10 Entering integer to convert to 2 ~ 36 arbitrary subsystem storage procedure

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  87

/ * ================================================================================================================================================================ ======== Procedure: USP_CONVERTINTTO DESCRIPTION: Convert a Number to 1 ~ 36 Creation Date: 2005-4-25 author: frank xie ================== ====================================== =================== ============================================== xi ====== Rev Date Description = ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ===== 1 2005-4-25 generated by FRANK XIE =================================== ===================== Declare @dd varchar (50) Exec USP_CONVERTINTTO 55, 36, @ DD OUTPUTPRINT @ DD * /

Create Procedure USP_CONVERTINTTTTTO (@ANumber int = 0, - 10 Enter number @ConvertType INT = 10, - Required Creation @Result Varchar (50) Output - Return to the value after the changed value) AS BEGIN DECLARE @List VARCHAR (36) DECLARE @yushu INT DECLARE @shang INTIF @convertType> 36 BEGIN RAISERROR ( '@convertType must less then 36', 16, 1) return -1 END ELSE BEGIN IF @convertType <1 BEGIN RAISERROR ( '@ConvertType Must Lager Then 1', 16, 1) Return -1 End End IF @Result Is Null Set @Result = ''

Set @List = '123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

Set @YUSHU = @ANumber% @convertType

IF @YUSHU> 0 set @Result = substring (@ list, @ Yushu, 1) @Result else begin if @Result <> '0' set @Result = '0' @Result End

Set @Shang = @anumber / @converttype

IF @Shang> = @converttype begin declare @res int exec @res = usp_convertintto @ Shang, @ ConvertType, @ Result Output

IF @res = -1 return -1 end else set @Result = Substring (@ list, @ shang, 1) @Result

Return 0nd


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