LILO and partition Q & A (1)

zhaozj2021-02-17  177

LILO and partition Q & A (1) Null NULL

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Q: Linux is started when LI stops A: If your CMOS / BIOS sets "LINEAR BLOSTIOS," LINUX "can display Li when you start, you can add" to /etc/lilo.conf " Linear "instructions and runs / sbin / lilo to correct the error. A: If Linux is started, it will stop when Li is stopped, and there is a situation that it is not to adapt to Linux's needs after the machine is installed. Q: When I reloaded RH6.1, I started successfully. When I started LI, I stopped using the Windowns boot disk: fdisk / MBR can enter my Win98. Why? A: Lilo has rewritten MBR to make it You can start Linux's Loader, and Loader is the cause of the startup error. Using fdisk / MBR, you can start using Microsoft's default MBR data, naturally you can start. ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============= q: I just bought 1.0 in the partition, I have encountered trouble, I will not be "root" partition, there is no way to install, please save me! ! Thank you! ! ! ! A: What does it mean, isn't it used by fdisk, partitioning in Linux is / fdisk command. M View help N points a new partition, you can set it to P-PRIMARY or E-Extension. Then set the starting Cylinder number and termination number to change the type of partition such as C / T Enter (ie, a SWAP partition) (i.e., SWAP partition). ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============== Q: I help a friend put Lilo on a 16G hard drive, 10g on the start of the hard disk, for Windows, Left 6g Red Hat, but I use linear And HDA = 2110, 255, 63 finally came out of a small pile. The machine is dead, almost put my 2000 bad. My Lilo is installed on / hda3, I have set the / hda3 to the active partition.

Is it because this reason is not good or because of the hard disk of SCASII? A: Linux can not install 10G after 10g hard drive, how many clusters are it? A: Linux's root must be installed in the top 8g partition, ================ ================================================= q : My machine is loaded with NT and Xteamlinux 1.0, and DF in Linux can see the EXT2 partition is HDA5, there is C, D two partitions in NT, C is NTFS, D is FAT. Of course, there is another SWAP area in Linux. Now, I can't mount NTFS and FAT with MOUNT, please advise. In addition, my machine's graphics card is Intel i740, I as a for xfree86.tgz driver, but I don't know how to install, please ask prawn to help. A: AT 03/29/00 04:10 PM, PET Wrote:> My machine is installed NT and Xteamlinux1.0, in Linux, DF can see the EXT2 partition is HDA5,> there is C, D two under NT Partition, C is NTFS, D is FAT.

Of course, you use fdisk to view partition tables, such as FAT, / dev / hda1 NTFS for / dev / hda2 then use command mount -t msdos / dev / hda1 / mnt / fat mount -t msdos / dev / hda2 / mnt / ntfs you need Creating the FAT and NTFS catalog subdirectory in / mnt directory should be loaded with good luck ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= =================================== Q: After using fdisk -p, the partition table is as follows: / dev / HDA1 OS / 2 HPFS / DEV / HDA2 EXTENDED / DEV / HDA5 Linux Native / DEV / HDA6 Linux Swap / DEV / HDA7 DOS 16-bit> = 32M original partition D (FAT16) under NT D (FAT16) is / DEV / HDA7, MOUNT Success, but HDA1 & HDA2 still can't be hung, and I don't understand C (NTFS) in NT is a zone. Why is Linux that is considered to be HDA1, HDA2? Is it because C> 1G A:? You have misunderstood the information the fdisk command offer you the fisk recognized that you c (ntfs) as hda1 and d (fat16) as hda7 hda2 is not the primary partition, it inclued hda5, hda6. , hda7 ... good luck.q: Thanks! But why i can't mount / dev / hda1? A: Try: mount -t hpfs ... Feel Linux think your partition format is HPFS! ==== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= =============== Q: Dear prototype, save me! HDA = 1229, 255, 63 can LILO, starting LI to crash. . .

A: Your Lilo is broken, you can boot into Linux with the rescure floppy disk, then hang your hard drive as: mNT * indicates which partitions in your Linux, such as HDA1 HDA2, etc., then run Lilo It should be good luck ============================================= ======================= q: In the "/" partition, I have created Native, SWAP two districts, when creating "/" district, SIZE Value input X000, X00, X0, X are prompted TOO BIG, entering 0.x prompt format is wrong. This size value is overview, is there any special format? Thank you.a: native, swap is just partition types. Native refers to Linux's EXT2 type partition, and SWAP is a swap partition for virtual memory management. The size of the partition is filled with the number of numbers. It seems that you have Linux The concept of the next part is not understood, it is recommended to find this book to read and read, now it is a book in Linux :-) Q: Recently install Red Hat Linux, to the partition, system prompt to create a "/" Partition. I have encountered trouble when entering a size value. Enter an integer, prompt: The partition is too large. Enter 0.x prompt format does not do WHAT CAN I DO? What is this "/" area? A: This is the root partition, it is necessary. General, / partition size is 200-500m. If you have / OPT partition, / partition can be small, if you often appear in root, / partition or big Good point, because root's home is in / root. ======================================= ============================================================================================= , FAT16 format; all remaining spaces are extended to the partition, and have been divided into 1 2G FAT16, two of 2G and 4G NTFS, two of the 4G and 3G FAT32, respectively, 6 partitions, respectively. The rest of the space is intended to install Linux, but when the installation prompts "Too Big Partion ..."; then return DOS to PQMAGIC5 first divided into several Linux EXT2 partitions and SWAP zones, and then the Linux installation is still unable to succeed.

Is LILO does not support a big hard disk? I don't know if there is any other Chinese and English version of the Chinese and English version of the Linux system that can support big hard drives? A: Linux root partition generally needs to be installed in the first 8G of the hard disk, so it is generally necessary to install Linux native to the front 8G as for the solution one is to start another way to start another method to refer to the essence of the essence. Not 8G, but within the top 1023 cylinders, because the operating system does not have advanced design in this area, so your Linux must be installed in the top 1023 cylinders of the hard drive. == ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= =========== Q: Dear heroes: I have not used Lindows, it is said that it can establish and use Linux Ext2 partition under FAT32 partition, which means using Lindows 1024 to bypass Linux partitions Cylindrical limit. I really want to try Linux, but because of the 20G hard drive in the hand, it has been divided into the district and the information is too much, it is inconvenient to reformat. Please enlighten me! A: I used my hard drive very small, all did not encounter the problem of the big hard disk, I got a 10G hard drive a few days ago, so I encountered a big hard disk. In fact, LILO-0.22 can be used easy. During the installation process, LILO can't install it, you can jump over, then loadlin go in, download a libo-0.22 version, then run Lilo -L to get it. Or join the "LBA32" in /etc/lilo.conf, runlo. =============================== ================================ q: There are two hard drives in my machine, one installed WIN98, another Installing the red flag Linux1.0, now I want to remove Linux, use this hard drive in Win98, how should I do without damaging the Win98 system? A: 1 Put the hard disk of Linux :-) 2 Delete the Linux partition under the FDisk under Linux. 3 DOS's FDISK / MBR can uninstall Lilo 4 first put the Windoze hard drive, casually toss Yes :-) Backup is always correct .a: Hey! Talk about the sorrow. A good NT, (on the top of the server, there is a database, afraid to say), the brothers fever, decided to install Linux, the result will not be said. I know that FDISK / MBR can uninstall lilo, // sigh ....


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