Affordable volume and foot -OC4J (3)

zhaozj2021-02-17  170

16. Is the OC4J stand-alone with a graphical user interface?

This version is not. All configurations and published operations for the OC4J standalone version can only modify their configuration files by manual. In the future, we will provide the latest JMX specification, web-based console to perform configuration and publish tasks.

Sevente, can I use HTTPS for the OC4J HTTP listener?

can. The OC4J HTTP listener supports HTTPS, which can be configured to comply with this trend.

Refer to the related OC4J User Guide (standalone or Oracle Application Server Edition) to get more information.

Eighteen, how do I use an OC4J HTTP listener to change the HTTP port?

The port used by the OC4J HTTP listener is defined in the configuration file:

/config/http-web-site.xml file's Web-Site tag port properties.

You can modify the port = "8888" to a different port number.

10. How to connect the database with OC4J?

OC4J uses the data source to define the operation of the connection database. When the OC4J starts, it can establish a DataSource object based on the configuration file. These DataSource objects act as a connection plant (connecting pool), allowing the application to get a connection without having to obtain a physical detailed connection information of this database.

The data source is defined as the default value in J2EE_HOME / Config / Data-Sources.xml. When using the OC4J standalone version, you should manually add a database connection declaration you need. When using an Oracle Application Server, you should use the Oracle Enterprise Management Console to define the data source.

A definition of a data source contains all information about this data source to connect to the database. Typical examples are as follows:

Class = "com.evermind.sql.drivermanagerDataSource"

Name = "Oracleds"

Location = "jdbc / oraclecoreds"

XA-location = "jdbc / xa / oraclexads"

ejb-location = "jdbc / oracleds"

Connection-Driver = "Oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"

Username = "scott"

Password = "tiger"

URL = "JDBC: Oracle: Thin: @localhost: 1521: Oracle"


STMT-Cache-size = "100"


Refer to the J2EE Service Guide for the OC4J document to get more information.

Twenty, if I don't want to show the password of the database, do you do it?

OC4J 9.0.4 allows you to put your password in a different profile to indirectly manage in a safe way. Allows you to specify a specific secure package, OC4J will parse your password yourself. This allows the password to continue to remain in a centralized area being managed, and you can also select local XML users to store or use the Oracle Internet Directory.

Refer to the J2EE Service Guide for the OC4J document to get more information.

Twenty-one, can I connect the OC4J to the non-Oracle database? Yes, Oracle supports a set of JDBC drivers to connect to IBM, Sybase, and Microsoft database products. Using the JDBC driver to make up for those that are not supported by the Oracle support library. Create a connection with non-Oracle database products, you should configure data sources for OC4J to define a series of necessary JDBC driver information, such as JDBC URLs, connection names, and so on.

Refer to the data source section of the J2EE Service Guide for the OC4J document. (Please pay attention! Quote, transfer this article to note: rosen Jiang and the source:


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