zhaozj2021-02-17  199

1. What is the flanch of the BIOS? BIOS pronunciation is "BYE-OSE," is an abbreviation for the basic input / output system. The BIOS is the machine's hardware comes with the software system that determines the basic functionality of the machine before the computer does not access the disk. For PC, the BIOS contains code that controls the keyboard, display screen, disk drive, serial communication devices, and many other features. In general, the BIOS is stored on the motherboard (so typically called ROM BIOS), which ensures that the general availability of the BIOS and does not damage due to disk problems. It also ensures that the machine can start. Because the RAM is fast than the ROM, the BIOS designed by many machine manufacturers can be copied from the ROM to RAM when the machine is started, and this technology is also called Shadowing. Today, many PC's motherboards have flash bios, which means that this BIOS is stored in a rewritten Flash memory chip, if needed, if necessary, the BIOS that does not expect the PC is standardized, all PCs are at this level of BIOS. Similar (although because of the manufacturer, the BIOS version is very much). And often said DOS function is implemented through software on disk, so you don't have to replace BIOS, you can easily upgrade your DOS system. BIOS can handle the PLUG-AND-Play (PNP) device called PNP BIOS, or PNP-Aware BIOS. In general, Flash Bios is PNP BIOS. 2. How to determine the BIOS (Flash Bios Chip) in my system? It is very simple, open the chassis, unveil the BIOS chip (generally 28 or 32 pin double-column integrated integrated circuit, above Post is a seal with a seal of the BIOS producer, you can see the model of the chip. In the control, you can determine if there is a barrible BIOS in the system.

Am29F010: AMD 5 volt flash ROM Am28F010, Am28F010A: AMD flash ROM AT28C010 12 volts, AT28MC010, AT29C010, AT29LC010, AT29MC010: Atmel 5 volt flash ROM CAT28F010V5, CAT28F010V5I: Catalyst 5 volt flash ROM CAT28F010, CAT28F010I: Catalyst 12 Flash ROM 28F010: Fujitsu (Fujitsu) 12 volts Flash ROM or ISSI 12 volts Flash ROM HN58C1000: Hitachi (Toshiba) 5 volts Flash ROM HN28F101, HN29C010, HN29C010B, HN58C1001, HN58V1001: Hitachi (Toshiba) 12 volts flash ROM A28F010, 28F001BX-B, 28F001BX-T, 28F010: Intel flash ROM M5M28F101FP 12 volts, M5M28F101P, M5M28F101RV, M5M28F101VP: Mitsubishi 12 volt flash ROM MX28F1000: MXIC 12 volt flash ROM MSM28F101: OKI 12 volt flash ROM KM29C010: Samsung 5 volt flash ROM DQ28C010, DYM28C010, DQM28C010A: SEEQ 5 volt flash ROM DQ47F010, DQ48F010: SEEQ 12 volt flash ROM M28F010, M28F1001: SGS-Thomson flash ROM 28EE011 12 volts, 29EE010: SST 5 volts Flash ROM PH29EE010: SST ROM CHIP - Obsolet (Flashable) TMS29F010: Texas-Instr. 5 volts Flash ROM TMS28F010: Texas-Instr. 12 volts Flash ROM W29EE011: Winbond 5 volt flash ROM W27F010: Winbond 12 volt flash ROM X28C010, X28C010I, XM28C010, XM28C010I: XICOR 5 volt flash ROM 29LVxxx - 3V Flash memory (rare) 28Cxxx - EEPROM, and Flash memory similar 27Cxxx - WITH WINDOW. EPROM: Read only, one-time write. The alphabet of the other model is not 28 or 29, may be a normal ROM. 3. Do I need to upgrade BIOS? Upgrade BIOS has a lot of reasons, it is important, it is not too important. For our PC users, the most important reason is related to Windows. If the BIOS on a machine is over, Windows's configuration will not achieve the best. The hard disk capacity sold on the market will be much greater than 528m, in order to support these large-capacity hard drives, BIOS must support the technology of LBA (Logical Block Addressing, Logic Block Address). If your BIOS does not support, and you want to use the hard disk all capacity, you must use the dedicated software that can deceive BIOS. The use of these dedicated software will use compatibility mode when Windows accesses the hard disk, resulting in a decrease in performance. In order to allow Windows to fully support the Plug 'N Play device, you also need PNP-BIOS.

This is also an important reason for upgrading BIOS. The third important reason is to upgrade the BIOS to solve the previous BIOS error (BUGS). Other less important reasons include: BIOS has a new setting, starting the machine from the optical drive, starting from the SCSI device, etc.

4. Where to download Flash Bioss? A, BIOS update data related to major motherboard manufacturers 1) ASUS ASUS ( http: // ) 486 Computer BIOS Upgrade Program URL ( ) Pentium BIOS Upgrade Program URL ( ) Pentium Pro and PentiumIII Computer BIOS upgrade program URL ( Tw / Products / BIOS / BIOS-P6.HTML) 2) Gigabyte Gigabyte ( http: // www. ) Beta BIOS series ( http: // AGP BIOS series ( ) Intel 4 40GX series ( SWGX.htm ) Intel 440bx series ( http://www.giga )

Intel 440ZX Series ( /SWZX.HTM ) Intel 440EX Series ( http: // www. ) Intel 440LX Series ( ) Intel 430TX Series ( ) VIA Series ( ) Ali Series ( ) SIS series ( Web / swsis.htm ) Other old model motherboards ( ) 3) MSI MSI ( ms- 41 series motherboard ( ) MS-51 series motherboard ( / bios/51.htm ) MS-61 Series motherboard ( http: // ) 4) Software [Abit] ( ) 6) Houtan [shuttle] ( ) 7) Jewel [AOpen] ( ) 8) Yingtai [biostar] ( ) 9) Emstan [iWill] ( ) 10) Jiebang [J-Bond] ) 11) Mike [Micronics] (

"_New"> ) 12) Mei Jie [Soyo] ( ) 13) Ri Tai [SuperMicro] ( ) 14) 英 [EPOX] ( ) 15) Complion [EFA] -service.html ) 16) Friends [DFI] ( http:// Components. DFIWEB.COM/support/downloads.asp ) 17) Elite [ECS] ( ) 18) Volkswagen [Leo] ( EX.htm ) 19) Meman [MyComp] ( http://www.mycomp ) 20) Fuyang [FYI] ( Http:// ) 21) Zhongling [ATREND] ( ) 22) Ocean [Octek] ( < / A>) 23) Acer [ACER] ( TECH / MainBd / Default.htm ) 24) Lenovo [QDI] ( http: // www. ) 25) Hong Eagle [PCCHIPS] ( http: / / ) 26) Jetboard [JetBoard] ( ) 27) Network News [DataExpert] ( ) 28) Dynasty ( http:// mega ) 29) Run ( < / A>) 30) Diamond ( ) 31) Bless (

) 32) Intel ( ) 33) Hua Ke ( ) 34) Kirin ( ) b, main BIOS production company website Award BIOS (US) ( Award BIOS (Taiwan) ( Award Technical Consulting Center (Email, Mailto: < / A>) AMI BIOS ( Microid Research (< A href = "" Target = "_new"> Micro Firmware, develop and release Phoenix BIOS and upgrade BIOS data files ( Phoenix BIOS ( unicore For BIOS upgrade data files, only Award BIOS. 5. Motherboard name I don't know what to do? If you BIOS is award BIOS, you can go to or Support @ unicore .COM Equipment, attached to your BIOS 1) version number 2) Series Number (Part Number) 3) Release date. Award's Serial number contains information it supports the chip. This information appears after the machine is activated, the screen displays the moment when the memory test is being performed. Press the PAUSE button at this time to read the date, the date and version of the BIOS. However, some motherboard manufacturers remove this information, you only have to query them. 6. How to upgrade my BIOS? Upgrade BIOS Need 1) BIOS's read / 2) BIOS's latest data file. The read and write program will write this data file into the BIOS chip. Here is an upgrade command for different BIOS: awdflash xxx.bin (for award bioss) amiflash xxx.bin (for AMI BIOSS) MRFLASH XXX.BIN (for mrbioss) Note: a, when the reader requires you to store the current BIOS, Choose "Yes" so that if there is a problem when upgrading the BIOS, you can also restore the original BIOS. B. Some motherboard manufacturers provide their own upgrade software programs (generally can't copy), pay attention to set the "System Bios Cacheable" option to NO before the upgrade. C, don't use the wrong BIOS data file, otherwise your machine can't start. 7. What should I do when upgrading the Award BIOS "InsufFFicial Memory"? Solutions are: a. In the set of "Chipset Features" in CMOS, disable off "Video Bios Cacheable". B. Press ESC, F10, and store exit. C. Restart, press CTRL F5 when "Windows Starting" appears, which may not load DRVSPACE.BIN, save approximately 108K memory space. D. Start upgrading the BIOS, restart. E. Return into the setting of CMOS "Chipset Features", enable "Video Bios Cacheable". Press ESC, F10, and store exit. 9. How to restore damaged BIOS? Solution 1: Using the root area BIOS (Boot-block Bios) Today, most Award BIOS-based motherboards have root BIOS, which is a small part that is not covered when upgrading BIOS BIOS. It only supports very basic hardware such as: floppy disk, etc. If your graphics card is PCI, your screen will be a dark piece after the BIOS is damaged, because the root BIOS only supports ISA graphics card. The root zone BIOS can perform autoexec.bat on the floppy disk.

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