#include "stdafx.h"
#include "deskh.h"
#ifdef _Debug
#define new debug_new
#undef this_file
Static char this_file [] = __file__;
Using namespace std;
INT_Tmain (int Argc, tchar * argv [], tchar * envp [])
Hwnd hwnd;
HWnd = :: FindWindow ("Progman", "Program Manager");
HWnd = FindWindowEx (hwnd, null, "shelldll_defview", null);
HDESKTOP = :: getdlgitem (hwnd, 1);
Listview_setTextBkcolor (HDesktop, CLR_NONE);
ListView_setTextColor (HDESKTOP, CLR_DEFAULT);
:: InvalIdateRect (HDesktop, Null, True);
Return 0;
Note: 1) The entire Windows desktop is a form (named Program Manager), and there is a listView control in this form, all desktop menus are displayed in this listview. 2) ListView_setTextBkcolor is a predefined macro system, which is defined in CommCtrl.h. 3) Get the ListView handle and complete the function with ListView_SetTextBkcolor.