Linux series software use skills (1)

zhaozj2021-02-17  131

Linux Series Software Usage Tips (1) NULL of this site

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Series Software Usage Tips (1) Q: How to Internet A: Text Status You can you use Internet. Browse web: You can use Lynx, or Links. The latter is a relatively new software, which may be generally available in the current package Didn't bring it, but the former Lynx is a very common browser that cannot browse the graphics, only the text is displayed. I often use it, I also use it published an article on this site. :) Transceiving email: You can use a lot of tools, recommended using Fetchmail to take POP3 mail, then read the letter with PINE. Or use other customer tools. Read News: Use TiN. Login BBS: You can use Telnet to log in. You can load good luck ============================================== ===================== q: Time, what software in your article is? What Down? A: I am coming back. DD is file conversion and renovation software in UNIX, some functions are similar to diskcopy, but it is much better than the diskcopy. Your system is definitely, WHICH DD look. Man DD What parameters are there .Q: I still don't know how to use it. Brief introduction? A: When DD is used, the most common parameters are IF --- Input File Of --- Output File comparison? You can make a boot disk under Linux: DD if = bootkernel of = / dev / fd0 above, bootkernel Your kernel, / dev / fd0 is a floppy drive. ====================================== ============================ q: Recently, I do the following command to back up data in the Linux environment. FDFORMAT / DEV / FD0 H1440 (formatted) MKE2FS / DEV / FD0 1440 (partition format) mount / dev / fd0 / mnt / floppy (hanging) TAR CVF / DEV / FD0 filename ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ -> This command is executed, then execute the LS / MNT / FLOPPY system prompts the error information and use CP filename / mnt / floppy. Why? A: Tar is Sequential file format back up data to devices such as disk, tape. Use: TAR TVF / DEV / FD0 when viewing the file. Using TAR, do not format the disk. When using CP, it is necessary to format the disk, and Mount A: I personally think that you blend the tar with the GNU's Tar.

I can use TAR CVF FileName under Unix to use TAR XVF FileName to restore normally, but is not universal with Linux, although I support UNIX System V file systems in Linux core. Don't believe you try? I use UNIX is SCO UNIX 3.2V4.2 ====================================== ================================ Q: Cannot add users.

UserAdd: Error Locking Group File A: UserAdd 2. Look at your group document, / etc / groups to see if there is a problem A: Another workaround is to manually add users, steps are as follows: 1. Follow / etc / The content already copied in the passwd, modify the user name (such as user1), the password part is written casually, the UID is set to 800 (anyway, do not conflict with the already existing user), GID is also 800, the main directory is changed to / home / User1, shell does not change can also be 2. Manually create user1 home directories, chown user1 user1.user1, cp / etc / skel / * / home / user1 3.passwd user1, the password when setting up logging in User1 Now USER1 should now be Log in =============================================== ==================== q: I change the initTable to ID :: INITDEFAUTL. It can't start A: Use a similar repair passwd method to first put the file system mount, Edit / etc / inittable; ========================================== ========================= q: Where is Linux C shell startup file ~ / .cshrc? KSH, Bash OR SH startup file ~ / .profile? Does root users and general users correspond to different startup files? A: In Linux, each user can use multiple shells, each shell has a startup configuration file, which is similar to the autoexec.bat ~ represents the user's main directory c shell for .cshrc in the user main directory The Bashell is. Bashrc can customize each user in the user's home directory. You can customize the first character of the file name in Linux. "Represents this file to hide files, you need to use the command:" ls -la "to view.

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ================= Q: Thank yourself: Hello! I have an urgent problem to ask you, please help you, please help, my computer is loaded with the double operating system, the hard disk is divided into three districts: C, D, E, where the C disk is loaded with Win98, D disk FAT32 partition, while the E disk is Turbo Linux 4.0, after LILO, the dual operating system is separated from normal. Since the Win98 failed, after the Win98, it is now found that Lilo will not see, only directly enter Win98, so Want to use the Linux boot disk, enter Linux, reset LILO, but find that the boot floppy disk cannot boot Linux, the prompt of the boot failed. So, please save my Linux. Thank you! A: You can use the installation of the Linux CD to enter the installer but select Upgrade when selecting Install and Upgrade and then select which number when you want to upgrade those modules, then you will enter the LILO installation steps so since it starts from the new hard drive. You can use LILO if you can use the Linux boot floppy disk to enter the Linux system and then the Linux partition is then run. Lilo is running A: Use the boot installation disk to activate the actual physical parameters of the hard drive (in You can get on the tab of the hard disk). That is, ramdisk hd = cyls, heads, second ========================================= =========================== I wanted some hardware information under Linux, such as: 1. The resolution of the current machine monitor, scan Frequency 2. Soft drive, type, capacity (not a floppy disk) I don't know what is good. A: Temporarily check out under / proc. Display command: XDPYINFO provides details of the display and control of the server. Q: There is no PROC, XDPYINFO needs XServer, no. In fact, display information can be obtained by VESA BIOS and VM86, but not. Drive information can be obtained as less. I don't know what a good way.


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