Linux + JDK + Tomcat + MySQL + JDBC installation

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  58

Linux JDK Tomcat MySQL JDBC installation

First, Red Hat Linux1. Partition | SWAP 512 M | / Boot 100 M 10G Space | / Home 1000M | / 2000M | / USR 6500m2. Mounting Windows Partition # MKDIR / MNT / D # MKDIR / MNT / E # MKDIR / MNT / f # vi / etc / fstab Add: / dev / hda5 / mnt / d vfat defaults, codepage = 936, iocharset = cp936 0 0 / dev / hda6 / mnt / e vfaults, codepage = 936, iocharset = cp936 0 0 / dev / hda7 / mnt / f vfat defaults, codepage = 936, IOCHARSET = CP936 0 03. Removing the version number after the rebound of Red Hat Linux # vi /boot/grub/grub.conf Remove the version number after the Red Hat Linux , JDK1. Download download address download file Linux self-extracting file (JDK-1_5_0_02-linux-i586.bin) Download to / USR / ONK2. Installation # chmod u x jdk-1_5_0_02-linux-i586.bin (increasing user rights) # ./jdk-1_5_0_02-linux-i586.bin # mv jdk-1.5.0_02 jdk # rm -f jdk-1_5_0_02-linux- I586.bin3. Environment Variable # vi / etc / profile Add: Export Java_Home = / USR / ONK / JDK EXPORT PATH = $ java_home / bin: $ path export classpath =.: $ Java_home / lib / Tools.jar 3, Tomcat1. Downloads Http:// Download File Jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9.tar.gz download to / usr / onk2. Installation # TAR ZVXF JAKARTA-TOMCAT-5.5.9.TAR.GZ # mv jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9 Tomcat # rm -f jakarta-Tomcat -5.5.93. Start and close Start #/usr/onk/tomcat/bin/ Close # /usr/onk/tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh4. Boot Self-start # vi /etc/rc.d/rc .local Add: export java_home = / usr / onk / jdk export path = $ java_home / bin: $ PATH EXPORT CLASSPATH =


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