store 11, using newly rising standards such as XML and SOAP, providing dynamic efficient front-end applications 12, with remains old applications and System Integration 13, allowing new features to add new features in existing web applications and environments to make full use of existing network application investments


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