How to call WebService in PB9

zhaozj2021-02-17  122

PB9 has also come out, fast enough, probably look, compared with PB8, there is not much function, mainly WebService, XML and EJB. I feel the PB9 WebService function, share with you.

We use an example to explain:

New applications, these steps are consistent with PB8. Then create a WebService Proxy Wizard. Next, you will prompt you to enter the WSDL file, click Browse Selection, assume that it is a C: / INETPUB / WWWROOT / service1.wsdl file. Click Next, you will automatically appear service in the WSDL file. Click Next, the system selects ServicesoAP by default, then enter the Proxy Name, enter Test_ws. Several items will be default.

After completing, it is the interface of the compiler object. Will appear:

Web Service Generator Project Status

Deployment PBL: E: /PROGRAM/PB /WEBSERVICE/W_App.pbl

Clear PBL on Build: No

Confirm overwrites: no

WSDL Location: file: // e: /program/pb/webservice/service1.wsdl

Services success:

Service service1:


You can set it in the property or you can do with it. Click on the green icon, ok, a proxy object is generated.

You can see something like: test_wsservice1soap in the TreeView on the left.

Click the icon of the plus sign, you can see our defined show (String YourName) Returns String inside.

A good one has been completed, let's test:

Built a Windows, add a text box and button control.

Write in CB_1.Click event:


Test_wsservice1soap test_ws

Long rval

// String Str_endpoint

// str_endpoint = "http://localhost/webserver/service1.asmx? WSDL"


Rval = conn.createInstance (Test_ws, "Test_WSService1SoAP")

SLE_1.TEXT = ("Your participation is our greatest support")

Destroy conn

Ok, save, will prompt SOAPConnection underage.

Add PBSOAPCLIENT90.PBD to the library list. PBSoAPClient90.pbd Shared / PowerBuilder in the PB installation directory. SoapConnection appears on the left TreeView, SOAP Server

SOAPEXCEPTION two objects.

Run, click the button, the text box appears Welcome to our greatest support

Note: Service1.asmx files can be run on the server, otherwise there will be something.

I hope more wonderful things can be shared with you.


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