TextBox controls for data validity verification using regular expressions

zhaozj2021-02-17  116

From TextBox, join the function of regular expression verification data, there should be some use, I will submit it in the 9CBS sharing software, and interested buddies can go see. Here is the source code, at least let me look like this, ^ _ ^

File: //RegexTextBox.cs

/ **

* Created on February 17, 2004


Anyone can use this control free of charge, and get the source code for this control.


Please refer to the regular expression


Or related books

* /

// Import the .NET class library used by the program

Using system;

Using system.drawing;

Using system.windows.forms;

Using system.text.regularExpressions;

// Name the space regexeditor, will continue to expand ....

Namespace regexeditor


/ ** RegextExtBox inherits from TextBox control

* The data can be valid for data by regular expressions

* /

Public Class Regextbox: System.Windows.Forms.TextBox


Private string strregex; // Regular expression for verification

Private string strrifyerror; // Tips for checking errors

Private bool bisverifysuccess; // is inspected successfully

Private bool bisdisplayerror; // Whether it is displayed

PRIVATE BOOL BTOVERIFY; / / Whether to check

// Property: Regular expression for verification

Public String RegexString




Return Strregex;




Strregex = value;



// Property: Tips for testing errors

Public String VerifyErRorstring




Return strVerifyerror;




StrVerifyerror = value;



// Attribute: Whether the inspection is successful

Public Bool IsverifySuccess




Return Bisverifysuccess;




BiSverifysuccess = value;



// Attribute: Whether to display a verification error

Public Bool IsDisplayError




Return bisdisplayerror;




BiSDisplayError = Value;



Public Bool Toverify




Return bturn;




Btoverify = value;




Public regexTextBox ()


InitializationComponent ();


// Initialization variables and control properties

void initializecomponent ()


RegexString = ""

VerifyerRorstring = ""

Isverifysuccess = true;

IsdisplayError = false;


THIS.NAME = "regextextbox";

THIS.VALIDATING = New System.comPonentModel.canceleventHandler (this.onvalidatingdata);

// Private process: verify data

Private bool verifydata ()


IsverifySuccess = regex.ismatch (this.text, regexstring);

Return isverifysuccess;


// Event processing function: verification data

Private void onvalidatingdata (Object Sender, System.componentmodel.canceleventargs E)


IF (! Toverify) / / Do not need to verify directly


e.cancel = false;



IF (! VerifyData ()) // The verification is incorrect ..


if (this.isdisPlayError) / / Requires the verification error message..


Messagebox.show (VerifyerRorstring, "Warning:");


ELSE // requires no verification error tips..



} // end if

e.cancel = true;


ELSE // The verification is correct..


e.cancel = false;

} // end if


} // End Class

} // end namespace


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