[Favorites] Chinese Sort TIP

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  50

A string comparison of region-sensitive (locale-sensitive) is also available in Java: java.text.collator. Because the region is not, the Collator class itself is an abstract class, and it is necessary to use: collator mycollator = collator.getInstance (); or collator getInstance (locale desiredLocale) System.out.Println (MyCollator.comPare (S1, S2)); this, Although the result is just simple 1, but it is finally the correct pinyin order. The correct sort can be implemented in the Comparator.comPare () method. "

P.S. Compare (String, String) return

RETURns an INTEGER VALUE. Value is Less Than Zero if Source is Less Target, Value IS ZERO IF Source and Target Are Equal, Value Is Greater Than Zero if Source Is Greater Than Target.


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