Search Engine Common Search Method Q & A

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  38

1, what is a classification search? Classification retrieval multi-use for directory search engines. You don't need to enter any text, as long as you click on the topic classification directory provided by the directory search engine, you will find the network information resources you need. For example, if you want to find the "Shanghai Library" website, you can click "Reference Resources" in Yahoo -> Click "Library" -> Click "Public Library" to find the website of the Shanghai Library. 2, what is a keyword search? Keyword Retriever is the most basic function provided by the search engine. You can use keyword retrieval methods when you want to quickly find the web resources you need, or you can't determine the category of the network resource you want to search. You only need to enter the right question keyword in the search engine's question box. After pressing the Enter key, the search engine will feed back the results of the question keyword matching. Most search engines are enabled with the fuzzy search principle, so if you use hot news as a keyword search, the search results include hot news, hotspots, news content. But Google Exceptions. 3, what is Boolean logic retrieval? Boolean logic retrieves general refers to "with", "or", "non-" three operations. The Boolean Operators of Logic "and" are "and", "and", and sometimes you can use "&" symbols. Its meaning is that only the results of the "and" question keywords appear, and the resulting results are counted. Logic "or" Boolean operators are "OR", "OR", and sometimes it is also available to "|" symbols. Its meaning is that there is any one of the appearances as long as the "or" question keyword, and the resulting result is counted. The logic "Non" Boolean operator is "not", "not", and sometimes "!" Symbolic representation. Its meaning is a question that should not contain "not" in the search results. The Boolean operators that each search engine can be used are different, and some only allow for the use of uppercase "and", "not", "or" operators, some cases are universal, and some can support "&", " | "," !! "symbol operation, some do not support or only one of them, etc.. 4, what is the phrase search? The phrase retrieval, also known as a phrase search, or a string retrieval. It is a method of strictly matching a phrase or phrase "" "" ",", "" "," "" "" "" Almost all search engines support phrase retrieval. For example, as a "hot news" as a question keyword search, the search result is only feed back the content of hot news. 5, what is add / minus retrieval? Plus / minus retrieval is the routine function supported by search engines, that is, in the front " " / "-" number, its role is equivalent to Boolean logic "/" non- "operation. For example, hotspot problem is equivalent to hot and problem; hotspots - problem equivalent to hot NOT issues. 6, what is a cutting search? In the search engine, the Truncation is more retrieved in front. Troubles are multi-character "*", which can be used to represent multiple characters. Therefore, the interceptive search is sometimes referred to as a wildcard search. For example, hotspot * represents "Hot Points", "Hot News", "Hot News", Comput * represents COMPUTER, Computition and other words. However, some search engines support the wildcard retrieval of any location.

7, what is the field search? Field Retrieval (Field) is an area for defining a quotation keyword in a database record, controlling the retrieval result, and improves the search method, and is implemented in a field. Search engines commonly used fields are: Title / T, Subject, Text, Host (Host), URL / U, DOMAIN (Domain), Link (Link), etc. Title: (or T :) Represents a page containing search questions in the lookup title; URL: (or / u :) Represents the page containing the search question in the URL; link: Indicates the page with link to the URL; Host: Indicates that the page is found on the specified server; Domain: Indicates each page of the specified domain name; Subject: Indicates the page containing the search question in the topic; Text: indicates that the text contains the search questions in the text. 8, what is the natural language search? Natural language retrieval is a method directly using the words, words, or even the entire sentence in natural language, as an assessment. That is, you can use natural language expressions like what is the weather in london as search questions.

9, what is location search? Location retrieval means that the word sequence and the word spacing between the two words are allowed. The word order refers to the words between words, the words are all interval between the two words. Its operators are mostly "NEAR". For example, the network Near library indicates that the location between the network and the library between the network and the library is approaching. Each support location retrieval of the search engine is different from the number of field spacers of the NEAR operation, and some are set within 25 words. 10, what is a concept search? Concept retrieval means that when you use a search questions, you can also retrieve synonyms, synonyms, general sense words, and narrow words of the term, to achieve the purpose of expanding retrieval to avoid leaks. For example, when you use a bicycle search, the retrieval result includes not only the content of the bicycle, but also the contents of the bicycle, bicycle, etc.


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