-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- radio or multi-selection button message (prefix: PBM_BM) -------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- PBM_BMGETCHECK radio button or multiple selection buttons are selected.
The PBM_BMGETSTATE button is highlighted.
PBM_BMSETCHECK Changes the selected state of the wireless button or confirmation box to an unselected state, and vice versa.
PBM_BMSETSTATE highlights or does not highlight the button.
PBM_BMChange changes the style of the button, for example, change to a radio button or a combo box.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ radio or multiple selection button notification message (prefix: PBM_BN)
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- pbm_bnclicked button control is in the point.
PBM_BNDISABLE makes the button control are invalid.
The PBM_BNDOUBLECLICKED button control is doubled.
PBM_BNDRAGDROP an object is placed on the button control.
PBM_BNDRAGENTER A object is dragged to the button control.
PBM_BNDRAGLEAVE an object is dragged from the button control.
PBM_BNDRAGOVER A object is dragged by button controls.
The PBM_BNHILITE button control is highlighted.
The PBM_BnPaint button control is drawn.
PBM_BNSETFOCUS button control is focused.
The PBM_BNUNHILITE button control is not highlighted.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ General dialog message (prefix: PBM_CB)
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- PBM_CBADDString adds the string to the general dialog.
PBM_CBDELETESTRING deletes a string from a common dialog.
PBM_CBDIR adds a directory list to the General Dialog.
PBM_CBFINDSTRING Search String with a set of characters.
PBM_CBFINDSTRINGEXACT Search with a string that is fully matched with the provided characters.
The number of items in the PBM_CBGetCount list box.
PBM_CBGETCURSEL is currently subject to the number of options.
The PBM_CBGETDROPPEDControlSet list box is on the coordinate position.
The range of selected characters in the PBM_CBGETEDITSEL editor control.
PBM_CBGETEXTENDUI default or extension user interface.
The 4-byte (32-bit) item in the list box of PBM_CBGETITEMData.
The height of a certain item in the PBM_CBGETITEMHEIGHT list box.
The text in the PBM_CBGETLBTEXT list box.
The length of the text in the PBM_CBGETLBTEXTLEN list box.
PBM_CBINSERTSTRING adds a new string or 4-byte item in the list box.
PBM_CBLImitText restrictions can be entered into the number of characters in the list box.
PBM_CBRESETCONTENT Deletes all elements in the list box.
PBM_CBSELECTSTRING Search the matching string and display.
PBM_CBSETCURSEL Select and displays one in the list box.
PBM_CBSETEDITSEL selects a piece of text in the editing area of the list box.
PBM_CBSETEXTENDUI Sets the default or extended user interface. PBM_CBSETITEMDATA Sets 4 bytes (32-bit) items in the list box.
PBM_CBSETITEMHETIGHT Set the height of the item in the list box.
PBM_CBSHOWDROPDOWN Conversion (Show or Hide) The Drag and Water Area in the list box.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ General dialog box notification message (prefix: PBM_CBN)
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- PBM_CBNDBLCLK users on a certain item in a list.
PBM_CBNDRAGDROP an object is placed on a general dialog control.
PBM_CBNDRAGENTER A object is dragged to a common dialog control.
PBM_CBNDRAGLEVE An object is dragged from a general dialog control.
PBM_CBNDRAGOVER A object is dragged with a general dialog control.
The lower area of the PBM_CBNDROPDOWN list box is about to be displayed.
The text in the PBM_CBNEDITCHANGE editor control changes.
The text of the PBM_CBNEDITUPDATE list box editor control is about to be changed.
The PBM_CBNERRSPACE list box is full and you cannot join the item.
The PBM_CBNKILLFOCUS universal list box is lost.
The selected text is changed in the PBM_CBNSELCHANGE list box.
PBM_CBNSELENDCANCEL users pressed the "Cancel" button.
PBM_CBNSELENDOK users pressed the "Confirm" button.
The PBM_CBNSETFOCUS Universal dialog control has focused.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Data window message (prefix: PBM_DW)
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- pbm_dwclosedropdown Close the drop-down data window.
PBM_DWSCROLLEND rolls to the last line in the data window.
PBM_DWSCROLLHOME rolls to the first line in the data window.
PBM_DWScrollLinend rolls to the current row (horizontal direction).
PBM_DWScrollLineHome rolls to the head of the current line (horizontal direction).
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Data window notification message (prefix: PBM_DWN)
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ PBM_DWNBACKTABOUT will leave the control through the SHIFT TAB combination button.
The PBM_DWNCHANGING control is about to be changed.
The drop-down section of the PBM_DWNDropDown drop-down list box will be visible.
PBM_DWNGRAPHCREATE is about to create graphics.
The focus change of the current item in the PBM_DWNItemChangefocus data window control.
PBM_DWnitemValidationError causes a legitimacy check error to current modifications.
The PBM_DWNKEY key is pressed. Use the keydown () to process the keyboard value.
The PBM_DWNLBUTTONDOWN mouse left button is pressed.
The PBM_DWNLBUTTONUP mouse left button is released.
PBM_DWNMBUTTONCLK mouse button click.
PBM_DWNMBUTTONDBCLK mouse button Double click. PBM_DWNMOUSEMOVE mouse moves.
The PBM_DWnPrint MargInchange print border is changed.
The PBM_DWnProcessenter Enter key is pressed.
The PBM_DWNROWCHANGE data window focuses from a row to another row.
PBM_DWNTABDOWNOUT users press the down arrow key in the last line of the data window.
PBM_DWntabout user presses the Tab key in the last row / column of the data window.
PBM_DWNTABUPOUT users pressed the up arrow key in the first line of the data window.
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) message (prefix: PBM_DDE)
PBM_DDEDDEACK receives a DDE message.
PBM_DDDDeinitiate starts a DDE session.
PBM_DDDDETERMINATE Terminates a DDE session.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Editor control message (prefix: PBM_EM)
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- PBM_EMCANUNDO editor control can undo the last modification.
PBM_EMEMPTYUNDOBUFFER Clear a buffer that is managed by Windows.
PBM_EMFMTLines increases or deletes the carriage return in the end of the multi-line editor control.
PBM_EMGETFIRSTVISIBLINE Returns the line number of the first line visible in the editor control.
PBM_EMGETHANDLE obtains the memory handle used by the editor control.
PBM_EMGETLINE Copys a row to a buffer in memory from the editor control.
PBM_EMGETLINECUNT returns the number of rows of multi-line editor controls.
PBM_EMGETMODIFY text is modified by the user.
PBM_EMGETRECT returns the rectangular field of the control.
PBM_EMGETSEL returns the starting position of the selected text.
PBM_EMLImitText limits the length of the text typed.
PBM_EMLINEFromchar returns the line number of the selected text.
PBM_EMLineIndex Returns the location of the first character in the editor control in the edit string.
PBM_EMLINELENGTH Returns the number of characters in the selected line in the editor control.
PBM_EMLINESCROLL horizontal or vertical roll editor control.
PBM_EMREPLACESEL replaces the selected text from a clipboard or from the keyboard.
PBM_EMSETHANDLE Sets the handle of the editor control points to a buffer in the memory.
PBM_EMSETMODIFY Sets the Modified flag of the editor control.
PBM_EMSETPASSWORDCHAR Set the user to enter any text when the text is displayed, and the display when entering the password.
PBM_EMSETRECT Settings / Reset the rectangular area where the editor control is located, the text in the editor control is swapped.
PBM_EMSETRECTNP is substantially the same as setRect in addition to not re-drawing text.
PBM_EMSETSEL selection characters.
PBM_EMSETTABSTOPS Sets TabStops in the Multi-line editor control.
PBM_EMSETWORDBREAK Sets new words split function.
PBM_EMSETWORDBREAKPROC Sets a new word split process.
PBM_EMUNDO Undo the most recent editing operation.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Edit control notification message (prefix: PBM_EN)
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The PBM_EnerRSpace editor control memory buffer overflows. The PBM_ENHSCROLL user points horizontally roll strip.
PBM_ENMAXTEXT users attempt to input than allowing more text.
The PBM_enupdate editor control is about to display the user's modification.
PBM_ENVSCROLL user points the vertical roll bar.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ list box message (prefix: PBM_LB)
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- PBM_LBADDString adds one or a string in the list box control.
PBM_LBDELETESTRING deletes an item or a string from the list box.
PBM_LBDIR pops up the list box with a directory list.
PBM_LBFINDSTRING searches for the first item that matches the given string portion in the list box.
PBM_LBFINDSTRINGEXACT searches for the first item that exactly matches the string in the list box.
PBM_LBGETCARETINDEX searches for items with focus in the list box.
PBM_LBGETCOUNT determines the number of items in the list box.
PBM_LBGETCURSEL determines that the selected item is a few.
PBM_LBGETHORIZONTALEXTENT gets the width of the list box and calculates the horizontal roll.
PBM_LBGETITEMHEIGHT determines the height of the list box control.
PBM_LBGETITEMRECT determines the size of the list box.
PBM_LBGETSEL gets the currently selected item in the list box.
PBM_LBGETSELCOUNT gets the number of options in the multi-selection list box.
PBM_LBGETSELITEMS populates a given integer array with the respective item number in the list box.
PBM_LBGETTEXT gets the text of the currently selected in the list box.
PBM_LBGETTEXTLEN gets the number of characters in the text of the currently selected in the list box.
PBM_LBGETTOPINDEX determines the top item number visible in the list box.
PBM_LBINSERTSTRING Add a new string to the list box.
PBM_LBRESETCONTENT Reset (eliminate) the content in the list box.
PBM_LBSELECTSTRING Search and highlight strings that match the characters.
PBM_LBSELITEMRANGE Select / Cancel the item in a range in a list box.
The PBM_LBSETCaretIndex Settings list has a focus.
PBM_LBSetColumnWidth Sets the width of the column in the list box.
PBM_LBSETCURSEL is selected and brighter in the list box; if you need, roll to the list box.
PBM_LBSethorizontalText Sets the number of cells horizontally rolled in the list box.
PBM_LBSETITEMDATA Settings 32-bit / 4-byte value associated with the list box.
PBM_LBSETITEMHETIGHT Set the height of the item in the list box.
PBM_LBSetsel selects a string in the list box.
PBM_LBSETTABSTOPS Sets the location of Tabstops in the list box control.
The PBM_LBSETTOPINDEX roll list box makes a specific item a visible top one.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ List box notification message (prefix: PBM_EN)
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- PBM_ENDBLCLK users double-click on one of the list box controls.
PBM_ENERRSPACE users try to be more restrictions on entering characters in the list box.
PBM_ENSELCANCEL Currently selected text is canceled.
PBM_ENSELCHANGE users select or cancel one in the list box.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Window message (prefix: PBM_) ------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------
PBM_ACTIVATEAPP is activated to stand another application.
PBM_ASKCBFORMATNAME requires that the contents in the clipboard are copied to a text buffer using a custom format.
PBM_CHAR transmits the button pressed on the keyboard.
PBM_CHARTOITEM helps list the items to locate them by converting the characters from the keyboard.
PBM_ChildActivate A child window is moved or activated.
PBM_CLEAR users want to delete content in the current editor control.
PBM_COMMAND users selected a menu item, control, or use acceleration keys.
PBM_Compacting system memory resources; when Windows takes more than 1/8 CPU time to tighten memory, this message is generated.
PBM_CompareItem generates this message when a new item is added to a list box or a combo box, and Window is compared to this message.
PBM_CTLCOLOR A control will be drawn so that the color of the control can be changed at this time.
PBM_DEADCHAR users select a non-English character set or other special character set, which will change the characters to be entered below.
PBM_DELETEITEM is removed from a list box or a common dialog.
The PBM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD clipboard content is cleared.
One device name in PBM_DEVMODECHANGED WIN.II is modified.
The PBM_DRAWCLIPBOARD clipboard content changes.
One of the PBM_DRAWITEM list box or the general dialog is changed.
PBM_DROPFILES Send this message when the left mouse button is released on an application that is registered as a drag and drop file receptacle.
The client area of the PBM_RASEBKGND window needs to be heavy.
PBM_FONTCHANGE Application Available font changes.
PBM_GETDLGCODE notification message indicates which type of keyboard currently used.
PBM_GETFONT Gets the currently activated font.
PBM_GETMINMAXINTO Windows is checking the size of the minimizes or maximizes the window.
PBM_GETTEXT copys text to a memory buffer from a control (such as button or editor control).
PBM_GETTEXTLENGTH is used to determine the number of characters in one control.
The horizontal roll bar of the PBM_HScrollClipboard clipboard is used.
PBM_ICONERASEBKGND A minimization window requires the background.
PBM_INITDIALOG A dialog is about to be displayed.
PBM_INITMENU a menu is about to be displayed.
PBM_INITMENUPOPUP A pop-up window is about to be displayed.
A key on the PBM_KeyDown keyboard is pressed.
A key on the PBM_Keyup keyboard is released.
PBM_MDIACTIVE A MDI sub-window (form) is activated.
PBM_MDICASCADE rearranges all forms in overlapping form.
PBM_MDicReate creates a form.
PBM_MDIDESTROY removes a form from the MDI frame.
PBM_MDiGetACTIVE Gets the handle of the currently active MDI form.
PBM_MDICONRANGE rearranges the icon for minimizing the form in an MDI frame.
PBM_MDIMAXIMIZE maximizes an MDI sub-form.
PBM_MDINEXT activates the next MDI form (the form of the active form).
PBM_MDIRESTORE returns the MDI form to its original size.
PBM_MDisetMenu links a menu to a MDI form.
PBM_MDIFITLE Tiled all MDI forms.
PBM_MeasureItem This message is sent to a window that is about to be created, with a button or other control.
The PBM_MenuChar user uses a shortcut, but the system does not support this shortcut.
PBM_MENUSELECT users have selected a menu item. PBM_MouseActivate users Click on the mouse in a non-active window.
PBM_MOUSEMOVE users move the mouse.
The non-client area of the PBM_NCActivate window is about to be activated.
The size of the PBM_NCCalcSize window needs to be recalculated.
The PBM_NCCREATE window is about to create its non-client.
The non-shared area of the PBM_NCDESTROY window is destructed.
PBM_NCHITTEST sends this message each time a non-client area is moved.
PBM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK users have left mouse button in non-customer district.
PBM_NCPaint Non-customer needs to draw.
PBM_NEXTDLGCTL will focus on another control in the dialog.
The client area of the PBM_Paint window needs to be drawn.
The PBM_PaintClipboard clipboard applies with clipping operations, the clipboard viewer needs to be redrawn.
The PBM_PALETTECHANGED system palette is changed.
The PBM_PALETTEISCHANGING system palette is about to be changed.
PBM_ParentNotify informs the parent window A child window will be created.
PBM_QueryDragicon users want to drag a minimization window.
PBM_QueryEndSession Notification Message, Description The window is about to be turned off.
PBM_QueryNewPalette apps are about to receive input focus, should perform the necessary color adjustments.
PBM_QUERYOPEN a minimization window is about to be recovered.
The last message of the PBM_QUIT application processing.
PBM_RenderalLFormats Informs an owner of the clipboard format, the application will lose all formats.
PBM_RenderFormats notification message, indicating that the data placed in the clipboard should be transmitted in a special format.
PBM_SETCURSOR notifies the message, indicating that the mouse pointer moves in one window.
PBM_SETFONT is used to change the font in the dialog.
PBM_SETREDRAW Sends to the list box or the General dialog box before adding a new item.
PBM_SETTEXT is used to change the title or text of the window.
PBM_SIZECLIPBOARD Clipboard Viewer Apply Change Size.
PBM_SPOOLERSTATUS A print manager task is added or deleted.
PBM_SYSCOLORCHANGE One or more system colors are changed.
The PBM_SYSCOMMAND user selects a system menu command.
PBM_SYSDEADCHAR notification message indicating that a non-English character set is selected.
PBM_SYSKEYDOWN The user presses the
The PBM_SYSKEYUP user releases the
The PBM_TIMECHANGE system clock is modified.
PBM_UNDO Copy the text to the editor control from the UNDO buffer.
PBM_VKEYTOITEM When a list box has focus, the user presses a key.
PBM_VSCROLL users click on the vertical roll bar.
PBM_VSCROLLLPBOARD clipboard viewer The vertical roller strike is clicked.
The PBM_WindowPSchanged window location changes.
The PBM_WindowPosChanging window location will change.
The PBM_WININICHANGE WIN.INI file is modified.