Restrict the number of disk space or files that specify the user can have on the server

zhaozj2021-02-17  148

Restrict the specified user can have the number of disk space or files on the site


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Restricting the specified user's disk space or file number comparison Cool TIPS: By default, Redhat Linux does not have any restrictions. 1. Check your / etc / fstab, assuming that there is no quota file like this. / DEV / HDA1 / EXT2 DEFAULTS 1 1 / DEV / HDA2 / HOME EXT2 Defaults 1 2 / Home is a separate partition. 2. In order to set the disk space occupied by the user jephe under the directory / home / jephe, first change / etc / fstab like this: / dev / hda1 / ext2 defaults 1 1 1 / dev / hda2 / home ext2 defaults, usrquota 1 2 3. Log in to root, create an empty file quota.user #touch /Home/quota.user #Touch 600 /Home/quota.user 4. Restart the server 5. Start the assigned user assignment The number of disk quotas and most stored files. # Edquota -u xxx quota for user xxx / dev / hda2: blocks in use: 0, limited = 5000, hard = 6500) Inodes in Use: 356, Limits (Soft = 1000, HARD = 1500) You only need to change Limits one. You can view a user's disk quota, such as #quencea lemon


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