Servlet Upload

xiaoxiao2021-03-04  57

Package com.zy.oa.util;

Import *;

Import java.util. *;

Import java.sql. *;

Import javax.servlet.http.httpservletRequest;

Import javax.servlet.servletinputStream;

Import javax.servlet.servletException;

/ **

* This class provides file upload service

* /

Public class upload {

Private static string newline = "/ n";

Private string UploadDirectory = "D: /jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1/webapps/oa/upload";

Private string contenttype = ""

Private string characterencoding = "";

Private string strfilename = "";

PRIVATE long ifilesize = 0;

Private hashtable value = null;

Private vector filenames = NULL;

Private vector OriginalFileNames = NULL;

Private vector existFilenames = null;


Private string OriginalFileText = NULL;

Public Upload () {

VALUES = new hashtable ();

Filenames = new vector ();

OriginalFileNames = new vector ();

AttachmentManage ManageFilenames = new attachmentManage ();

Global global = new global ();

Try {

UploadDirectory = Global.getvarvalue (global.uploaddir);

} catch (exception e) {

E.PrintStackTrace ();



Private string getFilename (string s) {

INT i = s.lastIndexof ("//");

IF (i <0 || i> = s.length () - 1) {

I = s.lastIndexof ("/");

IF (i <0 || i> = s.length () - 1)

Return S;


Strfilename = s.substring (i 1);

// logger.log (strfilename);

Return S.SUBSTRING (i 1);


Public string getuploadFileName () {

Return strfilename;


Public long getFilesize () {

Return ifilesize;


Public void setuploaddirectory (string s) {

UploadDirectory = S;

Logger.log ("Upload path is:" s);


Public void setContentType (string s) {contentType = S;

Int J;

IF ((j = contenttype.indexof ("boundary ="))! = -1) {

ContentType = ContentType.Substring (J 9);

CONTENTTYPE = "-" ContentType;



Public void setcharacterencoding (string s) {

Characterencoding = s;


Private string getname (string src) {

INT i = src.indexof ("name = /");

INT j = src.lastIndexof ("/");

Return New String (src.substring (i 6, j));


Private string getValue (String src) {

Return NULL;


Public HashTable getValues ​​() {

Return this.values;


Public Vector getFilenames () {

Return this.filenames;


Public void UploadFile (httpservletRequest Req) Throws ServletException,


//Logger.log (req.getcharacterencoding ());

//Logger.log (req.getContentType ());

SetcharacterenceRencoding ());

SetContentType (Req.getContentType ());

UploadFile (Req.getInputStream ());


Private Void UploadFile (ServletInputStream ServletInputStream) THROWS

ServletException, IOException {

AttachmentManage ManageFilenames = new attachmentManage ();

EXISTFILENAMES = ManageFilenames.getNameList (this.uploaddirectory);

String filename = NULL;

BYTE linebyte [] = new byte [4096];

INT ai [] = new int [1];

String line = NULL;

String filetExtTemp = ""

// while (LineByte, Ai, ServletInputStream, Characterencoding)! = null)

// {Logger.log (line);

Do {

// Get the name of the file

// If the end of the last party includes the file name, the line is processed directly.

IF (line! = null && line.indexof ("filename =")> = 0) {

// String aline = "";

// aline = new string (line);

INT j = line.indexof ("name =");

IF (j> = 0) {

Line = line.substring (j 6);

FileTextTemp = line.substring (0, line.indexof ("/"));


INT i = line.indexof ("filename =");

IF (i> = 0) {

Line = line.substring (i 10);

IF ((i = line.indexof ("/"))> 0)

Line = line.substring (0, i);



// int j = aline.indexof ("name =");


Else {

// The last line read out does not include the file name, continue to read

While (LineByte, Ai, ServletInputStream,

Characterencoding)))! = Null) {

// Logger.log (line);

// Get the NAME domain of the file

INT j = line.indexof ("name =");

IF (j> = 0) {

Line = line.substring (j 6);

FileTextTemp = line.substring (0, line.indexof ("/"));


INT i = line.indexof ("filename =");

IF (i> = 0) {

Line = line.substring (i 10);

IF ((i = line.indexof ("/"))> 0)

Line = line.substring (0, i);





// filename is the path and file name of the file

FILENAME = line;

// Get the file name If the file name is normal, start reading the upload file.

IF (filename! = null && (filename.indexof ("/") == -1)) {

INT conflict_id = 0;

FileName = getFileName (filename);

/ / Preserve the original information

IF (! filetextTemp.equals ("text"))




// If the attachment list is changed to prevent conflicts

IF (existFilenames.contains (filename) {

Try {

Conflict_id = KeyGenerator.getNewID ("conflict_id");

} catch (sqlexception e) {E.PrintStackTrace ();

Filename = conflict_id "_" filename;


// If you do not include this file in the file list and not a body, join

IF (! this.filenames.contains (filename) && (! filetextTemp.equals ("text")))))))))

This.FileNames.Add (New String (filename));

Else // Text Name FileText = New String (filename);

String ScontentType = Readline (Linebyte, Ai, ServletInputStream,


IF (scontentType! = null)

IF (ScontentType.Indexof ("Content-Type"> = 0)

Readline (Linebyte, Ai, ServletInputStream, Characterencoding;

File File = NULL;

FileOutputStream FileOutputStream = NULL;

Try {

FILE = New File (UploadDirectory, FileName);

FileOutputStream = New FileoutputStream (file);

} catch (exception e) {E.PrintStackTrace ();

String Tempstr = Readline (Linebyte, Ai, ServletInputStream,


// logger.log (Tempstr);

// read upload file

While (tempstr! = null) && (Tempstr.Indexof (this.contentType) == -1)) {

// logger.log (Tempstr);

FileOutputStream.write (Linebyte, 0, Ai [0]);

Tempstr = Readline (Linebyte, Ai, ServletInputStream,


Line = TempStr;

} // End while

// FileOutputStream.flush ();

FileOutputStream.Close ();

} // end if

// system.out.println ("line:" line);

} while (line! = null);


Private string readline (byte linebyte [], intloy [], servletinputstream

ServletinputStream, String Characterencoding) {

Try {

Ai [0] = servletinputStream.readLine (linebyte, 0, linebyte.length);

IF (Ai [0] == -1)

Return NULL;

} catch (ioexception _ex) {

_ex.printstacktrace ();

Return NULL;


Try {

IF (Characterencoding == NULL) {

// convert the given BYTE array into a string with a default encoding method.

Return New String (Linebyte, 0, Ai [0]);

} else {

// convert the given BYTE array into a string with a given encoding method.

Return New String (Linebyte, 0, Ai [0], Characterencoding;


} catCH (Exception_ex) {

_ex.printstacktrace ();

Return NULL;



Public string getuploaddirectory () {

Return UploadDirectory;


Public string getfiletext () {return filetext;


Public Vector getoriginalFileNames () {

Return OriginalFileNames;


Public string getoriginalfiletext () {





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