Hibernate three tips
1. Improve Hibernate Running Speed 2. Transaction Management Error 3.log Error
Hibernate three small doors:
1. Improve Hibernate running speed: ""
Change into your location to point to your local Hibernate-Configuration-2.0.dtd file location. For example, me is:
" "
2. Transaction management error: When the line is similar to "javax.naming.noinitialcontextexception: Need to specify class name in Environment OR
System Property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file:
Java.naming.Factory.initial "or" Net.sf.hibernate.TranSActionException: Could Not Find UserTransaction in JNDI: "This is the transaction management mechanism is not set correctly. We generally use jdbcTransaction, but hibernate.cfg.xml It may be configured to jTATRRANSACTION. As long as you: " Name = "hibernate.transaction.factory_class> Net.sf.hibernate.Transaction.jtatransActionFacto RY proty> "changed:" PROPERTY Name = "hibernate.transaction.factory_class"> net.sf.hibernate.transaction.jdbctransactionFactionFactionFactionFactionFactionFactionFactionFaction Ory proty> " 3.Log Error: System If the error message is "log4j: warn no appenders could be bound for logger (net.sf.hibernate.cfg.environment .log4j: war4j system protecting." Description System Can't find Log4j.properties file, just add this file Copy to the Classes directory; if you are passing "Configuration CFG = New Configuration (). configure ();", you should also Place the hibernate.cfg.xml file in the class directory.