190 kinds of super full decryption tools are you choose!!

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  53

Quote: 1-2-3 KEY 6.3.859

Quote: Software introduction:

You can help you recover the Lotus1-2-3 files with your password, support Lotus1-2-3 all versions and multiple language passwords.

The use is quite simple, and the password recovery can be completed. Just do 1-2-3key, in the Lotus1-2-3 file

(* .wk1, *. wk3, *. wk4, *. 123) Drag to 1-2-3key window, you can recover your password, do not use this procedure

Used for illegal use!


Quote: 2nd 123 Write All Stored Passwords (WSAP) 2.01

Quote: Software introduction:

The software you can display the password in the Windows operating system password list (* .pwl). Use quite simple, execute

After the "AnalyzePasswordFileContent" on the next interface, you can list the Windows operating system password list (* .pw

The user name and password in the L) are displayed on the interface, then you can use these users name and password.

Record, do not use this software for illegal use!


Quote: 3rd ABF Password Recovery

Quote: Software introduction:

Mail account decryption tool, currently support OutlookExpress and Outlook mail tool, just open the mail tool,

Open ABFPasswordRecovery, list all accounts (including mail, news group .., etc.) and will

The password of the "****" asterisk is displayed.

http://www.abf-soft.com/password ... recoveryinstall.exe

4, Accent Access Password Recovery 2.02


MicrSoftAccess97 / 2000 password crack tool! Although the software is very small, the function is not bad, everyone

You can try it later. ...

5, Accent Excel Password Recovery 2.10


MicrSoftExel97 / 2000 password crack tool! Although the software is very small, the function is not bad, everyone can

Try a try. ...

6, Accent Money Password Recovery 2.00 Beta 1


MicrSoftMoney password crack tool! Although the software is very small, the function is not bad, everyone can download

Try a try. ...

7, Accent Office Password Recovery 2.11


MicrSoftOffice97 / 2000 full range of password crack tools! Although the software is very small, the function is not bad.

, Everyone can download it ...

8, Accent Word Password Recovery 2.10


MicrSoftWord97 / 2000 password crack tool! Although the software is very small, the function is not bad, everyone can download it. ...

9, Access 2000 Decryption 2.1.1


This software is an Access2000 encrypted file password recovery software. This software has overcome many similarities with excellent algorithms.

Software is committed to using the Access file to be moved or copied and the password cannot be recovered. ...

10, Access Key 6.3.859


Is a software used to restore the database password of Msaccess2 / 95/97/2000, it can restore all by msaccess

2000 Supported database text passwords, and support multilingual password settings, completely or partially installed. ...

11, Access Password Viewer 1.0


MicrSoftAccess97 / 2000 / XP / 2003 password crack tool! Although the software is very small, it is powerful,

Everyone can download it. ...

12, Access Password


MicrSoftAccess97 / 2000 / XP / 2003 password crack tool! Although the software is very small, it is powerful,

Everyone can download it. ...

13. Access password crack end 3.01


The VB source program containing the Access Password Algorithm supports the double-byte password. Applicable to Access97 / 2000 / XP / 2003

Department versions. ...

14, Access2000 Password Viewer 4.0


An Access2000 Password Viewer compiled with VB6. Access97 / 2000 can be automatically judged, it is easier to use,

When modified the interface, fix multiple errors. Added the function of viewing access2000xp passwords ...

15. Access Super Simulty 2.0


This software can view, change the password of Access97 / 2000 / XP database (MDB, MDE, MDA, MDW format file)

, The number of views is 20 digits. Correctly view file passwords correctly from the restrictions on file creation time and replication. ...

16, Access Password Viewer 2.1


When you forget your Access database password, you can use this tool to view, support Access97 / 2000 / XP, you can check

Look at the 20-bit Access2000 password and support the Chinese password. ...

17, Access password end 3.0


The VB source program containing the Access Password Algorithm supports the double-byte password. Applicable to Access97 / 2000 / XP / 2003

Department versions. ...

18, Acrobat Key 6.3.859


AcrobatKey is one of the series password recovery software created by LostPassword, which is mainly used for Adobeacr

ObatPDF's file is recovered. It can quickly recover passwords while also supporting passwords of each language, and reverse installation. ...

19, ACT Key 6.3.859


ActKey is one of the series password recovery software created by LostPassword, which is mainly used for Symantec production.

The (.blb) file is recovered. It can quickly recover passwords while also supporting passwords of each language, and reverse installation. .


20. Adult PDF Password Recovery Remover 2.1.0


PDF password crack tool, for those set user passwords, unable to edit or change, print, copy text or pictures

, Increase annotations, etc., it can easily relieve these limits. ...

21, Advanced Access Password Recovery 2.5


Help you find the password of the Microsoft Access95 / 97 database. The trial version will only display the first 3 digits of the coded password. Registration Edition divided

Call the password, you can also change your password to your specified password! ...

22, Advanced Act Password Recovery 1.21 Chinese version


A tool for recovering the Symantecact password. ...

23, Advanced Archive Password Recovery 2.20


AdvanceDarchivePasswordRecovery can unlock Zip / PKZIP / Winzip, Arj / Winarj, Rar / Win

Rar (2.x) and ACE / WINACE (2.x) passwords such as compressed files! ...

24, Advanced Arj Password Recovery 2.0


What should I do if I forget the password of the ARJ compressed file? AAPR can help you pass the password "guess"! It provides a predictive calculation

The time required for the password; the interrupt calculation and recovery continue the previous calculation; in P-200 / MMX, you can guess 30 million

Group password! ...

25, Advanced Bac * RD Recovery 1.0

A speed is very fast, you can help you find the password for the backup file made by Windows95 / 98 backup tool, support more

Password, you can unlocate up to 128-bit passwords after registration. It provides the time required to estimate the password; interrupt calculation

Restore continues the previous calculation. ...

26, Advanced EFS Data Recovery 1.31


AdvancedefsDatarecovery is a work that can decrypt EFS encrypted files from the WindowsNTFS partition

Tot! ...

27, Advanced Excel 2000 Password Recovery 1.11


A speed is very fast, help you find a Microsoft Excel97 password crack tool, support the Chinese version is very good! ...

28, Advanced IM Password Recovery 2.10

Http://www.elcomsoft.com/aimpr/aimpr.zip Instant Communication Software Username and Password Recovery Tool, support popular ICQ, Aolim, Yahoo! Messenger, M $ NMES

Senger, Excitemessenger, Odigo, Trillian, AT & TIMANYWHER, T-onlinemesenger, matchmess

ENGER, PRAIZEIM, Screenfire, Acde Fork Presscomunicator, ImiciMessenger, Prodigym, Powwow

Messenger, Jabberim ...

29, Advanced Instant Messengers Password Recovery 2.31


When you forget or lose your real-time communication software such as ICQ, AolinstantMessenger, Yahoo! Messenger, E

Xcitemessenger, Msnmessenger, Odigo, Trillian, AT & TIMANYWHERE, T-onlinemensenger

, MatchMessenger, Praizeim, Screenfire, AcdexpressComunicator, iMiciMessenger, P

Rodigyim, Powwowmessenger, Jabbe ...

30, Advanced Internet Explorer Password Recovery 1.24


AdvancedInterneTexplorerPasswordRecovery referred to as AIMPR, is a specialized chat software storage secret

Code password deciphering tools, including ICQ, Aolim, Yahoo! Messenger, Msnmessenger, Odigo, Trilliana


31, Advanced Intuit Password Recovery 1.24

http://www.elcomsoft.com/aINPR /AINPR.ZIP

AdvanceDintuitPasswordRecovery is a tool for retrieving loss or past passwords, support

A variety of password formats support Quicken (*. Qdi, *. Qdb, *. Qdf), Quickenlawyer (*. PFL) andQUICKBOOKS (.q

Ba, .qbw) files. A variety of file formats! ...

32, Advanced Lotus Password Recovery 1.06


It is one of ElcomSoft's password recovery series software, which adheres to the simple and easy-to-use characteristics of Elcomsoft products.

The password of IBM / Lotus (Organizer, WordPro, 1-2-3, and Approach) can be quickly restored

Complete, it also supports multilingual environments. ...

33, Advanced Mailbox Password Recovery


Can help you retrieve the password of the lost mailbox, support Foxmail, MicrosoftInternetMailandNew

S, Eudora, Thebat!, Netscapenavigator / CommunicatorMail, PegaSusmail, Calypsomail, Phoenixmail, Incredimail, @ Nymail, Quic *, MailThem, Operamail, Kaufmanmailwarr

IOR, BECKY! Internetmail, etc. Common ...

34, Advanced Office Password Breaker 1.31


AdvanceDOfficePasswordBreaker is an Office document password recovery software that can put Microsoft

The password of the Office document is quickly found, and it also supports non-English characters. Non-registered versions can only be found in less than four digits

password. ...

35, Advanced Office XP Password Recovery STD 2.42


Using MicrosoftOffice application for document encryption, is it forgotten? Urgent like hot pot

When the ant is helped, AdvanceDofficeXppasswordRecovery may help you, if

You still remember the "a little" password, it can help you "guess" forgot the password! AdvanceDoffice

XPPasswordRecovery is a password recovery software that can make MicrosoftOffice97, Office2000, and O O O Office

The password for the FFICEXP document is quickly found, and it also supports it ...

36, Advanced Office XP Password Recovery Pro 2.42


Using MicrosoftOffice application for document encryption, is it forgotten? Urgent like hot pot

When the ant is helped, AdvanceDofficeXppasswordRecovery may help you, if

You still remember the "a little" password, it can help you "guess" forgot the password! AdvanceDoffice

XPPasswordRecovery is a password recovery software that can make MicrosoftOffice97, Office2000, and O O O Office

The password for the FFICEXP document is quickly found, and it also supports it ...

37, AdvanceD Office XP Password Recovery Pro 2.40 Chinese version


This is a tool for recovering a password for the document created by any component of OfficeXP. These components include: w

ORD, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Visio, Publisher, Project, Outlook, Money, Backu

P, Schedule , Mail, and InternetExplorer. This software is also compatible with non-English version of MsOffice, operational method

See "One Post Day" for details. ...

38, Advanced Outlook Express Password Recovery 1.20

http://www.elcomsoft.com/aoEPR /aoePr.zip

A password crack tool that can help you find MicrosoftOutlookExpress (allversions) (*. Pst) mail, this software processing speed is quite fast, and there is also an email to support Chinese ...

39, Advanced Outloo * RD Recovery 1.32

http://www.elcomsoft.com/AOLPR /AOLPR.ZIP

Is Outlook Password Recovery Software, you can help you recover Outlook encrypted files. And other password recovery software is not

The same is that "AOLPR" password recovery is quite fast. It is quite simple to use, just use "AOLPR" to open Cipher

You can "find" to the correct password. Support for Microsoft Outlook all versions and multiple language versions. In addition, use this

The "Password Recovery" software for the class is best to use a quick CPU and use the speed of using the password in the WinNT or Win2K operating system.

The degree will be a little faster. ...

40, Advanced PDF Password Recovery 1.48


It is an AdobeAcRobatPDF file password recovery software to help you recover PDF encrypted files. Password recovery speed

Quite fast. It is quite simple to use. ...

41, Advanced PDF Password Recovery Pro 2.2.0


Those PDF files with passwords cannot be edited, printed, select text and pictures (copy it to the clipboard)

), Increase / change annotations and form portions. The software is quite fast, and the decrypted file can be in any PDF.

The viewer (such as: AdobeAcRobarReader) is opened and there is no restriction, so you can easily

Edit, copy, print operation. However, please note that APDFPR cannot process encrypted documents of those user-level passwords. ...

42, Advanced PDF Password Recovery Pro 2.1 Chinese version


Those PDF files with passwords cannot be edited, printed, select text and pictures (copy it to the clipboard)

), Increase / change annotations and form portions. The software is quite fast, and the decrypted file can be in any PDF.

The viewer (such as: AdobeAcRobarReader) is opened and there is no restriction, so you can easily

Edit, copy, print operation. However, please note that APDFPR cannot process encrypted documents of those user-level passwords. ...

43, Advanced Rar Password Recovery 1.50


A speed is very fast, you can help you find the password of the RAR file, you can unope up to 128-bit passwords after registration. It provides

There is a time required to calculate the password; the interrupt calculation and recovery continue the previous calculation. ...

44, Advanced VBA Password Recovery 1.50


AdvancedvbaPasswordRecovery is a very fast password recovery software that can easily be checked by V

IsualBasic's missing password recovered, and it also applies to office97ndoffice2000

Produced documents. ...

45, Advanced VBA Password Recovery Pro 1.50


AdvancedvbapasswordRecovery is a very fast password recovery software that can easily recover the password lost by VisualBasic's application, and it also applies to office97andoffice2000

Produced documents. ...

2005-2-12 04:45 AM

Music pickup king

Forum inspection

Points: 1173 Posting: 960 Registration: 2004-7-24 From: Zhejiang State Offline 46, Advanced

Windows Password Recovery


Can help you find lost or forgotten Windows passwords, support MicrosoftWindows95 / 98/2000 / NT / X

P, password deciphering speed, high accuracy. ...

47, Advanced Word 2000 Password Recovery 1.11


A speed is very fast, help you find the microsoft Word97 / 2000 password crack tool, support the Chinese version! ...

48, Advanced Word97 Password Recovery 1.31


A speed is very fast, help you find the microsoft Word97 / 2000 password crack tool, support the Chinese version! ...

49, Advanced WordPerfect Office Password Recovery 1.21


Help you find a tool for the CorelwordPerfectOffice document password! Includes: WordPerfect (*. Wp, *. Wpd), qu

Attropro (*. qpw, *. wb?, *. wq1), paradox (*. db)! ...

50, Advanced Zip Password Recovery 3.54


AdvancedzippasswordRecovery can quickly help you find ZIP compression you generated with Winzip or PKZIP

The password of the file. Its operation is simple, and also supports a variety of different application software packages generated by ZIP files. After registering

You can unlock up to 128-bit passwords. It provides the time required to estimate the password; interrupt calculation and recovery continue before

Calculation. ...

51, Advanced Zip Password Recovery 3.53 Chinese version


AdvancedzippasswordRecovery can quickly help you find ZIP compression you generated with Winzip or PKZIP

The password of the file. Its operation is simple, and also supports a variety of different application software packages generated by ZIP files. After registering

You can unlock up to 128-bit passwords. It provides the time required to estimate the password; interrupt calculation and recovery continue before

Calculation. ...

52, Alive Internet EraSer


It is a privacy protection program. Used to erase your history on your computer. It allows you to erase the browser to slow

Saving, cookies, history, access URL link, played URL link, auto-completion data and indexdat

file. AliveInternetraSer supports all current version of IE browser and Netscape, AOL, Opera, and Msnex

Plorer. More than 160 plugins are now available to quickly understand the records of various software, such as: MsOffice, WindowsMediaplayer, WordPad, Paint, Acrobat ...

53, Anypassword 1.3


This program is a collection of multiple passwords, which can get the generally encrypted password in the computer (such as screen protection, BIOS)

, Sharing, access, view * number, and some commonly used passwords such as optimizing masters) and provide deletion password functionality

(There are also some features that provide a password). You have this program that can find the password you have forgotten easily and quickly.

This program does not require any control support, the program is short, which is easy to download and store. ...

54, Asterisk Key 6.3.859


AsteriskKey is a password recovery software, he is useful when you forget your password. Include IE browsing

Informing * characters in the device, support multilingual passwords. ...

55, type A password crack 0.2


This is a simple broken code software, breaking the Access password and the asterisk password, easy to operate. ...

56, Backup Key 6.3.859


Backupkey is a software set by a password set by the backup file, which supports most backup software backup files.

Password, such as NortonBackup, SymantecBackup, SeagateBackup, etc. ...

57, BiOSPWDS 1.21


You can make you easily know that BIOS uses your password. It is quite simple to use, there will be BiOSPWDS interface after execution.

Simply follow the "getPasswords" on the next interface, etc., the bios information will be displayed in BIOSPWDS.

On the face, including: BIOS version, BIOS date, password, etc., you can easily know the BIOS password. .


58, CHKEN tool (see Access Password, Password Box, SAP Decryption, Coloring) 1.0


Look at the password of Access97-2003, display the password in the password box (ie, display ****), SAP decryption, take the color! AUSE key open

Start and stop color! [Access Password viewer asterisk Password viewer color SAP decryptor set and one] ...

59, CMOSPWD 4.3


CMOSBIOS password recovery software. Suitable for Acer / IBMBIOS, Award, Phoenix, Compaq (1992), Dell

, IBM, Zenithami, Amibios, Toshiba and other models ...



Coralspy from corals is a system aid. It integrates a number of practical functions. Such as:

Take the color value of any pixel on the screen (this is very useful for programming, web page production and graphics design); grabbing *

Password; grab the directory tree shown in the window, and output into .txt text ... it can be used to view the window or control of the control

Sex, copy the content that is usually could not be copied. At the same time, it also provides IE to provide enhanced features. You can view the links, images, and Flash in the system in all IE windows in your system, you can also make the page highlight definition

String. Coralspy also provides a complete custom thermal key function, ...

61, CSPassword 7.1


You can check your password file, no longer need memory password. The installation process is simple, as long as the file will be decompressed

Path, point to your common folder. Pastwordsafe, 3.0.

62, CWGET 1.40


CWGET is a password deciphering tool that can be built into the text through the sound card, Morsecode) into the text!.


63, CWGET 1.39 Beta


CWGET is a password deciphering tool that can be built into the text through the sound card, Morsecode) into the text!.


64, Decryptsql 2000 2.1


Decryptsql2000 is a solution for SQLServer2000 stored procedures, views, triggers, functions, etc.

Parts, easy to use. Software is pure green software, without installing, execute directly. Shared version can only decrypt 10

00 characters and a small amount of functional limitations. There is no restriction in the registration version. ...

65, Edwards WPS2000 Password Recovery 1.0 Build 19990822

Http://hnpy.onlinedown.ne......Wardwpspassword genecovery.zip

It can help you find your password for forgetting the WPS2000 encrypted file! It currently provides four ways of decryption: "

Door mode "," exhaustive way "," dictionary mode "and" pattern matching method "....

66, EFS Key 6.3.859


Disk Format Encryption File Recovery Tool, Interface Signal Manager. ...

67, Entry Le 2.71


Entryle can help you find FTP password, website password, POP3 mailbox password. It turned out to be designed for beginners.

So he is very easy to use. You can attack multiple computers at a time, will automatically generate logs after the CRACK computer, as long as set one

You can automatically open the security web page on your website, automatically skip the name of the user and password. and also

Unnexive lot of functions. ...

68, Excel Key 6.3.859


Is one of the series password recovery software created by Passware, it can quickly restore the password of the Excel file. at the same time

It also supports multilingual password settings. ...

69, Excel97 / 2000 / XP Password Viewer 3.0


This program is only used for personal Excel document password forgetting, trying to detect passwords; reduce labor, do not make it

It is improperly used, otherwise the consequences are assured by the user. ...

70, Filemaker Key 6.3.859


FileMakerKey is one of the series password recovery software created by LostPassword, which is mainly used for Filema

Ker's .fp3 file is recovered. It can quickly recover passwords while also supporting passwords of each language, and reverse installation. .


71, Get Access97 & 2000 Password 1.0


The application software of the MicrosoftOffice family has almost all have the protection of data files. Through the logarithm

According to the file setting password, you can avoid others to read or modify the data you established. But if you have too many files, even

I have forgotten the password what should I do? Let GetAccess97 & 2000Password get stripped! ...

72, Get ISP INFO 2.0


You may forget your dial-up network password, you want to change your password, what should I do? Maybe to inform your ISP

The code is changed back to the original password and re-enter the password. Now it is not needed, as long as you have used "remember the password when dialing

"Options, this software can list the password user name ...

73, Get Password 0.03A


Check the password hidden in the password window *****. There are two ways to take the password, you can choose in the main window. the first

The species is to draw a password on the password box, and after the window is returned (such as switching to other programs, or the window moves to

Outside the screen), the password box will restore the original look; the second is to simply change a pile of asterisks to the real password, when the window

Open again after the mouth is closed, the password box will also restore the original. Support WIN95 / WIN98 / WINNT4SP3 & SP4 / 2000, detailed

Please see the readme.txt in the compressed package. ...

74, getpassword 1.0


View * The password behind. Note: Please press the left mouse button in any position of the form client area, but don't

The magnifying glass icon is pressed. At this time, the mouse cursor will turn into a magnifying glass, press and hold, drag it to the password edit box to view.

The password will be displayed in the Password Editing box. ...

75, HF asterisk detector 1.0


This software can display an asterisk password section, and the web page password is temporarily unable to display.

What is the problem can go to a black counterattack. Http://www.hf110.com ...

76, IMAIL password view software 1.0


Imail This is a high-performance, standard SMTP / POP3 / IMAP4 / LDAP mail server. Adopt a simple

Single straight graphical user interface is very easy to manage. Main features include: multi-domain support, remote management, web mail

You can create a mail custom list (MailingLists), anti-spam support, and so on. . . . . ) Very cattle B! due to

The reason for management, IMAIL cannot display the set password, if you forget to re-set, you can't retrieve your password, this software

The encrypted password can be removed from the registry and decrypt, and can display all the passwords of all users of all domains. Win2000, iMail

7.04 test passed. reference...

77, Intelore Access Password Recovery 1.0ehttp://www.intelore.com/access/access-password-recovery.exe

Can help you quickly retrieve the password of the lost or forgotten Excel document, support AccessXP / 2002/2000/97

All versions, regardless of the database's password, how long can you help you find the original lost password, another

Preface to support multiple language password form! ...

78, Intelore Excel Password Recovery 1.0e


InteloreExcelpasswordRecovery can help you quickly retrieve lost or forgotten Excel documents.

Code, support EXCEL2003 / XP / 2002/2000/97 and other versions, program support includes "Brute-Force" decipherous technology, base

The decipherive technology and very fast "Booost-Up" decipherous techniques in the dictionary, and has a breakpoint

The function can be automatically remembered after you interrupt it, and can continue to decipher the next time you continue.

Cheng, very practical, recommended download! ...

79, Intelore Word Password Recovery 1.0F


IntelorewordPasswordRecovery can help you quickly retrieve lost or forgotten Excel documents.

Code, support WORDXP / 2002/2000/97 and other versions, program support includes "brute-force" deciphering technology, based on dictionary

Deciphering technology and very fast "Booost-Up" deciphering technology three decipherous ways, and has functions similar to breakpoint resume

, After you interrupt the decipherous, automatic memory and can continue to decipher the process from the next interruption, non-

Often practical, recommended download! ...

80, Internet Explorer Key 6.3.859


InternetExplorerKey is a password recovery software that enables IE to reset the password set up. it

Support IE5.0 and IE4.0, and also support multi-language settings password, completely and partially installed. ...

2005-2-12 04:45 AM

Music pickup king

Forum inspection

Points: 1173 Posting: 960 Registration: 2004-7-24 From: Zhejiang State Offline 81, Internet

Explorer Password Reveler 1.3


INTERNETEXPLORERPASSWORDREVEALER is a network that can help you find your login password and account

Station data software, quite simple in use, as long as the software is installed, so all viewed websites and web pages

The login password and account will be a view. This software is only available for Internet Explorer 4.0 or more browser

Overview website. ...

82, IOPUS Password Recovery XP 4.02


Is a password recovery software that helps you read any password hidden on the *. It is quite simple to use, no

Need wait time. Simply dragging the passwordRecovery detective illustration to the * number password will hide the *

The password is displayed on the interface. ...

83, Mail Key 6.3.859


Mailkey is one of the series password recovery software created by LostPassword, which is mainly used to recover MSMAIL. MMF files. It can quickly recover passwords while also supporting passwords of each language, and reverse installation. ...

84, Mitdeco 3.0


MITSUBISHI-A series PLC password recovery software! Software operation is simple, easy to use, welcome to download trial! ...

85, Money Key 6.3.859


It is one of the series password recovery software produced by Passware, which can be quickly recovered for Microsoft's MoneyFiles.

complex. It also supports multilingual passwords, as well as counter-installations. ...

86, Mspassword (for msaccess) 1.0


This software is a test version, only decrypts 3 passwords, please ask the email author to request a formal version.

MsAccess database password querier, you can re-find forgotten MsAccess database passwords.

(Applicable MsAccess97 / 2000 / XP) Environment: WIN95 / WIN97 / WIN98 / WINME / WIN2000 / WINXP / WINNT

Installation: No, you can run directly Development Author: Wang Shaohua ...

87, Myob Key 6.3.859


It is one of the series password recovery software created by Passware, it can enter the MYOB data file (.pls)

The password is quickly recovered. It also supports multilingual passwords, as well as counter-installations. ...

88, NetWork and Dial-Up Password Reveler 1.2


You can find the account and password when you log in online online, forgot to dial your online account and password, let NetW


89, NetWork Neighborhood Password Cracker 3.0


It is tried to find the correct way with the minimum and maximum password length, letters, symbol combination.

password. Using the graphical operation interface, you also provide interrupt password query and storage function at any time. Next time you want to recover the previous query

Simply read the stored files to continue the last query, do not use for illegal use. ...

90, Office Key 6.3.859


OfficeKey is one of the series password recovery software created by Passware, which can quickly restore Office files (AC

The password of Cess, Excel, Outlook, Word, Visualbasic). It also supports multilingual password settings. contains

File password reply function. ...

91, Office Password Recovery Key 6.3.859


Is one of the series password recovery software made by Passware, it can quickly restore Office files (Access, EXC

Password of EL, Outlook, Word, VisualBasic. It also supports multilingual password settings. Inside some file secret

Code reply function. ...

92, Organizer Key 6.3.859

http://www.lostpassword.com/demos/orgKeyd.exe can help you recover the Lotusorganizer file with your password, support all version of Lotusorganizer

Books and multiple language passwords. The use is quite simple, and the password recovery can be completed. Simply execute OrganizerKey

Keep the password on the window of the Lotusorganizer file (* .or?) To the Lotusorganizer, do not

Use this program for illegal use! ...

93, Outlook Express Key 6.3.859


OutlookExpressKey is one of the series password recovery software created by LostPassword, which is mainly used for O

UtlookExpress file is restored. It can quickly recover passwords, and also support the passwords of each language, and

installation. ...

94, Outlook Express Password Reveler 1.1


I often have forgotten the password and account number login when I send the email and send it. What is it?

OutlookExpressPasswordReveler is a account and password tool that can help you find the message you log in.

Software, quite simple in use, as long as the software is installed, so all mail login passwords and accounts are

Overview. This software applies only to OutlookExpress's mail software. ...

95, Outlook Key 6.3.859


OutlookKey is one of the series password recovery software created by LostPassword, which is mainly used for Outlook

The file is recovered. It can quickly recover passwords while also supporting passwords of each language, and reverse installation. ...

96, Paradox Key 6.3.859


One of the series password recovery software made by Passware, it can quickly put the ParaDox database file

The password is recovered. It also supports multilingual password settings. ...

97, Passware Kit 6.3


"Passwarekitenterprise can retrieve in a variety of popular office application files in the world or

Forgot your password, including Excel, Word, Windows2003 / XP / 2K / NT, LotusNotes, Rar, Winzip, Access

Outloo * Bat, Quicken, QuickBooks, WordPerfect, and VBA. Support all of all of office2003, etc.

Msoffice software. Passwarekit can open files, fill in opinions, exercises, working forms, model files

, ...

98, Password Recovery Toolbox


PasswordRecoveryToolbox is an extraction, cleaning, managing IE, OutlookExpress, and Windows

Land and password software. Software can also eliminate login information for specific sites. ...

99, Password Recovery Toolkit 4.3R


Password recovery tool set, you can restore the following software plus password: Access, Approach, DBase, Excel, NetWare, OutlookExpress, WindowsNTServerandWor * N, Winzip, Word, WordPerfect, and Wor

DPRO et al. ...

100, Password Reminder 1.5

http://www.newpowersoft.com/password Reminder/setup.exe

******, your password becomes this form, and you forget what to do. At this time you can put passwordrre

Magnifying glass in Minder dragged and dropped to the asterisk, you can restore your forgotten password. ...

101, Password SpecTator Lite 1.3


Passwordspectator is quite simple for you to show you that the account password that has already set it is quite simple, as long as a few short

The step can be reached, first start the account password setting screen displayed "****", then open PasswordSpecto

R, then press and hold [Ctrl], then press the left mouse button to press the password content in the password field, original "****"

The original setting password of the English digital combination has occurred, but remember to restore the crypt of the display, it will be previously depressed [C

The TRL] key change is replaced by [Shift]. Compared to other password restoration software, PasswordSpectator is the most special


102, Password Spectator Pro 3.05


Passwordspectator is quite simple for you to show you that the account password that has already set it is quite simple, as long as a few short

The step can be reached, first start the account password setting screen displayed "****", then open PasswordSpecto

R, then press and hold [Ctrl], then press the left mouse button to press the password content in the password field, original "****"

The original setting password of the English digital combination has occurred, but remember to restore the crypt of the display, it will be previously depressed [C

The TRL] key change is replaced by [Shift]. Compared to other password restoration software, PasswordSpectator is the most special


103, Password Spyer 2K 2.4


This is a software that can help you find a lost password. For example: Outlook, CuteftP, WS_FTP, ICQ, etc.

... login password. ...

104, Password unmask 1.6


It is a software that can display the * number password. Can help computer users solve ISP, email, ftp

The true information behind the * number password is also able to let you know the real password. It is quite simple to use, no need to

Where is the waiting time, as long as it executes it, you can display the * number password by using the mouse to indicate the * number.

Right click on the mouse to copy the password. "Passwordunmask" is a shared software, but no password length limit

You can display the * number password, please do not use this software for illegal use! ...

105, PasswordViewer 2.43 beta


The password that can be recovered includes: screen saver password, Access database password, CMOS password, Win9X shared folder

Code, Win9X Cache Password, Various Internet Account Password, Password Save in ProtectedStroageSystem, One

Some commonly used applications passwords, passwords in the page in the web page, Foxmail account and password, etc. Also value

Support for WIN2000 / XP asterisk detectors, ProtectedStorageSystem browser, password search tools and other advanced features

! ...

106, PDF Password Recovery Pro 2.12


It is an AdobeAcRobatPDF file password recovery software to help you recover PDF encrypted files. Password recovery speed

Quite fast. It is quite simple to use. ...

107, PDF Password Remover 2.10


It is a tool that can help you unlock the PDF file password. ...

108, Peachtree Key 6.3.859


PeachTreekey is one of the series password recovery software created by Passware, which can quickly restore PeachTreec

The password of the OMPLETEACCOUNTINGCOMPANY file. Multilingual password settings is also supported. ...

109, PLC Password View Tool 3.0


You can view Mitsubishi FX Series and Fuji Series PLC password! Software operation is simple, easy to use, just join PLC programming

Cable, click the button to display the PLC password! Let you solve the trouble of your password! ...

110, PM Lost Password Retrieval 1.0


It is a free soft soft code that can be displayed in the Windows operating system "password list (* .pwl)"

Part. It is quite simple to use, do not need any waiting time, just do it, "Retrievepa on pressing the interface

SSWORDS "button, you can display the password stored in the password list (* .pwl) on the interface, do not use this software for

Ignition! ...

111, PN ZIP Recovery 1.0


PnzipRecovery is the ZIP document password recovery product from the Key (China) Technology Co., Ltd. (no registration)

Its crack speed can reach more than 10,000 per second, the crack rate can reach more than 90%, support the length of the length of up to 15 characters.

And three intelligent recovery methods. This product is designed for Chinese users, and the software provides complete interface interface, simple and fast

Dollar operation and detailed Chinese operation documentation. The Key (China) Technology Company also provides users with a paid crack service

To help users find passwords that cannot be cracked, please visit our website www.panakes.com ...

112, Project Key 6.3.859


Is one of the series password recovery software made by ProjectKey, it can quickly restore MicrosoftProject files

Password. Multilingual password settings is also supported. ...

113, Protected Storage PassView 1.60 Chinese version


This is a software that views password, you can automatically search for IE auto-complete password, OE password, Outlook password, and M

Snexplorer password, in order to view, delete, etc., this version has joined the management of form records. If you enter a website, enter your account password, if you choose to let the IE are complete, then you will not be able to log in next time.

The password "****" is now masked, and the software that is generally viewed "****" is not powerful. Although it can be automatically logged in,

If you forget your password, you can't log in to change your password or to other computers. You can use protectedsto at this time

RagePassView can take ...

114, Protected Storage PassView 1.6


This is a software that views password, you can automatically search for IE auto-complete password, OE password, Outlook password, and M

Snexplorer password, in order to view, delete, etc., this version has joined the management of form records. If

When you record a website, enter your account password, if you choose to let the IE are complete, then you will not go to the site next time.

The password "****" is now masked, and the software that is generally viewed "****" is not powerful. Although it can be automatically logged in,

If you forget your password, you can't log in to change your password or to other computers. You can use protectedsto at this time

RagePassView can take ...

115, PW Cache 1.0


You can help you retrieve the password stored by Windows, see the user name and password, you can also print it. .


116, PW CHECK 2.0 PRO


It is a tool software that can be used to crack software registration code, file password, and other passwords. 2.00Pro version

It has great improvements in the previous version, and the core code is completely overwritten. It is faster in PIII450 to test an average of average.

Take 7000-8000 times, while the speed of Torns 800 in AMD can reach 31,000 times per minute. Proved software

The running speed is only related to the CPU and the system, the faster the CPU speeds up, the faster the speed is input. Dictionary groups have also been added in this release

Complete (including digital combiner and custom combiner). The digital combiner can combine any one from 1-10000,000,000

Number, and custom combiner function ...

117, PW_Access 1.01


A practical gadget, the software restores the password of the Access 97/2000 database. ...

118, PWDVIEWER 1.02


Another tool to view the asterisk password, the volume is only 6.5k, supports the asterisk password in the dialog and the web page, pure green

Color software does not need to be installed.

How to use: After running the point, then move the mouse to the password box you want to view, the password will appear in the yellow color below the mouse.

In the small square box. The password replicated with Ctrl C to the clipboard, the ESC button exits ...

119, Quattro Pro Key 6.3.859


QuattroProKey is one of the series password recovery software created by LostPassword, which is mainly used for quatt

Ropro's file is restored. It can quickly recover passwords while also supporting passwords of each language, and reverse installation. ...

120, QuickBooks Key 6.3.859


It is one of the series password recovery software created by Passware, which quickly restores the password of the QuickBooks file (.qbwand.qba). It also supports multilingual password settings. ...


Quicken Key 6.3.859


"Quicken", which is launched by "Intuit" company is a very popular personal financial management software abroad.

QuickenKey can help you restore Quicken's encrypted files. Like other password recovery software, it is the most

Small and maximum password length, numbers, letters, symbol combined with strings to find the correct password.

Use only Quicken's encrypted file (.qdf) to drag it to QuickenKey's window, you can find it.

The correct password, support Quicken99 and Quicken2000 and multiple language passwords. In addition, use this class "password recovery


122, Quic * RD Generator 1.2


It is a small, but there is a practical password tool software, he can generate 5,000 4 to 20 according to the actual situation

Bit password. It can display the generated password or copy on the clipboard, you can also set them for text, numbers,

Or uppercase and other forms. ...

123, RAR Key 6.3.859


RARKEY is one of the series password recovery software created by LostPassword, which is mainly used to Rar .rar

The piece is restored. It can quickly recover passwords while also supporting passwords of each language, and reverse installation. ...

124, Rar Password Cracker 4.10 Chinese patch


Rarpasswordcracker is a program that deals with the RAR compressed file password, through exhaust, password dictionary

Wait, it can quickly crack the password protected file. The new version has status storage, parallel computing, multi-volume files

Support and other new features. ...

125, Rar Password Cracker 4.12


Rarpasswordcracker is a program that deals with the RAR compressed file password, through exhaust, password dictionary

Wait, it can quickly crack the password protected file. The new version has status storage, parallel computing, multi-volume files

Support and other new features. ...

126, RAR Password Recovery 1.1 RC6


RarpasswordRecovery is a RAR / WinRAR compression package that can help you find lost or forgotten

Decomposed password password decipherment tool, program support violence, dictionary-based crack and very unique "Booost-Up

"Cracking method, and can restore the last accidental suspension of password crack! Similar to the renewal of the breakpoint, very practical!"




View the real character software in the XXXXXXXX in Window, if you forget some passwords, use this program

You can let you know the original password from your new! Small and powerful password reveals tools. Just use the left mouse button to drag the quarter box to the secret

The password can be displayed at the code, and you can also copy your password to the clipboard. Bec * luteftp with Capti

The password that ON_IT cannot be viewed. It can be done. ...

128, Schedule Key 6.3.859HTTP: //www.lostpassword.com/demos/SC_Demo.exe

It is one of the password recovery series software made by Passware, it can quickly restore MSSCHEDULE 7.x (.sc

D) and the password of the 1.x (.cal) file. It also supports multilingual password settings. ...

129, Screen Saver Password Recovery 1.0


Password recovery software is suitable for use by forgotting the screen saver using a password. You can restore the screen security immediately

Do not use this software for illegal uses! ...

130, See Password 0.8


Display the '***' in the password box under Windows, the mouse is translated, and the operation is simple. The program is completely written with API

Small size, less resources. ...

2005-2-12 04:46 AM

Music pickup king

Forum inspection

Points: 1173 Posting: 960 Registration: 2004-7-24 From: Zhejiang State Offline

131, Serials 2000 Update Upgrade Pack [2004.01.01]

Http://hnpy.onlinedown.net/down/ ... Date.2004.01.01.rar

Serials2000 is the best registration code / serial number inquiry software in the world's famous crack organization EGIS / CORE.

Contains tens of thousands of registration codes for the latest software. The new version re-writes the interface, and the query is more convenient, and it has become one

Registration Code Manager, users can collect themselves as data inventory into serials2000, find convenient

fast. EGIS / CORE will issue the latest registration code data file (.SEU) regularly on the Internet, and users will update themselves as long as they are downloaded.

The database is, usually twice each month. The new database has been updated to November 05, 2003. ...

132, Serials 2000 Total Update Accumulated Upgrade Pack [2004.01.01]

Http://hnpy.onlinedown.net/down/ ... Date.2004.01.01.rar

Serials2000 is the best registration code / serial number inquiry software in the world's famous crack organization EGIS / CORE.

Contains tens of thousands of registration codes for the latest software. The new version re-writes the interface, and the query is more convenient, and it has become one

Registration Code Manager, users can collect themselves as data inventory into serials2000, find convenient

fast. EGIS / CORE will issue the latest registration code data file (.SEU) regularly on the Internet, and users will update themselves as long as they are downloaded.

The database is, usually twice each month. The new database has been updated to November 05, 2003. ...

133, SERIALS 2000 8.1 official bilingual version


Serials2000 is the best registration code / serial number query software. Users can use their hand's registration code as data

In stock into the serials2000, find the convenient and fast. The author regularly publishes the latest registration code data file (.SEU)

, Users will update their database after downloading, usually twice each month. This Chinese package is the latest serials2

0008.0 Chinese version, no original version is required. The Chinese version of the serial number database is updated to 2003.8.5! ...

134, SHOW Screen Saver Password 1.0

Http://nj2.onlinedown.net/down/ssp.exe can display the password set by the screen saver on a computer on a computer. This software is very small.

There are 4K size, quite convenient to carry, and the author is particularly emphasized that this software is not used to peek at the information of others.

use. But this software is quite convenient to execute on a computer already turned on, so if your computer is

There is a setting screen saver, and if you have set your password, please pay special attention, don't let others feel you can peek at you.

The password is 喔. ...

135, Small Password Viewer 1.8


This may be the world's smaller asterisk password viewer, the own program size is less than 5K. If you use WinRAR

If you compress the package, only 3k, classic. Function: View password window displayed in "***" in Windows

The actual content in the mouth supports Windows95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 various operating systems. Method: Open the program

After moving the mouse to the password window displayed [***]. ...

136, Stealth Free Decryptor Chinese patch

Http://sccrc.onlinedown.net/down ... 20decryptor1001.zip

Tropicalsoftware (TROSOFT) product. Can decrypt file / folders that pass through StealthenCryptor

Email, is a wide tool software that matches StealThenCryptor. ...

137, Stealth Free Decryptor


Tropicalsoftware (TROSOFT) product. Can decrypt file / folders that pass through StealthenCryptor

Email, is a wide tool software that matches StealThenCryptor. ...

138, Ultimate Zip Cracker


Software that is specifically used to crack the text of ZIP compressed files. Use a powerful algorithm to make a variety of possible passwords

Digits, symbols, alphanumeric strings are in order to enter the ZIP compressed file. Try to find the correct password. In addition, also

A variety of findings are available. Do not use this software for illegal use! ...

139, Ultimate Zip Cracker Chinese version


Software that is specifically used to crack the text of ZIP compressed files. Use a powerful algorithm to make a variety of possible passwords

Digits, symbols, alphanumeric strings are in order to enter the ZIP compressed file. Try to find the correct password. In addition, also

A variety of findings are available. Do not use this software for illegal use! ...

140, Ultra Excel 97 Password Cracker 1.00


Abbreviation UE97PC is a tool for cracking the EXCEL97 file password, although the "password crack" tool is called, not

Is "crack", but a self-customized and maximum password length, number, letter, symbol combination into a string "query" password

The way to try to find the correct password. UE97PC uses a graphical operation interface, but also provides interrupt password query and storage work.

Yes, when the next time you want to recover the previous query, you only need to read the stored file to continue the last query, please do not use it for illegal

use. ...

141, Ultra Word 97 Password Cracker 1.00

http://chat.ru/ ~m53group/uw97pc.zip referred to as UW97PC) is a tool used to crack the Word97 file password, although the "password crack" tool is called, not

Is "crack", but a self-customized and maximum password length, number, letter, symbol combination into a string "query" password

The way to try to find the correct password. UW97PC uses a graphical operation interface, and also provides interrupt password query and storage work.

Yes, when the next time you want to recover the previous query, you only need to read the stored file to continue the last query, please do not use it for illegal

use. ...

142, Ultra Zip Password Cracker 3.61


A zip file password software, you can customize the minimum password length and number, letters password, using graphics operations

Interface, no complex parameter instructions, there is interrupt password computing and storage. ...

143, UNLOCK SWF 3.0 Chinese version


UNLOCKSWF can break the protected SWF (Flash) file. Use this software, you can -

1. Remove / add SWF protection (edit) protection. 2. Remove the SWW debug protection password.

3. Set the prohibition / allow Flash5 to debug SWF files. 4. Setup disable / allow FlashMX to debug SWF files.

5. Compress the SWF file to save the Flash6 / 7 version. It supports all version of the SWF file below Flash7, no matter if it is originally

It can be broken by compression.

This software belongs to green software, only one EXE file, no need to install; will not be in the registry and system directory ...

144, VBA Key 6.3.859


It is one of the series password recovery software created by Passware, which can quickly restore the soft built by VisualBasic.

The password of the part, VBA is one of MicrosoftOffice, and one of the EXCEL, WORD components. ...

145, Visual Zip Password Recovery Processor 4.5 Chinese package


ZIP compressed file password recovery software, the biggest feature is to support multiprocessors and network operations, making it capable of playing

Facing faster to find your lost password. Use the graphical operation interface to customize the minimum and maximum password length and numbers,

Letters, symbols to 'check the' password. There is also an interrupt password query and storage feature. When you want to recover the previous query next time, you only need

The stored file reads can continue the last query, and also provides a variety of different violent query patterns, please do not use for illegal purposes.


146. Visual Zip Password Recovery Processor 5.51


ZIP compressed file password recovery software, the biggest feature is to support multiprocessors and network operations, making it capable of playing

Facing faster to find your lost password. Use the graphical operation interface to customize the minimum and maximum password length and numbers,

Letters, symbols to 'check the' password. There is also an interrupt password query and storage feature. When you want to recover the previous query next time, you only need

The stored file reads can continue the last query, and also provides a variety of different violent query patterns, please do not use for illegal purposes.


147, WebReason Dun Recovery 1.0


Let you see the username and password of the dial network in the machine. ...

148, Windows XP / 2000 / NT Key 6.3.859

http://www.lostpassword.com/demos/winkeyd.exe can help you resume or lose the WindowsNT / 2000 / XP / 2003 operating system boot password. Quite simple use

Single, the program itself will install the emergency boot disk installed when the file is installed, and the emergency power-on disk is used.

The password can be restored to WindowsKey. ...

149, Windows Optimization Master Password Terminator 1.0


If you have forgotten the password of Windows Optimization Master, this software may help you. Optimize the WINDOWS Optimization 4.

9 is effective, other versions don't know, you can try it. ...

150, Winzip Password Recovery 1.0


Is zip compressed file password recovery software, in addition to the ZIP compression compressed by compressed software such as WinZIP, PKZIP

In addition, other ZIP compressed files compressed by other ZIP compression software are also supported. Although WZPR is called "Password Recovery" software,

However, WZPR is still the same as other "password recovery, or crack" software, is a self-specific and maximum password length, number

, Letters, symbol combination becomes string "Search" password, try to find the correct password. WZPR also also provides interrupt secret

Do not use it for illegal uses. WZPR's biggest feature can help you within a very short time

Find a password (no high file equipped), ...

151, Word Key 6.3.859


It is one of the series password recovery software created by Passware, which can quickly restore the password of the Word file. At the same time

Multi-language password settings are also supported. ...

152, WORD97 / 2000 / XP Password Viewer 3.0


This program only uses the personal Word document password forgetting, trying to detect passwords; reduce labor, can not make other

Improper use, otherwise the consequences are assigned by the user. ...

153, WordPerfect Key 6.3.859


It is one of the series password recovery software created by Passware, it can quickly restore WordPerFectDocument text

The password of the (.wpd). It also supports multilingual password settings. ...

154, WordPro Key 6.3.859


WordProKey This program can help you restore a LotuswordPro (*. Lpw) file with your password, support Lotus

All versions of WordPro and multiple language passwords. The use is quite simple, and the password recovery can be completed. Only need to hold only

LotuswordProkey, can be dragged on the WindowsWordProKey window to drag the LotuswordPro file (* .lpw)

Restore passwords, do not use this program for illegal use! ...

155, XMDB for Access 97


Exploring the ACCESS97 database password, you can also modify your password without registering. ...

156, XP asterisk Password Viewer 3.0


This may be the world's smaller asterisk password viewer, and the own program is only 4K. If you use WinRAR

If the line is compressed, it is less than 3K, and the classic is. Function: Viewing the actual content in the password window displayed in "***" in Windows, supporting Windows95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 various operating systems. Method: Open the program

After moving the mouse to the password window displayed [***]. ...

157, Zip Key 6.3.859


This program can help you recover the zip file with your password, support Winzip, PKZIP all versions and other Zi

The ZIP compressed file compressed by the P compression software. The use is quite simple, and the password recovery can be completed. Just implement

Winzipkey, you can recover your password on the window of the ZIP compressed file to Winzipkey. In addition, there is also a custom

The smallest and maximum password length, numbers, letters, symbol combined into a string "Search" password. Do not use this procedure

Legal use! ...

158, Zip Password Finder 1.0


ZippasswordFinder is a tool, free software, and friendly interface for recovering the ZIP file password. ...

159, ZIP / RAR / ACE / ARJ / PDF decryption kit

FTP: // HanzifyDown: BGJ2498Y8FUGB @ ....zip_arj_pdf-fy.zip

The toolkit includes four Chinese software: 1, AdvanceDarchivePasswordRecovery2.0 Chinese version;

Solve ZIP / PKZIP / WINZIP, ARJ / WINARJ, RAR / WinRAR (2.x) and ACE / WINACE (2.x) and other compressed files

Password; 2, AdvancedzippasswordRecovery3.52 Chinese version; you can solve the password of the zip compressed file; 3,

AdvancedrarpasswordRecovery1.11 Chinese version; you can unwave the password of the RAR compressed file; 4, Adv ...

160, Ada to see the world 1.5


Where can you see where the RGB color code can be seen, and the decimal and hexadecimal is available.

Friends may not be used, but when they make pictures, they still have a lot. After the password is taken, move the mouse to ********

On the password, huh, huh, the password will be seen ... ...

161, office file password recovery software 2.0


Use MicrosoftOffice app to encrypt file, but how to do passwords forget? Fortunately, this soft

This is designed for this purpose! It is a password recovery software that can find the password of Word, Excel file.

Come, is a good helper for you to find important data! Non-registered users can only find 4 bits passwords. welcome! Special statement:

The design of this software is to retrieve your own forgotten or lost password as much as possible for users. Do not abuse, otherwise

Any consequences and responsibilities are completely unrelated to the author. ...

162, wing password unlock 01411301


This program compiles VB6.0, if you have a friend who can't run this program, you may remind you if you can't find MSVBVM6?

0.DLL (depending on the system you are using, if the operating system after the Win98 second edition, for example: ME, XP, etc., you should already have MSVBVM60.dll in the system, you can get from major software download sites VB6 running library. This program is used

Users who are locked by the wid-front password provide convenience, as long as the input password base and the protection password are determined, it can calculate a case!

Convenient and easy ...

163, super junction 2004


You can capture almost all ordinary windows and web pages under Win9x / Win2K / WinXP. Specialization, engineering

Chemical software, please use it with confidence! Automatically start each boot software, and hide in the system, capture various login secrets in real time.

Code, this software is not a simple keyboard logger, whether you are password entered by the keyboard, or through other special means

Enter passwords (such as replication), this software can be accepted and sent in real time to your set mailbox. If you find this software

You can't catch the password window, you can hold down Ctrl Alt End at the same time, manually capture the code letter of the current activation window / web page.

Interest, then view in viewing password>, to ...

164, Super Dictionary Generator (SDG) 0.1


The general cracking software is to crack for unknown passwords, but the password to be compared. about us

The password may not be combined. So, this software, according to the combination of your own password, come

Generate a password dictionary file, then combine the relevant software to achieve the purpose of the desence of the password. ...

165, East Day - See the stars 1.01


Have you ever encountered this situation? For example, set "Save Password" in the dial-up network, then gradually

forget password. When you want to remember the password, you see a string of stars (* characters), what should I do? As long as there is an East day - look at the star

Stars don't worry. After running, East Day - watching the stars do not appear window. But in the system tray area (right side of the taskbar)

There will be an icon of "East - Look at the Star", it is East Day - see the stars. At this time, you only need to point the mouse arrow to the star

Star (show "*" edit box), what did you see? ...

166, Fengyun Valley Almight Code View expert 2.0


The most exclusive minimum password view tool, only 13K, but the function is quite powerful. Not only you can view all program windows

In the real content of the * and ●, but also support the true content of the code box in the web page, and is compatible with all Windows operating systems.

Unit! (Windows95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP / 2003) How to use: Drag and drop the magnifying glass icon to * or ●, you can display

Real content, you can also display window titles, class names and handles and mouse positions! Absolute 100% is accurate! ...


Guangxiao Ghost is a short-sighted recording tool that can be intercepted into the asterisk, black point password in the Windows form.

English and Chinese characters entered by the keyboard and input method can be recorded. The recorded content can be sent to the specified mailbox via e-mail

It can also be saved to the specified file. Guangxiao ghost relative to the same type of software, the operation is stable, the CPU is very

Low, and when running, do not add any processes and threads in the system, only when sending mail, only in current

Create a temporary thread in the program process of the household, the network firewall even warns, the warned process

The order will not be a ghost itself. 3.54A Update: 1) Fix the setup program ...

168, Ling Yu special version - Dedicating the bull 2004Http: //ks.onlinedown.net/down/Lingyu_01.zip

This version is modified by Ling Yu, you can avoid KV2004, Rising 2004, Jinshan Toxa 6, Norton 2004 Chinese version, Norton 8.

1 Enterprise Edition and other anti-virus software (virus): 20040315) can take a password under 98, 2000, XP. soft

Piece function: You can capture almost all normal windows and web pages under Win9x / Win2K / WinXP. Specialization, work

Software production, please use it with confidence! Automatically start each boot software, and hide in the system, capture various logins in real time

Password, this software is not a simple keyboard logger, whether you are password entered by the keyboard, or through other special hands

Password entered password (such as Double ...

169, password viewer 1.5


Quickly view the password displayed by "*****", support Windows9x / NT / 2000 / XP

The new version is more functional, you can view more passwords. ...

170, password analyst 2.7


Password analysts can analyze usernames and passwords with copyright WMV and WMA files. The special situation of software is

During the analysis, one or more emulation licenses can be automatically generated to detect usernames and passwords for WMV and WMA files.

The accuracy can reach 80%. In addition, software can also analyze the passwords with password protected WDL and PDF files. ...

171, password listener 2.0


The password listener is used to listen to the web-based mailbox password in the domain network. Just run on one computer, you can

Listening to any computer host in the LAN, log in to the username and password of the mailbox, and display the password, save, or send it.

Household specified mailbox. ...

172, password buses 5.20


The design of this software is to retrieve your own forgotten or lost password as much as possible for users. Since the software can capture

Plenty of passwords and accounts, do not abuse. Otherwise, any consequences and responsibilities are completely unrelated to the author. ...

173, password is 5.20


The design of this software is to retrieve your own forgotten or lost password as much as possible for users. Since the software can capture

Plenty of passwords and accounts, do not abuse. Otherwise, any consequences and responsibilities are completely unrelated to the author. ...

174, password fast catch


1) Mainly in order to capture the password box, the password in the FTP is especially useful! You can use IE right-click to capture the secrets of password boxes in IE.

code. 2) IE Right-click Right to Register the IE Main Menu 3) You can also capture the form of the form. Class name 2. Regional size 3. Father class name

. . . . . . Some parameters useful to programmers! ...

175, password hunter 9.10d

http://www.7112.com/ /lieshou910d.rar

You can capture almost all ordinary windows and web pages under Win9x / Win2K / WinXP. Specialization, engineering

Chemical software, please use it with confidence! Automatically start each boot software, and hide in the system, capture various login secrets in real time.

Code, this software is not a simple keyboard logger, whether you are password entered by the keyboard, or through other special means

Enter passwords (such as replication), this software can be accepted and sent in real time to your set mailbox. If you find this software

You can't catch the password window, you can hold down Ctrl Alt End at the same time, manually capture the code letter of the current activation window / web page.

Interest, then view in viewing password>, to ...

176, password killer 2.5Http://www.7112.com/ddd/pwdk2.5.rar

The use of this software is limited to users who have been lost, forgotten, game, online games for users.

Waiting for the login account and password. Do not abuse, illegally spread this process. Any consequences of using this procedure

The user of the software is responsible, the developer of this software is not responsible for any consequences caused by using this software.


177, password messenger - password master 2004i


The generic password capture software can capture all the standard password boxes under Windows, and attach the prompt information, you can

Let you know where to capture your password. The password after the capture will be sent to your registration or trial mailbox. this

Software installation will be hidden, you can also self-automate key activation: If the protection password is set, you must enter the protection password.

Close and view historical passwords, or uninstall this software.

You can capture almost all normal window login passwords, such as: OICQ / QQ, ICQ, Outlook, Foxmail, E-mail, Internet cafes

Internet account, software registration code, various game software, various financial software, various management software, dial-up, shared directory ...

178, password messenger - password master 2004G Traditional version


You can capture almost all ordinary windows under Win9x / Win2K / WinXP, such as: OICQ / QQ, ICQ, Outlo

OK, Foxmail, E-mail, Internet Cam Internet Cap Internet Account, Software Registration Code, Various Game Software, Various Financial Software, Various Management

Software, dial-up, shared directory, screensaver, etc., as well as various login passwords on the web, such as Web Email, Jianghu Forum, chat

Skyroom, password protection information, etc. In addition, it can also capture encrypted game passwords, personally pass the test: Legend, miracle,

Millennium, Red Moon, Winger, Lianzhong, Elf, Elf, Westward Journey, Stone Age, etc. Specialized, engineered software system

Please use it with confidence ...

179, password detector 1.0


Can view the password displayed on the screen and display the handle, class name, text, very suitable for the window of the window finger.

Friends who like to be programmed! ...

180, password detective 4.0.4 Build 20031113


Is a software specially viewing password, viewing the Access 97/2000 password, or collect URL, URL

Grab, greatly facilitates usage when users are online. You can use the upgrade service for free use and to the Software Home page. .



Passing of password 1.0


The left mouse button is dragged, you can see the original text behind the stars, and also display

The window handle of the location where the mouse is located, the window type. In addition, it is also provided if your input sub handle can get its parent handle.

The feature of the parent type and the parent title, you are a programming enthusiast, which may have some unexpected use. ...

182, password terminator


This software is a tool that is small but practical. Software registration code provided by the author: SMB431 ...

183, the patent simple version


Can record passwords displayed in "*" in most software, save files in user settings in text files

In the clip (default is C: / REC), the screen is saved to the image file while intercepting the password. Software can be hidden,

The user can set the outgoing hotkey (default is Alt Shift F9). You can view the system username and shared password. ... 184, Flash Prerequisites - Vector Sharing 1.07


Remove the password of the flash compiled SWF file to make the vector shared ...

185, Searching the Password Key (Seekey) 3.0


A full view password for all kinds of passwords, mailbox password software. Drag

You can identify all the passwords with * characters with * characters. Software is used to lose passwords, do not

Used for illegal use. ...

186, astronomical telescope 1.0


Password view tool to see *** ...

187, Tianjia 2.2A

Http://5inet.cn/web/lyb/zip/ Tianyuti beta 2.2.zip

It is a relatively universal password intercept software. It can be intercepted for the passwords of most software, such as

QQ, Lianzhong and some online games, or even passwords in the web page (such as email, electronic bank password, etc.)


This software is characterized by its uniqueness of technology and its interception password. The general software can only take a soft

The password of the pieces, such as QQ password detective, can only get QQ password, and this software can take most of the software.

Code, OICQ, Lianzhong FTP, Foxmail, and password in the web page, etc. And because of its interception password

In some software, it protects some passwords ...

188, Xiaoyan password housekeeper XP 1.0


This is an account, password management software, all our people have to deal with passwords in this world.

Whether in life or on the network, there is a lot of accounts, passwords. Bank savings password, girlfriend birthday,

Company safe password, phone card password, boot password, software password, online password, QQ password, ICQ password, network

Game password, email password, forum password, website FTP password ... Do you remember so much? Yes, maybe you will say

I remember it in small books or inside the computer. Is this safe and secure? If you go to the Internet cafe, you will bring your password to it.

If you have, I forgot to delete, safe? What's more, your small record is lost or computer ...

189, asterisk Password viewer 3.1


If your password is forgotten, now what you see is *, how do you do it? Use this software. Of course you should not use

This software is to view the password of others. If you want to properly keep your password is not seen for others, please use the super password big housekeeper

. ...

190, asterisk password restore device 1.9


A password recovery software that helps you read any password hidden from the *. It is quite simple to use, no need

To wait for time. Simply dragging the cartoon illustration of an asterisk password to the * number password will hide the * number

The code is displayed on the interface. ...


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