LILO - Practice (FAQ)

zhaozj2021-02-17  105

LILO - Practice (FAQ) NULL JOE (left and right is difficult)

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Author Joe) Title About Lilo - Practice (FAQ) Time WED AUG 25 16:23:48 1999 - --────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ───────────── ─ f1 Renew Win98 Can't find Linux: One hard disk is started with Linux dual boots, Lilo is installed in the main boot area, but when I reload Win98 after LILO Win98 rewriting MBR and guided LILO overwritten. F2 How to remove MBR LILO 1 in Linux: lilo -u 2 in 95 fdisk / MBR 3. #dd if = / boot / boot.0300 of = / dev / hda BS = 446 count = 1 4. #cat / boot / BOOT.0300> / dev / hda Note: Only when you install Windows 95, then install Linux, / boot / boot.0300 is your original Wi NDO WS 95 MBR. F3 Reissue LILO to MBR 1. Start with the installation floppy disk or disc to boot: boot: vmlinuz root = / dev / hdxy (such as: hda1) starts after running # / sbin / libo 2. After booting with two floppism: # Mount -t ext2 / dev / hda1 / mnt #ln -s / mnt / boot boot #LN -S /MNT/Etc/lilo.conf /etc/lilo.conf # / mnt / sbin / lilo f4 Make a redhat Linux Guide Disk #mkbootdisk - DEVICE / DEV / FD0 2.0.36-3 F5 How to put greater than 64m in Linux? :: Start Linux from DOS to start Linux to use a memory greater than 64m,: add MEM =. . . . . . . I.e. :: But I can't start directly Linux. I change lilo.conf, plus MEM = .....: Append "MEM = 128M": Try? Hate I can have no> 64m.

The last time I saw: "Help: Linux has a problem with 1G memory" OK! I got it! But you need to change: append = "MEM = 100663296" (I am 96M) in Byte ! F6 How to make Linux's Boot floppy disk first method: directly, bootdisk only KERNEL 1.cp zimage / dev / fd0 or cat zimage> / dev / fd0 2.RDEV -R / DEV / FD0 0 can make root Mount Being read-write, otherwise, after starting / 是 3 3.RDEV / dev / fd0 root_device, such as using a floppy disk, then: RDEV / DEV / FD0 / DEV / FD0 uses a hard disk as root, then: RDEV / DEV / fd0 / dev / hda1 BootDisk, kernel starts from 0 1 sector, so it doesn't matter of file format, second method: LILO 1.mke2fs / dev / fd0 2.mount / dev / fd0 on bootdisk / mnt 3.cp /boot/boot.b / mnt 4.cp Your_Message / MNT / Message (information displayed at startup, can not be) 5.cp zimage / mnt 6.RDEV -R / MNT / ZIMAGE 0 7.EDIT Your lilo.conf 7.edit your lilo.conf 8.lilo -c lilo.conf bootdisk can use DD to make an image file: DD if = / dev / fd0 of = Bootdisk_file then recovered to the floppy disk: DD if = bootdisk_file of = / dev / fd0 The following is an example of lilo.conf: Boot = / dev / fd0 message = / mnt / message # If you don't want to display Message, then comment down this line. VGA = Normal Prompt Install = / mnt / boot.b map = / mnt / map image = / mnt / zimage label =


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