Automatically generate stored procedures for stored procedures for inserting and updating tables

zhaozj2021-02-08  265

I found two stored procedures, which can automatically generate insertions and update stored procedures for a data table, now dedication to everyone!


Create procedure sp_GenInsert @ TableName varchar (130), @ ProcedureName varchar (130) asset nocount ondeclare @maxcol int, @ TableID intset @TableID = object_id (@TableName) select @MaxCol = max (colorder) from syscolumnswhere id = @TableIDselect 'Create Procedure ' rtrim (@ProcedureName) as type, 0 as colorder into #TempProcunionselect convert (char (35),' @ ' rtrim ( case when rtrim ( in ( 'binary', 'char', 'nchar', 'nvarchar', 'varbinary', 'varchar') Then '(' RTRIM (Convert (CHAR (4), Syscolumn.length) ')' When RTRIM SYSTYPES.NAME) Not in ('binary', 'char', 'nchar', 'nvarchar', 'varbinary', 'varchar') Then '' End Case When Colorder <@maxcol the ',' When Colorder = @maxcol then '' endas type, colorderfrom syscolumnsjoin systypes on syscolumns.xtype = systypes.xtypewhere id = @TableID and <> 'sysname'unionselect' AS ', @ maxcol 1 as colorderunionselect' INSERT INTO ' @ TableName, @ Maxcol 2 as colorderunionSelect '(', @ maxcol 3 as colorerunionse lect case when colorder <@maxcol then ',' when colorder = @maxcol then '' endas type, colorder @maxcol 3 as colorderfrom syscolumnsjoin systypes on syscolumns.xtype = systypes.xtypewhere id = @TableID and systypes. Name <> 'sysname'UnionSelect') ', (2 * @maxcol) 4 As ColorderunionSelect' VALUES '

, (2 * @maxcol) 5 as colorderunionselect '(', (2 * @maxcol) 6 as colorderunionselect '@' case when colorder <@maxcol then ',' when colorder = @maxcol then '' endas type, colorder (2 * @maxcol 6) as colorderfrom syscolumnsjoin systypes on syscolumns.xtype = systypes.xtypewhere id = @TableID and <> 'sysname'unionselect') ', (3 * @maxcol) 7 As ColorderOrder by ColorderslectType from #tempproc Order by Colorder Update:

Create procedure sp_GenUpdate @ TableName varchar (130), @ PrimaryKey varchar (130), @ ProcedureName varchar (130) asset nocount ondeclare @maxcol int, @ TableID intset @TableID = object_id (@TableName) select @MaxCol = max (colorder) from syscolumnswhere id = @TableIDselect 'Create Procedure' rtrim (@ProcedureName) as type, 0 as colorder into #TempProcunionselect convert (char (35), '@' rtrim ( case when rtrim ( in ('binary', 'char', 'nchar', 'nvarchar', 'varbinary', 'varchar') Then '(' RTRIM (Convert (CHAR (4), Syscolumns.length)) ')' When RTrim ( Not in ('binary', 'char', 'nchar', 'nvarchar', 'varbinary', 'varchar') Then '' end casser <@maxcol kiln , 'when colorder = @maxcol then' 'endas type, colorderfrom syscolumnsjoin systypes on syscolumns.xtype = systypes.xtypewhere id = @TableID and <>' sysname'unionselect 'AS', @ maxcol 1 as colorderunionselect 'UPDATE ' @ TableName, @ maxcol 2 as colorderunionSelect' set ', @ maxcol 3 as colorderunionselect '= @' case when colorder <@maxcol then ',' when colorder = @maxcol then '' endas type, colorder @maxcol 3 as colorderfrom syscolumnsjoin systypes on syscolumns. Xtype = system Idless.xtypewhere id = @tableID and <> @


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