4.23 notes

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  49

1: You should review the concept of structures, and make him more than the class

Struct portinfo {

Void Set

Unsigned Base,

Unsigned max,

Unsigned Range,

Unsigned DFLT


Word getNext

Unsigned increment (increment, increase)


PMutex Mutex;

Word base;

Word Max;

Word capital;

} tcpports, udpports, rtpipports;

Structurally defined a function?

2: The functional division of the H323ndPoint class:

(1: / ** @ name construction * /

2: / ** @ Name Capabilities * /

3: / ** @ name Gatekeeper Management * /

4: / ** @ Name Connection Management * /

5: / ** @ name Logical Channels Management * /

6: / ** @ name indeformations * /

7: / ** @ Name Service Control * /

8: / ** @ Name Other Services * /

9: / ** @ Name Member Variable Access * /


3: Headache, the definition of this class of H225 looks to the road, there is 245, (H225.h also has h245.h can't find)


Class H225_vendoridentifier;



4: Go back to the structural map of the H323 endpoint at noon, remember, but find the road, or colored

5: The variables defined in the statement of the class can be used directly when implementing?



Where is the definition of macro?

7: Basic Object Class:

POBJECT - Roots in PWLIB, all classes are derived here

PContainer - Abstract container

Pabstractarray - base class for all array objects

PabstractList - base class for all list objects

PabstractDictionary - Based class of a dictionary object

Pstring - Character class, visible everywhere in OpenH323

8: Type const * const * jkjk

9 :: These words do not understand, what concepts are all expressed

/ ** Get the argument (see) count.

Get the number of parameters (parameter) That May Be Obtained Via THE

#GetParameter () # function. Note That this does not include options

And Option strings.

@Return Count of parameters.

* /

10: EXTERN "C"


Void foo (int x, int y);

... // Other functions


I finally know what this means,

11: If a member function of the class wants to call the global function Print, in order to distinguish between the member function Print, the global function should be added to the '::' flag. Such as :: Print (...); // means print is a global function rather than member functions

12: function characteristics of C language

C function characteristics (more overload, inline, const virttr

Member function is overloaded:

(1) The same range (in the same class);

(2) The function name is the same;

(3) Different parameters;

(4) Virtual keywords can be available.

The overlay is a basic class function that is specifically class function, feature:

(1) Different scope (located in derived class and base class);

(2) The function name is the same;

(3) The parameter is the same;

(4) The base class function must have a Virtual keyword.

12: void Simpleh323Process :: main ()


Cout << getname ()

<< "Version" << getVersion (true)

<< "by" << getManufacturer ()

<< "on" << getosclass () << '<< getosName ()

<< "(" << getosversion () << '-' << getoshardware () << "/ n / n"; // Where is these functions defined?

// Get and Parse All of the Command Line Arguments.

PARGLIST & ARGS = Getarguments ();

Args.parse (what is this function is made, how to use




D-Disable: "

E-Silence. "




I-Interface: "

J-Jitter: "



#if ptracing







"- Sound-in:"

"- Sound-out:"


#if ptracing



U-User: "


15: Today, these classes have been analyzed: PARGLIST (must be used in the character interface)


16: pstring optionLetters; When is this object to give the value


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