LILO Usage Guide (middle)

zhaozj2021-02-17  141

LILO Usage Guide (middle)


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LILO Usage Guide (middle) Third, about LILO's question <1>, first installed Windows, then install Linux, you cannot install LILO. This is a problem of most Linux novices; some BIOS cannot recognize a hard disk greater than 8.4G, and the old LILO cannot identify the system kernel (kenel) that is greater than 1024 cylindrical. It is therefore possible that the problem is: LILO is loaded into the MBR, and the hard disk partition prepared for Linux is far outside 1024 cylinder, so Linux can't boot; LILO is loaded into the Linux root partition (root partition), and it happens to be 8.4 Outside G, hang up! Solution: Maybe you have already installed Linux, don't delete it, you can use it! Ok, now start: 1. Use partitionMagic5.0 to start a 10M EXT2 partition, format it in the beginning of the first hard disk. It is best to prepare the partition prepared for Linux, and save the trouble. 2. Boot and RESCUE disk boot system with loadlin or linux. Mount 10m partition - / dev / hda1, suppose I use boot and rescue disk, Mount to / MNT / TMP. Copy / Boot / * and kernel image files to / dev / hda1 in the same directory, edit /etc/lilo.conf, plus the / dev / hda1 MOUNT path before all directories, and install LILO to / DEV / HDA1. Modal = / bootmsg map = / boot / bootmsg map = / boot / bootmsg map = / boot / bootmsg map = / boot / bootmsg map = / boot / bootmsg map = / boot / map image = / boot/vmlinuz-2.2.13 is modified to boot = / dev / hda1install = / Mnt/tmp/boot/boot.bmessage = / mnt / tmp / boot / bootmsgmap = / mnt / tmp/boot / mapimage = / mnt/tmp/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.13 calls the lilo command to reinstall LILO. After the system, it is over. Remember, to uninstall Linux, you can clear the LILO in the MBR with FDISK / MBR under DOS. , multiple guidance NT, 9X and Linux, and want more than LILO, there is a detailed introduction in Linux NT-Loader-Mini-HOWTO; the main problem is how to write Linux's boot record Bootsect. ??? file, here you have successfully installed Windows9x with NT. (Here, it is assumed that Linux is installed in the first logical partition, under Linux / dev / hda5, Windows 9x is installed in the first primary partition, under Linux / dev / hda1, WindowsNT is installed in the second primary partition, in Linux Next to / dev / hda2.) Solution: Use loadlin or linux's boot and rescue disk (referring to the boot option of the BluePoint CD, it seems that there is no) to boot the Linux system.

(Loadlin is better, there may be no mtools on the rescue disk, only mount cp umount "created this file: DD if = / dev / hda5 of = / root / bootsect.lix BS = 512 count = 1 Insert floppy disk , McOPY / ROOT/bootsect.lix A: Reboot the system, enter the DOS will quickly see your results, enter the root directory of the hard disk partition of NTLDR, or the root directory of the hard disk partition bootable before Windows "(here is here Windows9x). Copy the bootsect.lix file on the floppy disk. Remove Boot.ini's read-only, hide properties. At the end, add C: OOTSECT.LIX = "Go to Linux". The storage is exited, add Boot.ini's read-only, hide attributes. Reboot the system, try again! Note that after any modification of the Linux kernel, you must work with the above steps to guide the Linux system correctly. , install excess Linux system; the main problem is still if multiple Linux LILO or root partitions cannot be found by BIOS, the system will hang! Here, BluePoint Linux is installed in the first logical partition, under Linux / DEV / HDA5, Redhat Linux is installed in the second logical partition, under Linux / DEV / HDA6. Solution: We have the same 10M partition. Multi-copy to this partition, usually everything under / boot, there may be / vmlinuz - kernel files, depending on Linux distribution. It is recommended to separate it into two directories. Assume that is / bootblurpoint and / bootredhat. Edit Lilo.conf file: Original boot = / dev / hda install = /boot/boot.b message = / boot / bootmsg map = / boot / map image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.13 label = linux root = / dev / hda1 modified to boot = / dev / hda1install = /mnt/tmp/bootBluePoint/boot.bmessage = / mnt / tmp / bootmsgmap = / mnt / tmp / bootBluePoint / mapimage = /mnt/tmp/bootBluePoint/vmlinuz-2.2.13label = BluePoint = / / dev / hda5image = / mnt / tmp / bootredhat / vmlinuzlabel = redHatroot = / dev / hda6 drove from the main boot record and resembling the original Windows MBR 1. C:> FDISK / MBR 2 . # / Sbin / lilo -u / dev / hda 3. #dd if = / boot / boot.0300 of = / dev / hda bs = 446 count = 1 4. #cat /boot/boot.0300> / dev / HDA Note: Only when you install Windows 95 after you install Linux, / boot / boot.0300 is your original Windows 95 MBR.


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